        protected virtual void Init()
            if (!antennaInfo.powered || v.connection == null)
                antennaInfo.linked = false;
                antennaInfo.status = (int)LinkStatus.no_link;

            // force CommNet update of unloaded vessels
            if (!v.loaded)
                Lib.ReflectionValue(v.connection, "unloadedDoOnce", true);

            // are we connected to DSN
            if (v.connection.IsConnected)
                antennaInfo.linked = true;
                var link = v.connection.ControlPath.First;
                antennaInfo.status   = link.hopType == CommNet.HopType.Home ? (int)LinkStatus.direct_link : (int)LinkStatus.indirect_link;
                antennaInfo.strength = link.signalStrength;

                antennaInfo.rate *= Math.Pow(link.signalStrength, Settings.DataRateDampingExponent);

                antennaInfo.target_name = Lib.Ellipsis(Localizer.Format(v.connection.ControlPath.First.end.displayName).Replace("Kerbin", "DSN"), 20);

                if (antennaInfo.status != (int)LinkStatus.direct_link)
                    Vessel firstHop = Lib.CommNodeToVessel(v.Connection.ControlPath.First.end);
                    // Get rate from the firstHop, each Hop will do the same logic, then we will have the min rate for whole path
                    antennaInfo.rate = Math.Min(firstHop.KerbalismData().Connection.rate, antennaInfo.rate);
            // is loss of connection due to plasma blackout
            else if (Lib.ReflectionValue <bool>(v.connection, "inPlasma"))             // calling InPlasma causes a StackOverflow :(
                antennaInfo.status = (int)LinkStatus.plasma;

            antennaInfo.control_path = new List <string[]>();
            foreach (CommLink link in v.connection.ControlPath)
                double antennaPower   = link.end.isHome ? link.start.antennaTransmit.power + link.start.antennaRelay.power : link.start.antennaTransmit.power;
                double signalStrength = 1 - ((link.start.position - link.end.position).magnitude / Math.Sqrt(antennaPower * link.end.antennaRelay.power));
                signalStrength = (3 - (2 * signalStrength)) * Math.Pow(signalStrength, 2);

                string name = Localizer.Format(link.end.displayName);
                if (link.end.isHome)
                    name = name.Replace("Kerbin", "DSN");
                name = Lib.Ellipsis(name, 35);

                string value   = Lib.HumanReadablePerc(Math.Ceiling(signalStrength * 10000) / 10000, "F2");
                string tooltip = "Distance: " + Lib.HumanReadableDistance((link.start.position - link.end.position).magnitude) +
                                 "\nMax Distance: " + Lib.HumanReadableDistance(Math.Sqrt((link.start.antennaTransmit.power + link.start.antennaRelay.power) * link.end.antennaRelay.power));
                antennaInfo.control_path.Add(new string[] { name, value, tooltip });
        // constructor
        /// <summary> Creates a <see cref="ConnectionInfo"/> object for the specified vessel from it's antenna modules</summary>
        public ConnectionInfo(Vessel v, bool powered, bool storm)
            // set RemoteTech powered and storm state
            if (RemoteTech.Enabled)
                RemoteTech.SetPoweredDown(v.id, !powered);
                RemoteTech.SetCommsBlackout(v.id, storm);

            // return no connection if there is no ec left
            if (!powered)
                // hysteresis delay
                if (DB.Vessel(v).hyspos_signal >= 5.0)
                    DB.Vessel(v).hyspos_signal = 5.0;
                    DB.Vessel(v).hysneg_signal = 0.0;
                DB.Vessel(v).hyspos_signal += 0.1;
                // hysteresis delay
                DB.Vessel(v).hysneg_signal += 0.1;
                if (DB.Vessel(v).hysneg_signal < 5.0)
                DB.Vessel(v).hysneg_signal = 5.0;
                DB.Vessel(v).hyspos_signal = 0.0;

            // if CommNet is enabled
            if (HighLogic.fetch.currentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.EnableCommNet)
                AntennaInfoCommNet antennaInfo = new AntennaInfoCommNet(v);

                if (v.connection != null)
                    // force CommNet update of unloaded vessels
                    if (!v.loaded)
                        Lib.ReflectionValue(v.connection, "unloadedDoOnce", true);

                    // are we connected to DSN
                    if (v.connection.IsConnected)
                        ec   = antennaInfo.ec;
                        rate = antennaInfo.rate * PreferencesBasic.Instance.transmitFactor;

