AttachNode [] getFairingParams() { if (part.GetComponent <KzNodeNumberTweaker>() is KzNodeNumberTweaker nnt && part.FindAttachNodes("connect") is AttachNode[] attached) { if (!AllFairingSidesAttached()) { shape = null; sideFairing = null; boundCylY0 = boundCylY1 = boundCylRad = 0; lookupCenter =; lookupRad = 0; return(null); } ProceduralFairingSide sf = attached[0].attachedPart.GetComponent <ProceduralFairingSide>(); sideFairing = sf; // Get the polyline shape. shape = (sf.inlineHeight <= 0) ? ProceduralFairingBase.buildFairingShape(sf.baseRad, sf.maxRad, sf.cylStart, sf.cylEnd, sf.noseHeightRatio, sf.baseConeShape, sf.noseConeShape, (int)sf.baseConeSegments, (int)sf.noseConeSegments, sf.vertMapping, sf.mappingScale.y) : ProceduralFairingBase.buildInlineFairingShape(sf.baseRad, sf.maxRad, sf.topRad, sf.cylStart, sf.cylEnd, sf.inlineHeight, sf.baseConeShape, (int)sf.baseConeSegments, sf.vertMapping, sf.mappingScale.y); // Offset shape by thickness. for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length; ++i) { if (i == 0 || i == shape.Length - 1) { shape[i] += new Vector3(sf.sideThickness, 0, 0); } else { Vector2 n = shape[i + 1] - shape[i - 1]; n.Set(n.y, -n.x); n.Normalize(); shape[i] += new Vector3(n.x, n.y, 0) * sf.sideThickness; } } // Compute the bounds. boundCylRad = shape[0].x; boundCylY0 = shape[0].y; boundCylY1 = shape[0].y; foreach (Vector3 p in shape) { boundCylRad = Math.Max(boundCylRad, p.x); boundCylY0 = Math.Min(boundCylY0, p.y); boundCylY1 = Math.Max(boundCylY1, p.y); } lookupCenter = new Vector3(0, (boundCylY0 + boundCylY1) / 2, 0); lookupRad = new Vector2(boundCylRad, (boundCylY1 - boundCylY0) / 2).magnitude; return(attached); } return(null); }
AttachNode [] getFairingParams() { var nnt = part.GetComponent <KzNodeNumberTweaker>(); // Check for attached side parts and get their parameters. var attached = part.FindAttachNodes("connect"); ProceduralFairingSide sf = null; for (int i = 0; i < nnt.numNodes; ++i) { var n = attached [i]; if (!n.attachedPart) { sf = null; break; } sf = n.attachedPart.GetComponent <ProceduralFairingSide>(); if (!sf) { break; } } sideFairing = sf; if (!sf) { shape = null; boundCylY0 = boundCylY1 = boundCylRad = 0; lookupCenter =; lookupRad = 0; return(null); } // Get the polyline shape. if (sf.inlineHeight <= 0) { shape = ProceduralFairingBase.buildFairingShape(sf.baseRad, sf.maxRad, sf.cylStart, sf.cylEnd, sf.noseHeightRatio, sf.baseConeShape, sf.noseConeShape, (int)sf.baseConeSegments, (int)sf.noseConeSegments, sf.vertMapping, sf.mappingScale.y); } else { shape = ProceduralFairingBase.buildInlineFairingShape(sf.baseRad, sf.maxRad, sf.topRad, sf.cylStart, sf.cylEnd, sf.inlineHeight, sf.baseConeShape, (int)sf.baseConeSegments, sf.vertMapping, sf.mappingScale.y); } // Offset shape by thickness. for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length; ++i) { if (i == 0 || i == shape.Length - 1) { shape [i] += new Vector3(sf.sideThickness, 0, 0); } else { Vector2 n = shape [i + 1] - shape [i - 1]; n.Set(n.y, -n.x); n.Normalize(); shape [i] += new Vector3(n.x, n.y, 0) * sf.sideThickness; } } // Compute the bounds. float y0, y1, mr; y0 = y1 = shape [0].y; mr = shape [0].x; for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length; ++i) { var p = shape [i]; if (p.x > mr) { mr = p.x; } if (p.y < y0) { y0 = p.y; } else if (p.y > y1) { y1 = p.y; } } boundCylY0 = y0; boundCylY1 = y1; boundCylRad = mr; lookupCenter = new Vector3(0, (y0 + y1) * 0.5f, 0); lookupRad = new Vector2(mr, (y1 - y0) * 0.5f).magnitude; return(attached); }
