// this function for just referance for partial update field user have to create seperate function learn from this function. public bool UpdatePartial(ENT.MessageSendLog objEntity) { bool blnResult = false; try { //Create Fields List in dictionary Dictionary <string, bool> dctFields = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); dctFields.Add(COM.HelperMethod.PropertyName <ENT.MessageSendLog>(x => x.MessageLogId), true); dctFields.Add(COM.HelperMethod.PropertyName <ENT.MessageSendLog>(x => x.Mobile), false); dctFields.Add(COM.HelperMethod.PropertyName <ENT.MessageSendLog>(x => x.Response), false); dctFields.Add(COM.HelperMethod.PropertyName <ENT.MessageSendLog>(x => x.IsSent), false); dctFields.Add(COM.HelperMethod.PropertyName <ENT.MessageSendLog>(x => x.CreatedDateTime), false); objEntity.FieldCollection = dctFields; if (objDAL.SaveChanges(objEntity.FieldCollection, objEntity)) { blnResult = true; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(blnResult); }
public object GetByPrimaryKey(ENT.MessageSendLog Entity) { object objResult = null; try { DAL.CRUDOperation tt = new DAL.CRUDOperation(); objResult = tt.GetEntityByPrimartKey(Entity); } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(objResult); }