                        linked      = true;
                        status      = v.connection.ControlPath.First.hopType == CommNet.HopType.Home ? LinkStatus.direct_link : LinkStatus.indirect_link;
                        strength    = v.connection.SignalStrength;
                        rate       *= strength;
                        target_name = Lib.Ellipsis(Localizer.Format(v.connection.ControlPath.First.end.displayName).Replace("Kerbin", "DSN"), 20);

                        if (status != LinkStatus.direct_link)
                            Vessel firstHop = Lib.CommNodeToVessel(v.Connection.ControlPath.First.end);
                            // Get rate from the firstHop, each Hop will do the same logic, then we will have the min rate for whole path
                            rate = Math.Min(Cache.VesselInfo(FlightGlobals.FindVessel(firstHop.id)).connection.rate, rate);
                    // is loss of connection due to plasma blackout
                    else if (Lib.ReflectionValue <bool>(v.connection, "inPlasma"))                     // calling InPlasma causes a StackOverflow :(
                        status = LinkStatus.plasma;
                // if nothing has changed, no connection
            // RemoteTech signal system
            else if (RemoteTech.Enabled)
                AntennaInfoRT antennaInfo = new AntennaInfoRT(v);

                // are we connected
                if (RemoteTech.Connected(v.id))
                    ec   = antennaInfo.ec;
                    rate = antennaInfo.rate * PreferencesBasic.Instance.transmitFactor;

                    linked      = RemoteTech.ConnectedToKSC(v.id);
                    status      = RemoteTech.TargetsKSC(v.id) ? LinkStatus.direct_link : LinkStatus.indirect_link;
                    target_name = status == LinkStatus.direct_link ? Lib.Ellipsis("DSN: " + (RemoteTech.NameTargetsKSC(v.id) ?? ""), 20) :
                                  Lib.Ellipsis(RemoteTech.NameFirstHopToKSC(v.id) ?? "", 20);

                    if (linked)
                        controlPath = RemoteTech.GetCommsControlPath(v.id);

                    // Get the lowest rate in ControlPath
                    if (controlPath != null)
                        // Get rate from the firstHop, each Hop will do the same logic, then we will have the lowest rate for the path
                        if (controlPath.Length > 0)
                            double dist = RemoteTech.GetCommsDistance(v.id, controlPath[0]);
                            strength = 1 - (dist / Math.Max(RemoteTech.GetCommsMaxDistance(v.id, controlPath[0]), 1));

                            // If using relay, get the lowest rate
                            if (status != LinkStatus.direct_link)
                                Vessel target = FlightGlobals.FindVessel(controlPath[0]);
                                strength *= Cache.VesselInfo(target).connection.strength;
                                rate      = Math.Min(Cache.VesselInfo(target).connection.rate, rate * strength);
                                rate *= strength;
                // is loss of connection due to a blackout
                else if (RemoteTech.GetCommsBlackout(v.id))
                    status = storm ? LinkStatus.storm : LinkStatus.plasma;
                // if nothing has changed, no connection
            // the simple stupid always connected signal system
                AntennaInfoCommNet antennaInfo = new AntennaInfoCommNet(v);
                ec   = antennaInfo.ec * 0.16;               // Consume 16% of the stock ec. Workaround for drain consumption with CommNet, ec consumption turns similar of RT
                rate = antennaInfo.rate * PreferencesBasic.Instance.transmitFactor;

                linked      = true;
                status      = LinkStatus.direct_link;
                strength    = 1;                 // 100 %
                target_name = "DSN: KSC";
        // constructor
        /// <summary> Creates a <see cref="ConnectionInfo"/> object for the specified vessel from it's antenna modules</summary>
        public ConnectionInfo(Vessel v, bool powered, bool storm)
            // set RemoteTech powered and storm state
            if (RemoteTech.Enabled)
                RemoteTech.SetPoweredDown(v.id, !powered);
                RemoteTech.SetCommsBlackout(v.id, storm);

            // return no connection if there is no ec left
            if (!powered)
                // hysteresis delay
                if ((DB.Vessel(v).hyspos_signal >= 5.0))
                    DB.Vessel(v).hyspos_signal = 5.0;
                    DB.Vessel(v).hysneg_signal = 0.0;
                DB.Vessel(v).hyspos_signal += 0.1;
                // hysteresis delay
                DB.Vessel(v).hysneg_signal += 0.1;
                if (!(DB.Vessel(v).hysneg_signal >= 5.0))
                DB.Vessel(v).hysneg_signal = 5.0;
                DB.Vessel(v).hyspos_signal = 0.0;

            rate          = 0.0;
            internal_cost = 0.0;
            external_cost = 0.0;

