A physical disk attached to a Windows host system.
Inheritance: WinDisk, IPhysicalDisk, IImageable, IDescribable
		protected override List<Disk> LoadDisksInternal() {
			List<Disk> res = new List<Disk>();
			try {
				ManagementScope ms = new ManagementScope();
				ObjectQuery oq = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive");
				ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, oq);
				ManagementObjectCollection moc = mos.Get();
				foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc) {
					WinPhysicalDisk disk = new WinPhysicalDisk(mo);

			} catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e); }
			return res;
		public PhysicalDiskPartition(WinPhysicalDisk disk, MasterBootRecord.PartitionEntry pEntry) {
			PhysicalDisk = disk;
			Offset = pEntry.PartitionOffset;
			Length = pEntry.PartitionLength;

			ManagementScope ms = new ManagementScope();
			ObjectQuery oq = new ObjectQuery(
					string.Format("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskPartition WHERE DiskIndex = {0} AND Index = {1}",
					disk.Attributes.Index, pEntry.Index));
			ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, oq);
			ManagementObjectCollection moc = mos.Get();
			if (moc.Count != 1) {
				throw new Exception("Unable to get partition data from WMI");
			foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc) {
				Attributes = new PhysicalDiskPartitionAttributes(mo, disk);
			Attributes.PartitionType = pEntry.PartitionType;