public void rebuildMesh() { var mf = part.FindModelComponent <MeshFilter>("model"); if (!mf) { Debug.LogError("[PF]: No model for side fairing!", part); return; } Mesh m = mf.mesh; if (!m) { Debug.LogError("[PF]: No mesh in side fairing model!", part); return; } mf.transform.localPosition = meshPos; mf.transform.localRotation = meshRot; updateNodeSize(); // Build the fairing shape line. float tip = maxRad * noseHeightRatio; Vector3 [] shape; baseConeShape = new Vector4(baseCurveStartX, baseCurveStartY, baseCurveEndX, baseCurveEndY); noseConeShape = new Vector4(noseCurveStartX, noseCurveStartY, noseCurveEndX, noseCurveEndY); if (inlineHeight <= 0) { shape = ProceduralFairingBase.buildFairingShape(baseRad, maxRad, cylStart, cylEnd, noseHeightRatio, baseConeShape, noseConeShape, (int)baseConeSegments, (int)noseConeSegments, vertMapping, mappingScale.y); } else { shape = ProceduralFairingBase.buildInlineFairingShape(baseRad, maxRad, topRad, cylStart, cylEnd, inlineHeight, baseConeShape, (int)baseConeSegments, vertMapping, mappingScale.y); } // Set up parameters. var dirs = new Vector3 [numSegs + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= numSegs; ++i) { float a = Mathf.PI * 2 * (i - numSegs * 0.5f) / (numSideParts * numSegs); dirs [i] = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(a), 0, Mathf.Sin(a)); } float segOMappingScale = (horMapping.y - horMapping.x) / (mappingScale.x * numSegs); float segIMappingScale = (horMapping.w - horMapping.z) / (mappingScale.x * numSegs); float segOMappingOfs = horMapping.x / mappingScale.x; float segIMappingOfs = horMapping.z / mappingScale.x; if (numSideParts > 2) { segOMappingOfs += segOMappingScale * numSegs * (0.5f - 1f / numSideParts); segOMappingScale *= 2f / numSideParts; segIMappingOfs += segIMappingScale * numSegs * (0.5f - 1f / numSideParts); segIMappingScale *= 2f / numSideParts; } float stripU0 = stripMapping.x / mappingScale.x; float stripU1 = stripMapping.y / mappingScale.x; float ringSegLen = baseRad * Mathf.PI * 2 / (numSegs * numSideParts); float topRingSegLen = topRad * Mathf.PI * 2 / (numSegs * numSideParts); float collWidth = maxRad * Mathf.PI * 2 / (numSideParts * 3); int numMainVerts = (numSegs + 1) * (shape.Length - 1) + 1; int numMainFaces = numSegs * ((shape.Length - 2) * 2 + 1); int numSideVerts = shape.Length * 2; int numSideFaces = (shape.Length - 1) * 2; int numRingVerts = (numSegs + 1) * 2; int numRingFaces = numSegs * 2; if (inlineHeight > 0) { numMainVerts = (numSegs + 1) * shape.Length; numMainFaces = numSegs * (shape.Length - 1) * 2; } int totalVerts = numMainVerts * 2 + numSideVerts * 2 + numRingVerts; int totalFaces = numMainFaces * 2 + numSideFaces * 2 + numRingFaces; if (inlineHeight > 0) { totalVerts += numRingVerts; totalFaces += numRingFaces; } var p = shape [shape.Length - 1]; float topY = p.y, topV = p.z; float collCenter = (cylStart + cylEnd) / 2; float collHeight = cylEnd - cylStart; if (collHeight <= 0) { collHeight = Mathf.Min(topY - cylEnd, cylStart) / 2; } // Compute the area. double area = 0; for (int i = 1; i < shape.Length; ++i) { area += (shape [i - 1].x + shape [i].x) * (shape [i].y - shape [i - 1].y) * Mathf.PI / numSideParts; } // Set the parameters based on volume. float volume = (float)(area * sideThickness); part.mass = totalMass = volume * density; part.breakingForce = part.mass * specificBreakingForce; part.breakingTorque = part.mass * specificBreakingTorque; var offset = new Vector3(maxRad * 0.7f, topY * 0.5f, 0); part.CoMOffset = part.transform.InverseTransformPoint(mf.transform.TransformPoint(offset)); // Remove any old colliders. var colls = part.FindModelComponents <Collider>(); for (int i = 0; i < colls.Count; i++) { var c = colls [i]; UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(c.gameObject); } // Add the new colliders. for (int i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) { var obj = new GameObject("collider"); obj.transform.parent = mf.transform; obj.transform.localPosition =; obj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90f * i / numSideParts, Vector3.up); var coll = obj.