public static void SaveSettings(List <string> BIOGames) { try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(BIOGames[0])) { Properties.Settings.Default.ME1Directory = BIOGames[0]; ME1Directory.GamePath(BIOGames[0]); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(BIOGames[1])) { Properties.Settings.Default.ME2Directory = BIOGames[1]; ME2Directory.GamePath(BIOGames[1]); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(BIOGames[2])) { Properties.Settings.Default.ME3Directory = BIOGames[2]; ME3Directory.GamePath(BIOGames[2]); } Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } catch (Exception e) { DebugOutput.PrintLn("Error saving pathing: " + e.Message); } }
public int SetupPaths(int whichgame) { string tempgamepath = ""; string PropertiesPathString = ""; //WhichGame = whichgame; int status = -1; switch (whichgame) { case 1: tempgamepath = ME1Directory.GamePath(); PropertiesPathString = Properties.Settings.Default.ME1Directory; break; case 2: tempgamepath = ME2Directory.GamePath(); PropertiesPathString = Properties.Settings.Default.ME2Directory; break; case 3: tempgamepath = ME3Directory.GamePath(); PropertiesPathString = Properties.Settings.Default.ME3Directory; break; } // Heff: prioritized the global setting for now, was there a purpose to having texplorer/tpftools/modmaker paths separate? if (tempgamepath != null) { status = 1; if (!tempgamepath.ToLower().Contains("biogame")) { tempgamepath = Path.Combine(tempgamepath, (whichgame == 3 ? "BIOGame" : "BioGame")); } BIOGames[whichgame - 1] = tempgamepath; } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PropertiesPathString)) { BIOGames[whichgame - 1] = PropertiesPathString; status = 0; } else { DebugOutput.PrintLn("ME" + whichgame + " game files not found."); } return(status); }