public ModMaker() { InitializeComponent(); KFreonTPFTools3.UpgradeSettings(); // KFreon: Set number of threads if necessary if (Properties.Settings.Default.NumThreads == 0) { Properties.Settings.Default.NumThreads = KFreonLib.Misc.Methods.SetNumThreads(false); SaveProperties(); } StatusUpdater = new TextUpdater(MainStatusLabel, BottomStrip); MainProgBar = new ProgressBarChanger(BottomStrip, MainProgressBar); backbone = new BackBone(() => { gooey.ChangeState(false); return true; }, () => { gooey.ChangeState(true); return true; }); currentInstance = this; MainSplitter.SplitterDistance = MainSplitter.Width; MainContextStrip.Height = 0; PCCSplitter.SplitterDistance = PCCSplitter.Height; Initialise(false); KFreonLib.Scripting.ModMaker.Initialise(); SearchTextBox.KeyDown += SearchTextBox_KeyDown; SearchTextBox.MouseDown += SearchTextBox_MouseDown; SearchTextBox.LostFocus += SearchTextBox_LostFocus; SearchTextBox.ForeColor = Color.Gray; SearchTextBox.Text = EmptyText; // KFreon: Display version VersionLabel.Text = "Version: " + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); }
public TexplorerFirstTimeSetup(int game, string DLCPath, string CookedPath) { InitializeComponent(); StatusProgLabel.Text = "Loading..."; StatusUpdater = new TextUpdater(StatusProgLabel, toolStrip1); ProgressUpdater = new ProgressBarChanger(toolStrip1, StatusProgBar); SetupStuff(game, DLCPath, CookedPath); foreach (DLCInfo dlc in DLCs) MainListView.Items.Add(dlc.isExtracted ? dlc.Name : "NOT EXTRACTED: " + dlc.Name, dlc.isExtracted); StatusUpdater.UpdateText("Ready. Loaded " + (DLCs.Count - 1) + " DLC's."); }
public Texplorer2(bool nowindow = false, int which = -1) { if (!nowindow) InitializeComponent(); KFreonTPFTools3.UpgradeSettings(); // KFreon: Set number of threads if necessary if (Properties.Settings.Default.NumThreads == 0) { Properties.Settings.Default.NumThreads = KFreonLib.Misc.Methods.SetNumThreads(false); SaveProperties(); } WhichGame = (which == -1) ? Properties.Settings.Default.TexplorerGameVersion : which; MEExDirecs.WhichGame = WhichGame; StatusUpdater = new TextUpdater(StatusLabel, StatusStrip); ProgBarUpdater = new ProgressBarChanger(StatusStrip, MainProgressBar); gooey = new Gooey(MainTreeView); SetupGUI(); DebugOutput.StartDebugger("Texplorer 2.0"); if (!nowindow) { ChangeButton.Text = "Modding ME" + WhichGame; WindowTitle = "Texplorer 2.0: " + "ME" + WhichGame; this.Text = WindowTitle; DisappearPictureBox(); ResetSearchBox(); } backbone = new BackBone(() => { Console.WriteLine("changing gui to false"); gooey.ChangeState(false); return true; }, () => { Console.WriteLine("Changeing gui to true"); gooey.ChangeState(true); return true; }); noWindow = nowindow; // KFreon: Get number of threads to use NumThreads = KFreonLib.Misc.Methods.SetNumThreads(false); DebugOutput.PrintLn("Using: " + NumThreads + " threads."); // KFreon: Setup paths // KFreon: Check game states DONE HERE COS TREE NEEDS THESE THINGS CheckGameStates(); // KFreon: Check path exists bool exists = true; // KFreon: Load tree only if necessary if (!nowindow && exists) backbone.AddToBackBone(b => { BeginLoadingTree(); return true; }); // KFreon: Display version if (!nowindow) VersionLabel.Text = "Version: " + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> public KFreonTPFTools3() { /*var tex1 = KFreonLib.Textures.Creation.CreateTexture2D(@"C:\Users\Freon\Desktop\New folder\commit\BioH_Vixen_00.pcc", 22, 2, @"C:\Users\Freon\Desktop\New folder\commit"); var tex2 = KFreonLib.Textures.Creation.CreateTexture2D(@"C:\Users\Freon\Desktop\New folder\Old\BioH_Vixen_00.pcc", 2, 2, @"C:\Users\Freon\Desktop\New folder\commit"); tex1.Compare(tex2);*/ InitializeComponent(); cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); UpgradeSettings(); // KFreon: Set number of threads if necessary if (Properties.Settings.Default.NumThreads == 0) { Properties.Settings.Default.NumThreads = KFreonLib.Misc.Methods.SetNumThreads(false); SaveProperties(); } Overall = new TextUpdater(OverallStatusLabel, BottomStrip); Current = new TextUpdater(CurrentStatusLabel, BottomStrip); OverallProg = new ProgressBarChanger(BottomStrip, OverallProgressBar); CurrentProg = new ProgressBarChanger(BottomStrip, CurrentProgressBar); CurrentInstance = this; backbone = new BackBone(() => { gooey.ChangeState(false); DisableCancelButton(false); return true; }, () => { DisableCancelButton(true); gooey.ChangeState(true); return true; } ); // KFreon: Setup GUI Task.Run(() => { // KFreon: Wait for controls to be created while (!MainTreeView.Parent.Created) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); this.Invoke(new Action(() => { // KFreon: Setup pathing and stuff InitialiseGUI(); Initialise(false); BeginTreeLoading(); ResetImageList(); DisappearDuplicatesBox(true); /*ContextPanel.Height = 0; MainTreeView.Height = 753 + 25; PreviewTabPages.Height = 525;*/ // KFreon: Scaling fixes })); }); // KFreon: Display version VersionLabel.Text = "Version: " + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); }
public TexplorerFirstTimeSetup(int game, string DLCPath, string CookedPath) { InitializeComponent(); // KFreon: Hide GUI stuff BackupCheckBox.Visible = false; BackupPresentLabel.Visible = false; ExtractedLabel.Visible = false; ExtractedListBox.Visible = false; StatusProgLabel.Text = "Loading..."; StatusUpdater = new TextUpdater(StatusProgLabel, toolStrip1); ProgressUpdater = new ProgressBarChanger(toolStrip1, StatusProgBar); SetupStuff(game, DLCPath, CookedPath); foreach (DLCInfo dlc in DLCs) { MainListView.Items.Add(dlc.Name, true); } StatusUpdater.UpdateText("Ready. Loaded " + (DLCs.Count - 1) + " DLC's. Disk space to be used: ~" + DLCs.Select(d => d.Size).Sum() + " GB"); }