public void WithEmptyReply()
                // Arrange 
                const string xml = "<AlarmGetResponseTextListReply></AlarmGetResponseTextListReply>";
                var expected = new AlarmGetResponseTextListReply();

                // Act
                var actual = _replySerializer.Deserialize(xml);

                // Assert
                DtoAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            public void WithFullPayload()
                // Arrange
                var expected = new AlarmGetResponseTextListReply(new AlarmResponseTextFilter("Super User"),
                                                                 new Paging(0, 50, 1),
                                                                 new SortOrder(new[] { new SortKey("1", "AlarmResponseText", "StartKey", "LastKey") }, "ASC"),
                                                                 new ResponseText("Super User", 1, "Call Police",
                                                                                  "Calling 911 and making a log of my call."),
                                                                 new ResponseText("Super User", 1, "Propped Door",
                                                                                  "Told source of alarm to stop propping the door open."));

                // Act
                var actual = _replySerializer.Deserialize(FullXmlMessage);

                // Assert
                DtoAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);