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); = new Vector3(maxRad + sideThickness * 0.5f, collCenter, 0); coll.size = new Vector3(sideThickness, collHeight, collWidth); } { // Nose collider. float r = maxRad * 0.2f; var obj = new GameObject("nose_collider"); obj.transform.parent = mf.transform; obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(r, cylEnd + tip - r * 1.2f, 0); obj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; if (inlineHeight > 0) { r = sideThickness * 0.5f; obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(maxRad + r, collCenter, 0); } var coll = obj.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); =; coll.radius = r; } // Build the fairing mesh. m.Clear(); var verts = new Vector3 [totalVerts]; var uv = new Vector2 [totalVerts]; var norm = new Vector3 [totalVerts]; var tang = new Vector4 [totalVerts]; if (inlineHeight <= 0) { // Tip vertex. verts [numMainVerts - 1].Set(0, topY + sideThickness, 0); // Outside. verts [numMainVerts * 2 - 1].Set(0, topY, 0); // Inside. uv [numMainVerts - 1].Set(segOMappingScale * 0.5f * numSegs + segOMappingOfs, topV); uv [numMainVerts * 2 - 1].Set(segIMappingScale * 0.5f * numSegs + segIMappingOfs, topV); norm [numMainVerts - 1] = Vector3.up; norm [numMainVerts * 2 - 1] = -Vector3.up; tang [numMainVerts - 1] =; tang [numMainVerts * 2 - 1] =; } // Main vertices. float noseV0 = vertMapping.z / mappingScale.y; float noseV1 = vertMapping.w / mappingScale.y; float noseVScale = 1f / (noseV1 - noseV0); float oCenter = (horMapping.x + horMapping.y) / (mappingScale.x * 2); float iCenter = (horMapping.z + horMapping.w) / (mappingScale.x * 2); int vi = 0; for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length - (inlineHeight <= 0 ? 1 : 0); ++i) { p = shape [i]; Vector2 n; if (i == 0) { n = shape [1] - shape [0]; } else if (i == shape.Length - 1) { n = shape [i] - shape [i - 1]; } else { n = shape [i + 1] - shape [i - 1]; } n.Set(n.y, -n.x); n.Normalize(); for (int j = 0; j <= numSegs; ++j, ++vi) { var d = dirs [j]; var dp = d * p.x + Vector3.up * p.y; var dn = d * n.x + Vector3.up * n.y; if (i == 0 || i == shape.Length - 1) { verts [vi] = dp + d * sideThickness; } else { verts [vi] = dp + dn * sideThickness; } verts[vi + numMainVerts] = dp; float v = (p.z - noseV0) * noseVScale; float uo = j * segOMappingScale + segOMappingOfs; float ui = (numSegs - j) * segIMappingScale + segIMappingOfs; if (v > 0 && v < 1) { float us = 1 - v; uo = (uo - oCenter) * us + oCenter; ui = (ui - iCenter) * us + iCenter; } uv [vi].Set(uo, p.z); uv [vi + numMainVerts].Set(ui, p.z); norm [vi] = dn; norm [vi + numMainVerts] = -dn; tang [vi].Set(-d.z, 0, d.x, 0); tang [vi + numMainVerts].Set(d.z, 0, -d.x, 0); } } // Side strip vertices. float stripScale = Mathf.Abs(stripMapping.y - stripMapping.x) / (sideThickness * mappingScale.y); vi = numMainVerts * 2; float o = 0; for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length; ++i, vi += 2) { int si = i * (numSegs + 1); var d = dirs [0]; verts [vi] = verts [si]; uv [vi].Set(stripU0, o); norm [vi].Set(d.z, 0, -d.x); verts [vi + 1] = verts [si + numMainVerts]; uv [vi + 1].Set(stripU1, o); norm [vi + 1] = norm[vi]; tang [vi] = tang [vi + 1] = (verts [vi + 1] - verts [vi]).normalized; if (i + 1 < shape.Length) { o += ((Vector2)shape [i + 1] - (Vector2)shape [i]).magnitude * stripScale; } } vi += numSideVerts - 2; for (int i = shape.