void taskTree_OpenTaskConfigFileEvent(object sender, TaskEventArgs e) { try { //get the top form MainForm mainform = this.TopLevelControl as MainForm; if (mainform != null) mainform.OpenTaskConfigFile(e.Task); } catch (Exception ex) { Program.ShowMessageBox("FrmTaskManager", ex); } }
private void taskTree_TaskNameChangedEvent(object sender, Johnny.CodeGenerator.Controls.TaskTree.TaskEventArgs e) { try { //get the top form MainForm mainform = this.TopLevelControl as MainForm; if (mainform != null) { mainform.ChangeTaskEditTabName(e.Task); } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.ShowMessageBox("FrmTaskManager", ex); } }
private void taskTree_StartTaskEvent(object sender, Johnny.CodeGenerator.Controls.TaskTree.TaskEventArgs e) { try { string taskid = e.Task.TaskId; string taskname = e.Task.TaskName; Thread startThread; //if the thread is existing. if (_threadList.TryGetValue(taskid, out startThread)) { _threadList.Remove(taskid); } TaskManager task; if (_taskManagerList.TryGetValue(taskid, out task)) { _taskManagerList.Remove(taskid); } startThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(delegate { task = new TaskManager(taskid, taskname); task.MessageChanged += delegate(string caption, string key, string message) { if (MessageChanged != null) { MessageChanged(caption, key, message); } }; task.ExecutionFinished += delegate(string stoppedtaskid, string stoppedtaskname) { taskTree.SetStoppedIcon(stoppedtaskid, stoppedtaskname); }; _taskManagerList.Add(taskid, task); task.TaskStart(); })); startThread.IsBackground = true; startThread.Start(); _threadList.Add(taskid, startThread); } catch (Exception ex) { Program.ShowMessageBox("FrmTaskManager", ex); } }
private void taskTree_StopTaskEvent(object sender, Johnny.CodeGenerator.Controls.TaskTree.TaskEventArgs e) { try { if (TaskStopped != null) { TaskStopped(e.Task.TaskId, e.Task.TaskName); } Thread currentThread; if (_threadList.TryGetValue(e.Task.TaskId, out currentThread)) { _taskManagerList.Remove(e.Task.TaskId); currentThread.Abort(); currentThread.Interrupt(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.ShowMessageBox("FrmTaskManager", ex); } }
private void TaskTree_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Node is TaskNode) { TaskNode tn = e.Node as TaskNode; TaskEventArgs te = new TaskEventArgs(); if (tn != null) { te.Task = ConfigCtrl.GetTask(tn.Task.TaskId, tn.Task.TaskName); /* * te.Operations = new Collection<OperationInfo>(); * foreach (AccountInfo account in te.Task.Accounts) * { * te.Operations.Add(ConfigCtrl.GetOperation(te.Task.GroupName, account)); * }*/ //te.Task = tn.Task; //te.Operations = new Collection<OperationInfo>(); //foreach (OperationNode on in tn.Nodes) //{ // te.Operations.Add(on.Operation); //} } else { te.Task = null; } OnTaskNodeSelected(te); } else if (this.SelectedNode is TaskNode) { TaskNode tn = this.SelectedNode as TaskNode; TaskEventArgs te = new TaskEventArgs(); if (tn != null) { te.Task = tn.Task; /* * te.Operations = new Collection<OperationInfo>(); * foreach (OperationNode on in tn.Nodes) * { * te.Operations.Add(on.Operation); * }*/ } else { te.Task = null; } OnTaskNodeSelected(te); } /* * else if (this.SelectedNode is OperationNode) * { * OperationNode on = this.SelectedNode as OperationNode; * OperationEventArgs oe = new OperationEventArgs(); * if (on != null) * oe.Operation = on.Operation; * else * oe.Operation = null; * OnOperationNodeSelected(oe); * }*/ else if (this.SelectedNode is BaseNode) { BaseNode bn = this.SelectedNode as BaseNode; if (bn != null) { RootNodeEventArgs re = new RootNodeEventArgs(); re.Tasks = new Collection <TaskInfo>(); foreach (TaskNode tasknode in bn.Nodes) { re.Tasks.Add(tasknode.Task); } OnRootNodeSelected(re); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandler.ShowMessageBox(CGConstants.MODULE_TASKTREE, ex); } }