            // CommNet or simple signal system
            if (!RemoteTech.Enabled)
                List <ModuleDataTransmitter> transmitters;

                // if vessel is loaded
                if (v.loaded)
                    // find transmitters
                    transmitters = v.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleDataTransmitter>();

                    if (transmitters != null)
                        foreach (ModuleDataTransmitter t in transmitters)
                            if (t.antennaType == AntennaType.INTERNAL)                             // do not include internal data rate, ec cost only
                                internal_cost += t.DataResourceCost * t.DataRate;
                                // do we have an animation
                                ModuleDeployableAntenna animation        = t.part.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleDeployableAntenna>();
                                ModuleAnimateGeneric    animationGeneric = t.part.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleAnimateGeneric>();
                                if (animation != null)
                                    // only include data rate and ec cost if transmitter is extended
                                    if (animation.deployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.EXTENDED)
                                        rate          += t.DataRate;
                                        external_cost += t.DataResourceCost * t.DataRate;
                                else if (animationGeneric != null)
                                    // only include data rate and ec cost if transmitter is extended
                                    if (animationGeneric.animSpeed > 0)
                                        rate          += t.DataRate;
                                        external_cost += t.DataResourceCost * t.DataRate;
                                // no animation
                                    rate          += t.DataRate;
                                    external_cost += t.DataResourceCost * t.DataRate;

                // if vessel is not loaded
                    // find proto transmitters
                    foreach (ProtoPartSnapshot p in v.protoVessel.protoPartSnapshots)
                        // get part prefab (required for module properties)
                        Part part_prefab = PartLoader.getPartInfoByName(p.partName).partPrefab;

                        transmitters = part_prefab.FindModulesImplementing <ModuleDataTransmitter>();

                        if (transmitters != null)
                            foreach (ModuleDataTransmitter t in transmitters)
                                if (t.antennaType == AntennaType.INTERNAL)                                 // do not include internal data rate, ec cost only
                                    internal_cost += t.DataResourceCost * t.DataRate;
                                    // do we have an animation
                                    ProtoPartModuleSnapshot m = p.FindModule("ModuleDeployableAntenna") ?? p.FindModule("ModuleAnimateGeneric");
                                    if (m != null)
                                        // only include data rate and ec cost if transmitter is extended
                                        string deployState = Lib.Proto.GetString(m, "deployState");
                                        float  animSpeed   = Lib.Proto.GetFloat(m, "animSpeed");
                                        if (deployState == "EXTENDED" || animSpeed > 0)
                                            rate          += t.DataRate;
                                            external_cost += t.DataResourceCost * t.DataRate;
                                    // no animation
                                        rate          += t.DataRate;
                                        external_cost += t.DataResourceCost * t.DataRate;

                // if CommNet is enabled
                if (HighLogic.fetch.currentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.EnableCommNet)
                    if (v.connection != null)
                        // force CommNet update of unloaded vessels
                        if (!v.loaded)
                            Lib.ReflectionValue(v.connection, "unloadedDoOnce", true);

                        // are we connected to DSN or control station(can be another vessel with 3 or more crew in CommNet)
                        if (v.connection.IsConnected)
                            linked   = true;
                            status   = v.connection.ControlPath.First.hopType == HopType.Home ? LinkStatus.direct_link : LinkStatus.indirect_link;
                            strength = v.connection.SignalStrength;

                            if (status != LinkStatus.direct_link)
                                Vessel firstHop = Lib.CommNodeToVessel(v.Connection.ControlPath.First.end);
                                // Get rate from the firstHop, each Hop will do the same logic, then we will have the min rate for whole path
                                rate = Math.Min(Cache.VesselInfo(FlightGlobals.FindVessel(firstHop.id)).connection.rate, rate);

                            rate       *= strength * PreferencesBasic.Instance.transmitFactor;
                            target_name = Lib.Ellipsis(Localizer.Format(v.connection.ControlPath.First.end.displayName).Replace("Kerbin", "DSN"), 20);

                        // is loss of connection due to plasma blackout
                        else if (Lib.ReflectionValue <bool>(v.connection, "inPlasma"))                         // calling InPlasma causes a StackOverflow :(
                            status        = LinkStatus.plasma;
                            rate          = 0.0;
                            internal_cost = 0.0;
                            external_cost = 0.0;
                    // no connection
                        rate          = 0.0;
                        internal_cost = 0.0;
                        external_cost = 0.0;
                // the simple stupid always connected signal system
                linked      = true;
                status      = LinkStatus.direct_link;
                strength    = 1;                 // 100 %
                target_name = "DSN: KSC";

