public static async Task OnTitle(SocketGuildUser user, int titleId)
            if (titleId == 0)

            // Kamtro God
            bool god = false;

            foreach (int i in NodeMap.Keys)
                if (i == 0)
                if (!UserDataManager.GetUserData(user).Titles.Contains(i))
                    god = true;

            if (god)
                await AddTitle(user, TitleIDs.KAMTRO_GOD);
        public static async Task OnScore(SocketGuildUser user)
            int s = UserDataManager.GetUserData(user).Score;

            // for titles
            if (s >= 1)
                await AddTitle(user, TitleIDs.KAMTRO_SQUIRE);

            if (s >= 10_000)
                await AddTitle(user, TitleIDs.TALKATIVE);

            if (s >= 50_000)
                await AddTitle(user, TitleIDs.CHATTERBOX);

            if (s >= 100_000)
                await AddTitle(user, TitleIDs.REGULAR);

            if (s >= 500_000)
                await AddTitle(user, TitleIDs.KAMTRO_VETERAN);
        public static async Task OnBuy(SocketGuildUser customer)
            int spent = UserDataManager.GetUserData(customer).KamtrokensSpent;

            if (spent > 1)
                await AddTitle(customer, TitleIDs.FIRST_BUY);
            else if (spent > 50)
                await AddTitle(customer, TitleIDs.SHOPPER);
            else if (spent > 200)
                await AddTitle(customer, TitleIDs.FRIDAY_EXPERT);
            else if (spent > 1000)
                await AddTitle(customer, TitleIDs.SHOPMASTER);

        public static void LoadInventories()
            string data = FileManager.ReadFullFile(DataFileNames.UserInventoriesFile);
            Dictionary <ulong, UserInventoryNode> UserInventories = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <ulong, UserInventoryNode> >(data) ?? new Dictionary <ulong, UserInventoryNode>();

            foreach (ulong id in UserInventories.Keys)
                if (BotUtils.GetGUser(id) == null)

                if (UserDataManager.UserData.ContainsKey(id))
                    // User has a data file, things are all good
                    UserDataManager.GetUserData(BotUtils.GetGUser(id)).Inventory = UserInventories[id];
                    // wacky things are going on, create a user profile and then load inventory
                    UserDataManager.GetUserData(BotUtils.GetGUser(id)).Inventory = UserInventories[id];

            KLog.Info("Loaded Inventories.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that checks for titles related to rep. Called whenever a user reps another user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method has a lot of checks, they are all there without return statements for a reason.
        /// It will make sure to fill in any missing titles the user should have gotten.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="from">The user doing the repping</param>
        /// <param name="to">The user who has been repped</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task OnRep(SocketGuildUser from, SocketGuildUser to)
            UserDataNode f = UserDataManager.GetUserData(from);
            UserDataNode t = UserDataManager.GetUserData(to);

            // rep given
            if (f.RepGiven >= 1)
                await AddTitle(from, TitleIDs.WARM_WELCOMER);

            if (f.RepGiven >= 10)
                await AddTitle(from, TitleIDs.DECAREPPER);

            if (f.RepGiven >= 50)
                await AddTitle(from, TitleIDs.CHARITABLE);

            if (f.RepGiven >= 100)
                await AddTitle(from, TitleIDs.HUNDRED_REP_GIVEN);

            if (f.RepGiven >= 500)
                await AddTitle(from, TitleIDs.REPPER_OF_D);

            // rep recieved
            if (t.Reputation >= 1)
                await AddTitle(to, TitleIDs.WARMLY_WELCOMED);

            if (t.Reputation >= 10)
                await AddTitle(to, TitleIDs.TEN_REP);

            if (t.Reputation >= 30)
                await AddTitle(to, TitleIDs.COOL_KID);

            if (t.Reputation >= 100)
                await AddTitle(to, TitleIDs.POPULAR);

            if (t.Reputation >= 1000)
                await AddTitle(to, TitleIDs.MILLENIAL_MEMBER);
        public static UserInventoryNode GetInventory(ulong userId)

            if (UserDataManager.GetUserData(BotUtils.GetGUser(userId)).Inventory == null)
                UserDataManager.GetUserData(BotUtils.GetGUser(userId)).Inventory = new UserInventoryNode();

        public static void SaveInventories()
            Dictionary <ulong, UserInventoryNode> UserInventories = new Dictionary <ulong, UserInventoryNode>();

            foreach (ulong i in UserDataManager.UserData.Keys)
                if (BotUtils.GetGUser(i) == null)
                    continue;                                // null checking.
                UserInventories.Add(i, UserDataManager.GetUserData(BotUtils.GetGUser(i)).Inventory ?? new UserInventoryNode());

            BotUtils.WriteToJson(UserInventories, DataFileNames.UserInventoriesFile);
            KLog.Info("Saved Inventories.");
        public static async Task AddTitle(SocketGuildUser user, int titleid)
            if (!NodeMap.ContainsKey(titleid))
                KLog.Error($"Attempted to give user {BotUtils.GetFullUsername(user)} invalid title ID #{titleid}");

            TitleNode node = NodeMap[titleid];

            if (node == null)
                KLog.Error($"Attempted to give user {BotUtils.GetFullUsername(user)} null title with ID #{titleid}");

            UserDataNode u = UserDataManager.GetUserData(user);

            if (u.Titles == null)
                u.Titles = new List <int>();

            if (u.Titles.Contains(titleid))
                return;                              // Don't give duplicate titles

            KLog.Important($"User {BotUtils.GetFullUsername(user)} has earned title {node.Name}");


            await AnnounceAchievement(user, node);
 public static bool HasTitleUnlocked(SocketGuildUser user, int title)