        public ConsoleManager(IInputDevice inputDevice, int sleepTimeout)
            this.inputDevice  = inputDevice;
            this.sleepTimeout = sleepTimeout;

            this.inputDevice.LeftArrowKeyPressed  += new EventHandler(this.inputDevice_LeftArrowKeyPressed);
            this.inputDevice.RightArrowKeyPressed += new EventHandler(this.inputDevice_RightArrowKeyPressed);
            this.inputDevice.UpArrowKeyPressed    += new EventHandler(this.inputDevice_UpArrowKeyPressed);
            this.inputDevice.DownArrowKeyPressed  += new EventHandler(this.inputDevice_DownArrowKeyPressed);


            pacman = new Pacman(new Location(15, 18), '>', ConsoleColor.Yellow);
            pacman.ScoreUpdated += new ScoreUpdatedEventHandler(this.pacman_ScoreUpdated);

            IMovingStrategy strategy = new BfsStrategy();

            // Shadow, the red guy
            Ghost blinky = new Ghost(new Location(8, 18), ConsoleColor.Red, strategy);
            // Bashful, the blue guy
            Ghost inky = new Ghost(new Location(11, 16), ConsoleColor.Cyan, strategy);
            // Speedy, the pink guy
            Ghost pinky = new Ghost(new Location(11, 18), ConsoleColor.Magenta, strategy);
            // Pokey, the slow guy
            Ghost clyde = new Ghost(new Location(11, 20), ConsoleColor.Green, strategy);

            ghosts    = new Ghost[4];
            ghosts[0] = blinky;
            ghosts[1] = inky;
            ghosts[2] = pinky;
            ghosts[3] = clyde;

            foreach (Ghost ghost in ghosts)
                ghost.EndOfRouteReached += new EventHandler(this.ghost_EndOfRouteReached);
                ghost.CalcRoute(routeTargets[targetSelector.Next(routeTargets.Length)], maze);
        public ConsoleManager(IInputDevice inputDevice, int sleepTimeout)
            this.inputDevice = inputDevice;
            this.sleepTimeout = sleepTimeout;

            this.inputDevice.LeftArrowKeyPressed += new EventHandler(this.inputDevice_LeftArrowKeyPressed);
            this.inputDevice.RightArrowKeyPressed += new EventHandler(this.inputDevice_RightArrowKeyPressed);
            this.inputDevice.UpArrowKeyPressed += new EventHandler(this.inputDevice_UpArrowKeyPressed);
            this.inputDevice.DownArrowKeyPressed += new EventHandler(this.inputDevice_DownArrowKeyPressed);


            pacman = new Pacman(new Location(15, 18), '>', ConsoleColor.Yellow);
            pacman.ScoreUpdated += new ScoreUpdatedEventHandler(this.pacman_ScoreUpdated);

            IMovingStrategy strategy = new BfsStrategy();

            // Shadow, the red guy
            Ghost blinky = new Ghost(new Location(8, 18), ConsoleColor.Red, strategy);
            // Bashful, the blue guy
            Ghost inky = new Ghost(new Location(11, 16), ConsoleColor.Cyan, strategy);
            // Speedy, the pink guy
            Ghost pinky = new Ghost(new Location(11, 18), ConsoleColor.Magenta, strategy);
            // Pokey, the slow guy
            Ghost clyde = new Ghost(new Location(11, 20), ConsoleColor.Green, strategy);

            ghosts = new Ghost[4];
            ghosts[0] = blinky;
            ghosts[1] = inky;
            ghosts[2] = pinky;
            ghosts[3] = clyde;

            foreach (Ghost ghost in ghosts)
                ghost.EndOfRouteReached += new EventHandler(this.ghost_EndOfRouteReached);
                ghost.CalcRoute(routeTargets[targetSelector.Next(routeTargets.Length)], maze);