            // RemoteTech signal system
                // if vessel is loaded
                if (v.loaded)
                    // find transmitters
                    foreach (Part p in v.parts)
                        foreach (PartModule m in p.Modules)
                            // calculate internal (passive) transmitter ec usage @ 0.5W each
                            if (m.moduleName == "ModuleRTAntennaPassive")
                                internal_cost += 0.0005;

                            // calculate external transmitters
                            else if (m.moduleName == "ModuleRTAntenna")
                                // only include ec cost if transmitter is active
                                if (Lib.ReflectionValue <bool>(m, "IsRTActive"))
                                    rate          += Lib.ReflectionValue <float>(m, "RTPacketSize") / Lib.ReflectionValue <float>(m, "RTPacketInterval");
                                    external_cost += m.resHandler.inputResources.Find(r => r.name == "ElectricCharge").rate;

                // if vessel is not loaded
                    // find proto transmitters
                    foreach (ProtoPartSnapshot p in v.protoVessel.protoPartSnapshots)
                        // get part prefab (required for module properties)
                        Part part_prefab = PartLoader.getPartInfoByName(p.partName).partPrefab;
                        int  index       = 0;                       // module index

                        foreach (ProtoPartModuleSnapshot m in p.modules)
                            // calculate internal (passive) transmitter ec usage @ 0.5W each
                            if (m.moduleName == "ModuleRTAntennaPassive")
                                internal_cost += 0.0005;

                            // calculate external transmitters
                            else if (m.moduleName == "ModuleRTAntenna")
                                // only include data rate and ec cost if transmitter is active skip if index is out of range
                                if (Lib.Proto.GetBool(m, "IsRTActive") && index < part_prefab.Modules.Count)
                                    // get module prefab
                                    PartModule pm = part_prefab.Modules.GetModule(index);

                                    if (pm != null)
                                        external_cost += pm.resHandler.inputResources.Find(r => r.name == "ElectricCharge").rate;
                                        // only include data rate if vessel is connected
                                        float?packet_size = Lib.SafeReflectionValue <float>(pm, "RTPacketSize");
                                        // workaround for old savegames
                                        if (packet_size == null)
                                            Lib.Debug("Old SaveGame PartModule ModuleRTAntenna for part {0} on unloaded vessel {1}, using default values as a workaround", p.partName, v.vesselName);
                                            rate += 6.6666;                                              // 6.67 Mb/s
                                            rate += (float)packet_size / Lib.ReflectionValue <float>(pm, "RTPacketInterval");
                                        Lib.Debug("Could not find PartModule ModuleRTAntenna for part {0} on unloaded vessel {1}, using default values as a workaround", p.partName, v.vesselName);
                                        rate          += 6.6666;                                         // 6.67 Mb/s in 100% factor
                                        external_cost += 0.025;                                          // 25 W/s

                // are we connected
                if (RemoteTech.Connected(v.id))
                    linked      = RemoteTech.ConnectedToKSC(v.id);
                    status      = RemoteTech.TargetsKSC(v.id) ? LinkStatus.direct_link : LinkStatus.indirect_link;
                    strength    = RemoteTech.GetSignalDelay(v.id);
                    target_name = status == LinkStatus.direct_link ? Lib.Ellipsis("DSN: " + (RemoteTech.NameTargetsKSC(v.id) ?? ""), 20) :
                                  Lib.Ellipsis(RemoteTech.NameFirstHopToKSC(v.id) ?? "", 20);

                    if (linked)
                        controlPath = RemoteTech.GetCommsControlPath(v.id);

                    // Get the smaller rate of the path
                    if (controlPath != null)
                        // Get rate from the firstHop, each Hop will do the same logic, then we will have the min rate for whole path
                        if (controlPath.Length > 0)
                            rate = Math.Min(Cache.VesselInfo(FlightGlobals.FindVessel(controlPath[0])).connection.rate, rate);
                    rate *= PreferencesBasic.Instance.transmitFactor;
                // is loss of connection due to a blackout
                else if (RemoteTech.GetCommsBlackout(v.id))
                    status        = storm ? LinkStatus.storm : LinkStatus.plasma;
                    rate          = 0.0;
                    internal_cost = 0.0;
                    external_cost = 0.0;
                    // no connection
                    rate          = 0.0;
                    internal_cost = 0.0;
                    external_cost = 0.0;