public void Clear() { localPlayer = null; SpacePlayers.Clear(); frameList.Clear(); MonsterCount = 0; RoadList.Clear(); Heros.Clear(); Props.Clear(); Shops.Clear(); Skills.Clear(); Teams.Clear(); files.Clear(); }
public AvatarBase() { foreach (System.Reflection.Assembly ass in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { Type entityComponentScript = ass.GetType("KBEngine.FrameSyncReport"); if (entityComponentScript != null) { componentFrameSync = (FrameSyncReportBase)Activator.CreateInstance(entityComponentScript); componentFrameSync.owner = this; componentFrameSync.entityComponentPropertyID = 15; } } if (componentFrameSync == null) { throw new Exception("Please inherit and implement, such as: \"class FrameSyncReport : FrameSyncReportBase\""); } }
public AvatarBase() { foreach (System.Reflection.Assembly ass in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { Type entityComponentScript = ass.GetType("KBEngine.MatchAvatar"); if (entityComponentScript != null) { compMatchAvatar = (MatchAvatarBase)Activator.CreateInstance(entityComponentScript); compMatchAvatar.owner = this; compMatchAvatar.entityComponentPropertyID = 17; } } if (compMatchAvatar == null) { throw new Exception("Please inherit and implement, such as: \"class MatchAvatar : MatchAvatarBase\""); } foreach (System.Reflection.Assembly ass in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { Type entityComponentScript = ass.GetType("KBEngine.FrameSyncReport"); if (entityComponentScript != null) { component1 = (FrameSyncReportBase)Activator.CreateInstance(entityComponentScript); component1.owner = this; component1.entityComponentPropertyID = 8; } } if (component1 == null) { throw new Exception("Please inherit and implement, such as: \"class FrameSyncReport : FrameSyncReportBase\""); } foreach (System.Reflection.Assembly ass in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { Type entityComponentScript = ass.GetType("KBEngine.Operation"); if (entityComponentScript != null) { component2 = (OperationBase)Activator.CreateInstance(entityComponentScript); component2.owner = this; component2.entityComponentPropertyID = 11; } } if (component2 == null) { throw new Exception("Please inherit and implement, such as: \"class Operation : OperationBase\""); } foreach (System.Reflection.Assembly ass in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { Type entityComponentScript = ass.GetType("KBEngine.Chat"); if (entityComponentScript != null) { component3 = (ChatBase)Activator.CreateInstance(entityComponentScript); component3.owner = this; component3.entityComponentPropertyID = 15; } } if (component3 == null) { throw new Exception("Please inherit and implement, such as: \"class Chat : ChatBase\""); } }