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i, vi -= 2) { int si = i * (numSegs + 1) + numSegs; if (i == shape.Length - 1 && inlineHeight <= 0) { si = numMainVerts - 1; } var d = dirs [numSegs]; verts [vi] = verts [si]; uv [vi].Set(stripU0, o); norm [vi].Set(-d.z, 0, d.x); verts [vi + 1] = verts [si + numMainVerts]; uv [vi + 1].Set(stripU1, o); norm [vi + 1] = norm [vi]; tang [vi] = tang [vi + 1] = (verts [vi + 1] - verts [vi]).normalized; if (i > 0) { o += ((Vector2)shape [i] - (Vector2)shape [i - 1]).magnitude * stripScale; } } // Ring vertices. vi = numMainVerts * 2 + numSideVerts * 2; o = 0; for (int j = numSegs; j >= 0; --j, vi += 2, o += ringSegLen * stripScale) { verts [vi] = verts [j]; uv [vi].Set(stripU0, o); norm [vi] = -Vector3.up; verts [vi + 1] = verts [j + numMainVerts]; uv [vi + 1].Set(stripU1, o); norm [vi + 1] = -Vector3.up; tang [vi] = tang [vi + 1] = (verts [vi + 1] - verts [vi]).normalized; } if (inlineHeight > 0) { // Top ring vertices. o = 0; int si = (shape.Length - 1) * (numSegs + 1); for (int j = 0; j <= numSegs; ++j, vi += 2, o += topRingSegLen * stripScale) { verts [vi] = verts [si + j]; uv [vi].Set(stripU0, o); norm [vi] = Vector3.up; verts [vi + 1] = verts [si + j + numMainVerts]; uv [vi + 1].Set(stripU1, o); norm [vi + 1] = Vector3.up; tang [vi] = tang [vi + 1] = (verts [vi + 1] - verts [vi]).normalized; } } // Set vertex data to mesh. for (int i = 0; i < totalVerts; ++i) { tang [i].w = 1; } m.vertices = verts; m.uv = uv; m.normals = norm; m.tangents = tang; m.uv2 = null; m.colors32 = null; var tri = new int [totalFaces * 3]; // Main faces. vi = 0; int ti1 = 0, ti2 = numMainFaces * 3; for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length - (inlineHeight <= 0 ? 2 : 1); ++i, ++vi) { p = shape [i]; for (int j = 0; j < numSegs; ++j, ++vi) { tri [ti1++] = vi; tri [ti1++] = vi + 1 + numSegs + 1; tri [ti1++] = vi + 1; tri [ti1++] = vi; tri [ti1++] = vi + numSegs + 1; tri [ti1++] = vi + 1 + numSegs + 1; tri [ti2++] = numMainVerts + vi; tri [ti2++] = numMainVerts + vi + 1; tri [ti2++] = numMainVerts + vi + 1 + numSegs + 1; tri [ti2++] = numMainVerts + vi; tri [ti2++] = numMainVerts + vi + 1 + numSegs + 1; tri [ti2++] = numMainVerts + vi + numSegs + 1; } } if (inlineHeight <= 0) { // Main tip faces. for (int j = 0; j < numSegs; ++j, ++vi) { tri [ti1++] = vi; tri [ti1++] = numMainVerts - 1; tri [ti1++] = vi + 1; tri [ti2++] = numMainVerts + vi; tri [ti2++] = numMainVerts + vi + 1; tri [ti2++] = numMainVerts + numMainVerts - 1; } } // Side strip faces. vi = numMainVerts * 2; ti1 = numMainFaces * 2 * 3; ti2 = ti1 + numSideFaces * 3; for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length - 1; ++i, vi += 2) { tri [ti1++] = vi; tri [ti1++] = vi + 1; tri [ti1++] = vi + 3; tri [ti1++] = vi; tri [ti1++] = vi + 3; tri [ti1++] = vi + 2; tri [ti2++] = numSideVerts + vi; tri [ti2++] = numSideVerts + vi + 3; tri [ti2++] = numSideVerts + vi + 1; tri [ti2++] = numSideVerts + vi; tri [ti2++] = numSideVerts + vi + 2; tri [ti2++] = numSideVerts + vi + 3; } // Ring faces. vi = numMainVerts * 2 + numSideVerts * 2; ti1 = (numMainFaces + numSideFaces) * 2 * 3; for (int j = 0; j < numSegs; ++j, vi += 2) { tri [ti1++] = vi; tri [ti1++] = vi + 1; tri [ti1++] = vi + 3; tri [ti1++] = vi; tri [ti1++] = vi + 3; tri [ti1++] = vi + 2; } if (inlineHeight > 0) { // Top ring faces. vi += 2; for (int j = 0; j < numSegs; ++j, vi += 2) { tri [ti1++] = vi; tri [ti1++] = vi + 1; tri [ti1++] = vi + 3; tri [ti1++] = vi; tri [ti1++] = vi + 3; tri [ti1++] = vi + 2; } } m.triangles = tri; StartCoroutine(PFUtils.updateDragCubeCoroutine(part, 1)); }