        public static string[] GetAllExpiredCsvFile()
            List <string> expiredCsvFiles = new List <string>();

            foreach (string csvFile in ListAllCsvFilesInCsvFolder())
                string csvCodeFileName = JumpCsvEditorHelper.PathCombine(JumpCsvEditorHelper.PathCombine(Application.dataPath, JumpCsvConfig.CsvSourceCodeFileDirectory), JumpCsvEditorHelper.GetCsvDataClassName(csvFile) + ".cs");
                //string csvDataFileName = JumpCsvEditorHelper.PathCombine(JumpCsvEditorHelper.PathCombine(Application.dataPath, JumpCsvConfig.CsvBinDataDirectory) , JumpCsvEditorHelper.GetCsvDataBinaryFileName(csvFile));
                if (!File.Exists(csvCodeFileName))
                else   // check content is latest
                    string className   = JumpCsvEditorHelper.GetCsvDataClassName(csvFile);
                    Type   csvCodeType = CsvHelper.GetType("JumpCSV." + className);
                    int    hashCode    = (int)(csvCodeType.GetField("mHashCode").GetValue(null));

                    string         resourcePath = JumpCsvEditorHelper.PathCombine(Application.dataPath, "Build/CSV/Common");
                    string         path         = JumpCsvEditorHelper.MakeRelativePath(resourcePath, csvFile);
                    CsvSpreadSheet spreadSheet  = new CsvSpreadSheet(path.Replace(".csv", ""), true);                      //string content = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    int CheckSum = spreadSheet.GetHashCode();
                    if (CheckSum != hashCode)
        public static void Serialize(string filename)
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            Stream          stream    = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
            MemoryStream    mstream   = new MemoryStream();

            formatter.Serialize(mstream, Data);
            byte[] mbyte = mstream.ToArray();
            byte[] tmp   = new byte[mbyte.Length];
            CsvHelper.Encode(mbyte, 0, tmp, 0, tmp.Length, ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ABCDEFG2"));
            stream.Write(tmp, 0, tmp.Length);
        private void CheckKeyValueValidation()
            if (Kind == EKind.ListRecord)
                for (int i = 0; i < Records.Count; i++)
                    if (Records[i].KeyValue != i)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Value in {0} column is not sequential like 0,1,2,3... in the file {1}", HeaderIndexLiteral, CsvFileName));
            else if (Kind == EKind.DicRecord)
                for (int i = 0; i < Records.Count; i++)
                    if (!CsvHelper.IsValidVariableName(Records[i].KeyName))
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Key Name value {0} is not valid name at file {1}", Records[i].KeyName, CsvFileName));

                    if (!IsValidKeyValueForDicRecord(Records[i].KeyValue))
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Key ID value {0} is not valid name at file {1}", Records[i].KeyValue, CsvFileName));
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < Records.Count; j++)
                        if (Records[i].KeyName == Records[j].KeyName)
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("Contains same name {0} in {1} column in the file {2}", Records[j].KeyName, HeaderIdNameLiteral, CsvFileName));

                        if (Records[i].KeyValue == Records[j].KeyValue)
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("Contains same value {0} in {1} column in the file {2}", Records[j].KeyValue, HeaderValueLiteral, CsvFileName));
                throw new Exception("Unknow csv file type");
        public static void Deserialize(string filename, bool isAssetBundle = false)
            TextAsset textAsset = null;

            if (isAssetBundle && AssetBundleMgr.ContainsFile(filename, "bytes"))
                textAsset = AssetBundleMgr.Load(filename, "bytes") as TextAsset;
                textAsset = Resources.Load(filename) as TextAsset;
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            MemoryStream    mstream   = new MemoryStream();

            byte[] tmp = new byte[textAsset.bytes.Length];
            CsvHelper.Encode(textAsset.bytes, 0, tmp, 0, tmp.Length, ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ABCDEFG2"));
            mstream.Write(tmp, 0, tmp.Length);
            mstream.Position = 0;
            Data             = formatter.Deserialize(mstream) as Dictionary <int, HeroRecord>;
        private void ReadHeader()
            string[] headerInfo = mReader.ReadLine(0);

            if (headerInfo.Length < 1)
                throw new CSVFileException(CsvFileName, "The header can not be empty");

