GetOffsetPosition() public method

Get the current running position (offset) for all consuming partition.
Will only return data if the consumer is actively being consumed.
public GetOffsetPosition ( ) : List
return List
        public void ConsumerShouldBeAbleToGetCurrentOffsetInformation()
            var producer = new Producer(_router);

            var startOffsets = producer.GetTopicOffsetAsync("LoadTest").Result
                .Select(x => new OffsetPosition(x.PartitionId, x.Offsets.Max())).ToArray();

            var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerOptions("LoadTest", _router), startOffsets);

            var tasks = new List<Task<List<ProduceResponse>>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                tasks.Add(producer.SendMessageAsync("LoadTest", new[] { new Message { Value = i.ToString(), Key = "1" } }));

            var results = consumer.Consume().Take(20).ToList();

            //ensure the produced messages arrived
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                Assert.That(results[i].Value == i.ToString());

            //the current offsets should be 20 positions higher than start
            var currentOffsets = consumer.GetOffsetPosition();
            Assert.That(currentOffsets.Sum(x => x.Offset) - startOffsets.Sum(x => x.Offset), Is.EqualTo(20));
        public async void ConsumerShouldMoveToNextAvailableOffsetWhenQueryingForNextMessage()
            const int expectedCount = 1000;
            var options = new KafkaOptions(IntegrationConfig.IntegrationUri) { Log = new ConsoleLog() };

            using (var producerRouter = new BrokerRouter(options))
            using (var producer = new Producer(producerRouter))
                //get current offset and reset consumer to top of log
                var offsets = await producer.GetTopicOffsetAsync(IntegrationConfig.IntegrationTopic).ConfigureAwait(false);

                using (var consumerRouter = new BrokerRouter(options))
                using (var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerOptions(IntegrationConfig.IntegrationTopic, consumerRouter),
                     offsets.Select(x => new OffsetPosition(x.PartitionId, x.Offsets.Max())).ToArray()))
                    Console.WriteLine("Sending {0} test messages", expectedCount);
                    var response = await producer.SendMessageAsync(IntegrationConfig.IntegrationTopic, 
                        Enumerable.Range(0, expectedCount).Select(x => new Message(x.ToString())));

                    Assert.That(response.Any(x => x.Error != (int)ErrorResponseCode.NoError), Is.False, "Error occured sending test messages to server.");

                    var stream = consumer.Consume();

                    Console.WriteLine("Reading message back out from consumer.");
                    var data = stream.Take(expectedCount).ToList();

                    var consumerOffset = consumer.GetOffsetPosition().OrderBy(x => x.Offset).ToList();
                    var serverOffset = await producer.GetTopicOffsetAsync(IntegrationConfig.IntegrationTopic).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    var positionOffset = serverOffset.Select(x => new OffsetPosition(x.PartitionId, x.Offsets.Max()))
                        .OrderBy(x => x.Offset)

                    Assert.That(consumerOffset, Is.EqualTo(positionOffset), "The consumerOffset position should match the server offset position.");
                    Assert.That(data.Count, Is.EqualTo(expectedCount), "We should have received 2000 messages from the server.");

        public void ConsumerShouldBeAbleToGetCurrentOffsetInformation()
            using (var router = new BrokerRouter(new KafkaOptions(IntegrationConfig.IntegrationUri)))
            using (var producer = new Producer(router))

                var startOffsets = producer.GetTopicOffsetAsync(IntegrationConfig.IntegrationTopic).Result
                    .Select(x => new OffsetPosition(x.PartitionId, x.Offsets.Max())).ToArray();

                using (var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerOptions(IntegrationConfig.IntegrationTopic, router), startOffsets))

                    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                        producer.SendMessageAsync(IntegrationConfig.IntegrationTopic, new[] { new Message(i.ToString(), "1") }).Wait();

                    var results = consumer.Consume().Take(20).ToList();

                    //ensure the produced messages arrived
                    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                        Assert.That(results[i].Value.ToUtf8String(), Is.EqualTo(i.ToString()));

                    //the current offsets should be 20 positions higher than start
                    var currentOffsets = consumer.GetOffsetPosition();
                    Assert.That(currentOffsets.Sum(x => x.Offset) - startOffsets.Sum(x => x.Offset), Is.EqualTo(20));