/// <summary>
        /// Solve camera to screen calibration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Calibration data</param>
        /// <param name="points">Point to screen dataset</param>
        /// <returns>Calibration result, view and projection matrix</returns>
        public ProjectorCalibrationResult Solve(ProjectorCalibrationData data, IReadOnlyList<CameraToScreenPoint> points)
            if (data == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("points");
            if (points.Count < 5)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("points", "Calibration data should contain at least 4 points");

            Vector3[] worldPoints = points.Select(cp => cp.CameraPoint).ToArray();
            Vector2[] imagePoints = points.Select(cp => cp.ScreenPoint).ToArray();

            IntPtr result;
            IntPtr dist, t, r;

            Vector3[] dst = ObjectPoints(worldPoints);

            fixed (Vector2* pImg = &imagePoints[0])
                fixed (Vector3* pDst = &dst[0])
                    int res = CalibrateCamera(pImg, pDst, worldPoints.Length, (int)data.SensorSize.X, (int)data.SensorSize.Y, 0, out result, out dist, out t, out r);

            float* trans = (float*)t;
            Matrix view = Matrix.Identity;
            view.M41 = trans[0];
            view.M42 = trans[1];
            view.M43 = trans[2];

            float* rot = (float*)r;

            view.M11 = rot[0];
            view.M21 = rot[1];
            view.M31 = rot[2];

            view.M12 = rot[3];
            view.M22 = rot[4];
            view.M32 = rot[5];

            view.M13 = rot[6];
            view.M23 = rot[7];
            view.M33 = rot[8];
            view = FlipMatrix(view);

            float* proj = (float*)result;

            Matrix p = Matrix.Identity;

            p.M11 = proj[0];
            p.M21 = proj[1];
            p.M31 = proj[2];

            p.M12 = proj[3];
            p.M22 = proj[4];
            p.M32 = proj[5];

            p.M13 = proj[6];
            p.M23 = proj[7];
            p.M33 = proj[8];
            p.M34 = 1.0f;

            p.M44 = 0;

            float invx = 2.0f / data.SensorSize.X;
            float invy = 2.0f / data.SensorSize.Y;

            Matrix camView = Matrix.Translation(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            camView = Matrix.Scaling(invx, -invy, 1.0f) * camView;

            Matrix pcam = p * camView * Matrix.Scaling(1, -1, 1);

            float n = data.Near;
            float f = data.Far;
            float q = f / (f - n);
            float qf = -2.0f * q * n;

            pcam.M33 = q;
            pcam.M43 = qf;


            return new ProjectorCalibrationResult(view, pcam);
        /// <summary>
        /// Solve camera to screen calibration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Calibration data</param>
        /// <param name="points">Point to screen dataset</param>
        /// <returns>Calibration result, view and projection matrix</returns>
        public ProjectorCalibrationResult Solve(ProjectorCalibrationData data, IReadOnlyList <CameraToScreenPoint> points)
            if (data == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("points");
            if (points.Count < 5)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("points", "Calibration data should contain at least 4 points");

            Vector3[] worldPoints = points.Select(cp => cp.CameraPoint).ToArray();
            Vector2[] imagePoints = points.Select(cp => cp.ScreenPoint).ToArray();

            IntPtr result;
            IntPtr dist, t, r;

            Vector3[] dst = ObjectPoints(worldPoints);

            fixed(Vector2 *pImg = &imagePoints[0])
                fixed(Vector3 *pDst = &dst[0])
                    int res = CalibrateCamera(pImg, pDst, worldPoints.Length, (int)data.SensorSize.X, (int)data.SensorSize.Y, 0, out result, out dist, out t, out r);

            float *trans = (float *)t;
            Matrix view  = Matrix.Identity;

            view.M41 = trans[0];
            view.M42 = trans[1];
            view.M43 = trans[2];

            float *rot = (float *)r;

            view.M11 = rot[0];
            view.M21 = rot[1];
            view.M31 = rot[2];

            view.M12 = rot[3];
            view.M22 = rot[4];
            view.M32 = rot[5];

            view.M13 = rot[6];
            view.M23 = rot[7];
            view.M33 = rot[8];
            view     = FlipMatrix(view);

            float *proj = (float *)result;

            Matrix p = Matrix.Identity;

            p.M11 = proj[0];
            p.M21 = proj[1];
            p.M31 = proj[2];

            p.M12 = proj[3];
            p.M22 = proj[4];
            p.M32 = proj[5];

            p.M13 = proj[6];
            p.M23 = proj[7];
            p.M33 = proj[8];
            p.M34 = 1.0f;

            p.M44 = 0;

            float invx = 2.0f / data.SensorSize.X;
            float invy = 2.0f / data.SensorSize.Y;

            Matrix camView = Matrix.Translation(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

            camView = Matrix.Scaling(invx, -invy, 1.0f) * camView;

            Matrix pcam = p * camView * Matrix.Scaling(1, -1, 1);

            float n  = data.Near;
            float f  = data.Far;
            float q  = f / (f - n);
            float qf = -2.0f * q * n;

            pcam.M33 = q;
            pcam.M43 = qf;


            return(new ProjectorCalibrationResult(view, pcam));