			_fileSystem = FileSystem.TryLoad(this as IFileSystemStore);
 public PhysicalDiskPartitionAttributes(ManagementObject mo, WinPhysicalDisk disk)
     BytesPerSector          = disk.Attributes.BytesPerSector;
     Access                  = GetProperty <Access>(mo, "Access", Access.Unknown);
     Availability            = GetProperty <Availability>(mo, "Availability", Availability.Unknown);
     BlockSize               = GetProperty <ulong>(mo, "BlockSize", 0);
     Bootable                = GetProperty <bool>(mo, "Bootable", false);
     BootPartition           = GetProperty <bool>(mo, "BootPartition", false);
     Caption                 = GetProperty <string>(mo, "Caption", "");
     ConfigManagerErrorCode  = GetProperty <uint>(mo, "ConfigManagerErrorCode", 0);
     ConfigManagerUserConfig = GetProperty <bool>(mo, "ConfigManagerUserConfig", false);
     CreationClassName       = GetProperty <string>(mo, "CreationClassName", "");
     Description             = GetProperty <string>(mo, "Description", "");
     DeviceID                = GetProperty <string>(mo, "DeviceID", "");
     DiskIndex               = GetProperty <uint>(mo, "DiskIndex", 0);
     ErrorCleared            = GetProperty <bool>(mo, "ErrorCleared", false);
     ErrorDescription        = GetProperty <string>(mo, "ErrorDescription", "");
     ErrorMethodology        = GetProperty <string>(mo, "ErrorMethodology", "");
     HiddenSectors           = GetProperty <uint>(mo, "HiddenSectors", 0);
     Index          = GetProperty <uint>(mo, "Index", 0);
     InstallDate    = GetProperty <DateTime>(mo, "InstallDate", DateTime.MinValue);
     LastErrorCode  = GetProperty <uint>(mo, "LastErrorCode", 0);
     Name           = GetProperty <string>(mo, "Name", "");
     NumberOfBlocks = GetProperty <ulong>(mo, "NumberOfBlocks", 0);
     PNPDeviceID    = GetProperty <string>(mo, "PNPDeviceID", "");
     PowerManagementCapabilities = GetArray <PowerManagementCapability>(mo, "PowerManagementCapabilities", new PowerManagementCapability[0]);
     PowerManagementSupported    = GetProperty <bool>(mo, "PowerManagementSupported", false);
     PrimaryPartition            = GetProperty <bool>(mo, "PrimaryPartition", false);
     Purpose                 = GetProperty <string>(mo, "Purpose", "");
     RewritePartition        = GetProperty <bool>(mo, "RewritePartition", false);
     Size                    = GetProperty <ulong>(mo, "Size", 0);
     StartingOffset          = GetProperty <ulong>(mo, "StartingOffset", 0);
     Status                  = GetProperty <string>(mo, "Status", "");
     StatusInfo              = GetProperty <StatusInfo>(mo, "StatusInfo", 0);
     SystemCreationClassName = GetProperty <string>(mo, "SystemCreationClassName", "");
     SystemName              = GetProperty <string>(mo, "SystemName", "");
     Type                    = GetProperty <string>(mo, "Type", "");
		public PhysicalDiskPartitionAttributes(ManagementObject mo, WinPhysicalDisk disk) {
			BytesPerSector = disk.Attributes.BytesPerSector;
			Access = GetProperty<Access>(mo, "Access", Access.Unknown);
			Availability = GetProperty<Availability>(mo, "Availability", Availability.Unknown);
			BlockSize = GetProperty<ulong>(mo, "BlockSize", 0);
			Bootable = GetProperty<bool>(mo, "Bootable", false);
			BootPartition = GetProperty<bool>(mo, "BootPartition", false);
			Caption = GetProperty<string>(mo, "Caption", "");
			ConfigManagerErrorCode = GetProperty<uint>(mo, "ConfigManagerErrorCode", 0);
			ConfigManagerUserConfig = GetProperty<bool>(mo, "ConfigManagerUserConfig", false);
			CreationClassName = GetProperty<string>(mo, "CreationClassName", "");
			Description = GetProperty<string>(mo, "Description", "");
			DeviceID = GetProperty<string>(mo, "DeviceID", "");
			DiskIndex = GetProperty<uint>(mo, "DiskIndex", 0);
			ErrorCleared = GetProperty<bool>(mo, "ErrorCleared", false);
			ErrorDescription = GetProperty<string>(mo, "ErrorDescription", "");
			ErrorMethodology = GetProperty<string>(mo, "ErrorMethodology", "");
			HiddenSectors = GetProperty<uint>(mo, "HiddenSectors", 0);
			Index = GetProperty<uint>(mo, "Index", 0);
			InstallDate = GetProperty<DateTime>(mo, "InstallDate", DateTime.MinValue);
			LastErrorCode = GetProperty<uint>(mo, "LastErrorCode", 0);
			Name = GetProperty<string>(mo, "Name", "");
			NumberOfBlocks = GetProperty<ulong>(mo, "NumberOfBlocks", 0);
			PNPDeviceID = GetProperty<string>(mo, "PNPDeviceID", "");
			PowerManagementCapabilities = GetArray<PowerManagementCapability>(mo, "PowerManagementCapabilities", new PowerManagementCapability[0]);
			PowerManagementSupported = GetProperty<bool>(mo, "PowerManagementSupported", false);
			PrimaryPartition = GetProperty<bool>(mo, "PrimaryPartition", false);
			Purpose = GetProperty<string>(mo, "Purpose", "");
			RewritePartition = GetProperty<bool>(mo, "RewritePartition", false);
			Size = GetProperty<ulong>(mo, "Size", 0);
			StartingOffset = GetProperty<ulong>(mo, "StartingOffset", 0);
			Status = GetProperty<string>(mo, "Status", "");
			StatusInfo = GetProperty<StatusInfo>(mo, "StatusInfo", 0);
			SystemCreationClassName = GetProperty<string>(mo, "SystemCreationClassName", "");
			SystemName = GetProperty<string>(mo, "SystemName", "");
			Type = GetProperty<string>(mo, "Type", "");
		public MasterBootRecord(WinPhysicalDisk disk) {
			PhysicalDisk = disk;
			Offset = 0;
			Length = MBR_SIZE;

			_partitionEntries = new List<PartitionEntry>();

			try {
				_data = disk.GetBytes(0, MBR_SIZE);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				throw new Exception("Failed to load the Master Boot Record!", e);

			for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTITIONS; i++) {
				int offset = 0x1BE + 16 * i;
				if (PartitionEntryExistsAt(offset, 16)) {
					_partitionEntries.Add(new PartitionEntry(_data, offset, (int)disk.Attributes.BytesPerSector, i));

			_partitionEntries.Sort(new Comparison<PartitionEntry>(delegate(PartitionEntry a, PartitionEntry b) {
				return a.PartitionOffset.CompareTo(b.PartitionOffset);