            // read header
            mWidth = headerInfo.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < mWidth; i++)
                string[] tuple = headerInfo[i].Split(new char[] { ':' });
                if (tuple.Length == 1 && IsReservedColumnName(tuple[0]))
                    if (tuple[0] == HeaderIdNameLiteral)
                        Header.Add(new HeaderRecord(tuple[0], "id", HeaderIdNameType, i));
                    else if (tuple[0] == HeaderValueLiteral)
                        Header.Add(new HeaderRecord(tuple[0], "dicval", HeaderValueType, i));
                    else if (tuple[0] == HeaderIndexLiteral)
                        Header.Add(new HeaderRecord(tuple[0], "int", HeaderIndexType, i));
                        throw new CSVFileException(CsvFileName, i + 1, 1, "Header name " + headerInfo[i] + " is not a valid name");
                else if (tuple.Length != 2)
                    throw new CSVFileException(CsvFileName, i + 1, 1, "Header name " + headerInfo[i] + " is not a valid name");
                    if (CsvHelper.IsValidVariableName(tuple[0]))
                        Type type = CsvHelper.GetCsvColumnTypeByName(tuple[1]);
                        if (type == null)
                            throw new CSVFileException(CsvFileName, i + 1, 1, "Can not recognize name of type " + tuple[1]);
                        if (tuple[0][0] == '#')
                            Header.Add(new HeaderRecord(tuple[0], tuple[1], type, i));
                        throw new CSVFileException(CsvFileName, i + 1, 1, tuple[0] + " is not a valid column name. A valid column name for header must the uppercase and lowercase letters A through Z, the underscore _ and, except for the first character, the digits 0 through 9.");

            int duplicatedColumn = CheckDuplicatedColumnName();

            if (duplicatedColumn > -1)
                throw new CSVFileException(CsvFileName, duplicatedColumn + 1, 1, "Duplicated column name " + headerInfo[duplicatedColumn]);

            int idPos    = Header.FindIndex((x) => { return(x.Name == HeaderIdNameLiteral); });
            int valuePos = Header.FindIndex((x) => { return(x.Name == HeaderValueLiteral); });
            int indexPos = Header.FindIndex((x) => { return(x.Name == HeaderIndexLiteral); });

            if (idPos > -1 && valuePos > -1 && indexPos > -1)
                string error = string.Format("Confuse csv format, the List csv file need include {0} field in header, key-value csv file need include {1} {2} in header", HeaderIndexLiteral, HeaderValueLiteral, HeaderIdNameLiteral);
                throw new CSVFileException(CsvFileName, error);
            else if (idPos > -1 && valuePos == -1 && indexPos == -1) //dictionary without value
                Header.Add(new HeaderRecord(HeaderValueLiteral, "dicval", HeaderValueType, Header.Count));
                Kind            = EKind.DicRecord;
                dicWithoutValue = true;
            else if (indexPos > -1 && idPos == -1 && valuePos == -1) // list csv
                if (GetHeaderRecord(indexPos).Type == HeaderIndexType)
                    Kind = EKind.ListRecord;
                    string error = string.Format("List csv field {0} must with {1} type.", HeaderIndexLiteral, "int");
                    throw new CSVFileException(CsvFileName, error);
            else if (indexPos == -1 && idPos > -1 && valuePos > -1) // dictionary csv
            // check id type
                if (GetHeaderRecord(idPos).Type != CsvHelper.GetCsvColumnTypeByName("id"))
                    string error = string.Format("Header named {0} type does not match type {1} at file {2}", HeaderIdNameLiteral, CsvHelper.GetCsvColumnTypeByName("id"), CsvFileName);
                    throw new Exception(error);

                // if contains _VALUE field, check the type is int
                if (GetHeaderRecord(valuePos).Type != HeaderValueType)
                    string error = string.Format("Header named {0} type does not match type {1} at file {2}", HeaderValueLiteral, HeaderValueType, CsvFileName);
                    throw new Exception(error);

                Kind = EKind.DicRecord;
                string error = string.Format("Header is not valid, make sure you add {0}:int field for list csv file and {1}:int {2}:id fields for key-value csv file at first row", HeaderIndexLiteral, HeaderValueLiteral, HeaderIdNameLiteral);
                throw new CSVFileException(CsvFileName, error);

            mHeight = mReader.Height;