public static object ConvertType(object value, Type type) { ArgumentGuard.NotNull(type, nameof(type)); if (value == null) { if (!CanContainNull(type)) { throw new FormatException($"Failed to convert 'null' to type '{type.Name}'."); } return(null); } Type runtimeType = value.GetType(); if (type == runtimeType || type.IsAssignableFrom(runtimeType)) { return(value); } string stringValue = value.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringValue)) { return(GetDefaultValue(type)); } bool isNullableTypeRequested = type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>); Type nonNullableType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) ?? type; try { if (nonNullableType == typeof(Guid)) { Guid convertedValue = Guid.Parse(stringValue); return(isNullableTypeRequested ? (Guid?)convertedValue : convertedValue); } if (nonNullableType == typeof(DateTimeOffset)) { DateTimeOffset convertedValue = DateTimeOffset.Parse(stringValue); return(isNullableTypeRequested ? (DateTimeOffset?)convertedValue : convertedValue); } if (nonNullableType == typeof(TimeSpan)) { TimeSpan convertedValue = TimeSpan.Parse(stringValue); return(isNullableTypeRequested ? (TimeSpan?)convertedValue : convertedValue); } if (nonNullableType.IsEnum) { object convertedValue = Enum.Parse(nonNullableType, stringValue); // return(convertedValue); } // return(Convert.ChangeType(stringValue, nonNullableType)); } catch (Exception exception) when(exception is FormatException || exception is OverflowException || exception is InvalidCastException || exception is ArgumentException) { throw new FormatException( $"Failed to convert '{value}' of type '{runtimeType.Name}' to type '{type.Name}'.", exception); } }