private void UpdateWorldMapHUD(GraphNode targetNode, PlayerProgress playerProgress) { // Update worldmap HUD LevelNode ln = targetNode as LevelNode; WorldNode wn = targetNode as WorldNode; LevelProgress progress = null; LevelData levelData = null; // Check what is the new node. string whatIsIt = ""; if (ln) { levelData =; if (levelData.isSecretLevel) { whatIsIt = "Secret level"; } else { whatIsIt = "Level " + (ln.worldIndex + 1) + "-" + (ln.levelIndex + 1); } // Try to get progress. playerProgress.worldProgress[ln.worldIndex].finishedLevels.TryGetValue(ln.levelIndex, out progress); } else if (wn) { whatIsIt = "Go to " + wn.worldDataTarget.worldname; } hudMgr.UpdateLevelPreview(whatIsIt, levelData, progress); }
/// <summary> /// Update the level preview and informations about the level. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeName">Node information.</param> /// <param name="levelData">Data of this level. null if the node is not a level.</param> /// <param name="levelProgress">Current progress of the player in this level. null if no progress.</param> public void UpdateLevelPreview(string nodeName, LevelData levelData, LevelProgress levelProgress) { // Update what is this node. this.nodeName.text = nodeName; bool levelInfoDisplayed = false; // Display level infos. if (levelData != null) { // Update level infos. nodeName2.text = levelData.levelName; nodeName2.fontSize = (levelData.levelName.Length > 18) ? 45 : 55; int featherCollected = 0; // Try to get progress. if (levelProgress != null) { featherCollected = levelProgress.feathersCollected; } // Update feathers infos. feathers.text = featherCollected + " / " + levelData.totalFeathers; // Special item info. int i = 0; foreach (Transform child in specialItemParent.transform) { // Display or hide depending if the item is present in the level. child.gameObject.SetActive(levelData.itemsPresent[i]); // Check if the special item is present on the level. if (levelData.itemsPresent[i]) { Image img = child.gameObject.GetComponent <Image>(); // Save exist if (levelProgress != null) { // Item found, highlight it. if (levelProgress.specialItemsFound[i]) { img.color = Color.white; if (i == 0 && levelProgress.treasureFound) { img.sprite = levelData.treasureToFound.sprite; } } // Item not found, remove highlight. else { img.color = notFoundColor; } } // No save. No highlight. else { img.color = notFoundColor; } } i++; } levelInfoDisplayed = true; } DisplayLevelInfos(levelInfoDisplayed); }
/// <summary> /// Store the current level progress and save it. /// </summary> /// <param name="feathersCollected"></param> /// <param name="itemsFound"></param> public void SaveLevelProgress(int feathersCollected, bool[] itemsFound, bool treasureFound) { // Debug. if (playerProgress == null) { return; } LevelProgress levelProgress = null; // Save found. Update for the best values. if (playerProgress.worldProgress[currentWorldIndex].finishedLevels.TryGetValue(currentLevelIndex, out levelProgress)) { levelProgress.feathersCollected = Mathf.Max(feathersCollected, levelProgress.feathersCollected); } // level finished for the first time, create and add new entry with the corect amount of exits and feathers collected. else { levelProgress = new LevelProgress(, feathersCollected); playerProgress.worldProgress[currentWorldIndex].finishedLevels.Add(currentLevelIndex, levelProgress); } // Update items : for (int i = 0; i < levelProgress.specialItemsFound.Length; i++) { // Don't update item if already found. if (levelProgress.specialItemsFound[i]) { continue; } // Update if item has been found. if (itemsFound[i]) { levelProgress.specialItemsFound[i] = true; // Sunflower seed obtained. if (i == 3) { playerProgress.worldProgress[currentWorldIndex].sunFlowerSeedCollected++; } } } // Update treasure if exist and hasn't already save. if (treasureFound && !levelProgress.treasureFound) { levelProgress.treasureFound = treasureFound; playerProgress.treasuresFound.Add(currentWorldIndex + "-" + currentLevelIndex, true); } // Update exit taken. levelProgress.exits[levelMgr.ExitTaken] = true; // Cumulate stats. playerProgress.deathCount += levelMgr.DeathCount; playerProgress.timePlayed += levelMgr.Timer; // TODO save best time on a specific level. // Save. SaveLoadManager.SavePlayerProgress(playerProgress, saveSlotSelected); }