//自动打印 public void AutoPrint(DataGridViewKJ128 dgv, string title, string strSum) { //FormPrint print1 = new FormPrint(); //print1.CallPrintForm(dgv, title, strSum, true); PrintBLL.Print(dgv, title, strSum); }
//FunID 16 时间 15是打印 EnumValue为0时不打印 public void TimePrint() { string date = GetTime(); DataTable dt = GetPrint(); string s = ""; if (date != "0") { string nowDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH") + ":" + DateTime.Now.ToString("mm"); if (nowDate == date) { if (dt.Select("EnumID=1")[0]["EnumValue"].ToString() == "1") { s += "1,"; // 实时下井人员总数及人员 RealTimeBLL rtbll = new RealTimeBLL(); DataSet ds = rtbll.getRTInWellEmpInfo(0, 9999, "1=1"); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0) { DataGridViewKJ128 dgvRTInfo = new DataGridViewKJ128(); dgvRTInfo.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ds.Tables[0].TableName = "TaskTimeBLL_RtInOutMine"; Bind(dgvRTInfo, ds.Tables[0]); dgvRTInfo.Columns[5].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; dgvRTInfo.Columns[5].FillWeight = 130; dgvRTInfo.Columns[5].HeaderText = HardwareName.Value(CorpsName.InWellTime); dgvRTInfo.Columns[6].HeaderText = HardwareName.Value(CorpsName.StandingWellTime); PrintBLL.Print(dgvRTInfo, "实时下井人员总数及人员", ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); AutoPrint(dgvRTInfo, "实时下井人员总数及人员", "实时下井人员总数:" + ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } if (dt.Select("EnumID=2")[0]["EnumValue"].ToString() == "1") { s += "2,"; // 重点区域人员总数及人员 RealTimeInTerritorialDAL dal = new RealTimeInTerritorialDAL(); DataGridViewKJ128 dgvzd = new DataGridViewKJ128(); ds = dal.GetAreaTable("重点"); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0) { dgvzd.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; ds.Tables[0].TableName = "TaskTimeBLL_ImpArea"; Bind(dgvzd, ds.Tables[0]); // print AutoPrint(dgvzd, "重点区域人员总数及人员", "重点区域人员总数:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString()); } } if (dt.Select("EnumID=3")[0]["EnumValue"].ToString() == "1") { s += "3,"; // 超时报警人员总数及人员 RealtimeOverTimeInfoBLL rtotbll = new RealtimeOverTimeInfoBLL(); DataGridViewKJ128 dgValue = new DataGridViewKJ128(); string strCounts = string.Empty; rtotbll.SearchOverTimeInfo("", "", "", "0", "0", dgValue, out strCounts); Bind(dgValue, ((DataView)dgValue.DataSource).Table); //print AutoPrint(dgValue, "超时报警人员总数及人员", "超时报警人员总数:" + ((DataView)dgValue.DataSource).Table.Rows.Count.ToString()); } if (dt.Select("EnumID=4")[0]["EnumValue"].ToString() == "1") { s += "4,"; // 超员报警人员总数及人员 RealTimeOverEmpBLL rtoebll = new RealTimeOverEmpBLL(); DataGridViewKJ128 dgvOverEmp = new DataGridViewKJ128(); rtoebll.SelectOverEmp(1, dgvOverEmp); Bind(dgvOverEmp, ((DataView)dgvOverEmp.DataSource).Table); AutoPrint(dgvOverEmp, "超员报警人员总数及人员", "超员报警人员总数:" + ((DataView)dgvOverEmp.DataSource).Table.Rows.Count.ToString()); } if (dt.Select("EnumID=5")[0]["EnumValue"].ToString() == "1") { s += "5,"; // 限制区域报警人员总数及人员 RealTimeInTerritorialDAL rtdal = new RealTimeInTerritorialDAL(); DataGridViewKJ128 dgvxz = new DataGridViewKJ128(); ds = rtdal.GetAreaTable("限制"); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0) { ds.Tables[0].TableName = "TaskTimeBLL_LimitArea"; dgvxz.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; Bind(dgvxz, ds.Tables[0]); AutoPrint(dgvxz, "限制区域报警人员总数及人员", "限制区域报警人员总数:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString()); // print } } if (dt.Select("EnumID=6")[0]["EnumValue"].ToString() == "1") { s += "6,"; // 特种作业人员工作异常报警总数及人员 SpecialWorkTypeTerrialSetBLL swt = new SpecialWorkTypeTerrialSetBLL(); DataGridViewKJ128 dgvWork = new DataGridViewKJ128(); string strErr = string.Empty; DataSet dswork = swt.Query_RealTimeSpecialWorkTypeAlarm(1, 9999, "", out strErr); if (dswork != null && dswork.Tables.Count > 0) { dswork.Tables[0].TableName = "TaskTimeBLL_Special"; dgvWork.DataSource = dswork.Tables[0]; if (dgvWork.Columns.Count > 0) { dgvWork.Columns[0].Visible = false; Bind(dgvWork, dswork.Tables[0]); AutoPrint(dgvWork, "特种作业人员工作异常报警总数及人员", "特种作业人员工作异常报警总数:" + dgvWork.RowCount.ToString()); } } } string value = dt.Select("EnumID=7")[0]["EnumValue"].ToString(); if (value != "0") { string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd") + ":" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH") + ":" + DateTime.Now.ToString("mm"); if (value == now) { s += "7,"; // 领导干部每月下井总数及时间统计 AttendanceBLL aBLL = new AttendanceBLL(); DataGridViewKJ128 dgv = new DataGridViewKJ128(); string strErr7 = string.Empty; string where = "and DataAttendance >" + Convert.ToString(int.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("MM")) - 1) + "-1" + " and DataAttendance<" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM").ToString() + "-1"; ds = aBLL.GetAttendanceStatisticByDuty(where, " and en.DutyID in (select EnumID from EnumTable where FunID = 4 and EnumValue = '1'" , out strErr7); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0) { ds.Tables[0].TableName = "TaskTimeBLL_LeaderMonth"; dgv.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; Bind(dgv, ds.Tables[0]); AutoPrint(dgv, "领导干部每月下井总数及时间统计", "共 " + ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString() + "人"); } } } //MessageBox.Show(s); } } }