public static void getTestCaseResultList(JiraItem jiraItem) { Console.Write("Actual result: "); string tempActualResult = Console.ReadLine(); while (tempActualResult.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("The field cannot be empty"); tempActualResult = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.Write("Expected result: "); string tempExpectedResult = Console.ReadLine(); while (tempExpectedResult.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("The field cannot be epmty"); tempExpectedResult = Console.ReadLine(); } jiraItem.testCaseResultList.Add(tempActualResult + " / " + tempExpectedResult); char answerAnotherResults; do { Console.Write("Want to add more for actual result? (y/n):"); bool isCharActual = char.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out answerAnotherResults); while ((answerAnotherResults != 'y') && (answerAnotherResults != 'n')) { Console.Write("Type y or n: "); char.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out answerAnotherResults); } if (answerAnotherResults == 'y') { Console.WriteLine("another actual result: "); string tempAnotherActual = Console.ReadLine(); while (tempAnotherActual.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("The field cannot be epmty"); tempAnotherActual = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine("another expected result: "); string tempAnotherExpected = Console.ReadLine(); while (tempAnotherExpected.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("The field cannot be epmty"); tempAnotherExpected = Console.ReadLine(); } jiraItem.testCaseResultList.Add(tempAnotherActual + " / " + tempAnotherExpected); } else { break; } } while (answerAnotherResults == 'y'); }
public static void getID(JiraItem jiraItem) { Console.Write("ID: "); bool isIntID = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out jiraItem.ID); while ((!isIntID) || (isIntID.ToString().Length == 0)) { Console.WriteLine("Insert number: "); isIntID = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out jiraItem.ID); } }
public static void getAuthor(JiraItem jiraItem) { Console.Write("Author: "); = (Console.ReadLine()); while ( < 1) { Console.WriteLine("The field cannot be empty"); Console.Write("Author: "); = (Console.ReadLine()); } }
public static void getEnviromentAndVersion(JiraItem jiraItem) { Console.Write("Enviroment and version: "); jiraItem.enviroment = (Console.ReadLine()); while (jiraItem.enviroment.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("The field cannot be empty"); Console.Write("Enviroment and version: "); jiraItem.enviroment = (Console.ReadLine()); } }
public static void getTittleDescription(JiraItem jiraItem) { Console.Write("Title/Description: "); jiraItem.title = (Console.ReadLine()); while (jiraItem.title.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("The field cannot be empty"); Console.Write("Title/Description: "); jiraItem.title = (Console.ReadLine()); } }
public static void getStepsList(JiraItem jiraItem) { Console.Write("Steps details: "); string tempStepDetails = Console.ReadLine(); while (tempStepDetails.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("The field cannot be empty"); tempStepDetails = Console.ReadLine(); } jiraItem.stepsList.Add(tempStepDetails); char answerAnotherSteps; do { Console.Write("Want to add another steps? (y/n):"); bool isCharSteps = char.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out answerAnotherSteps); while ((answerAnotherSteps != 'y') && (answerAnotherSteps != 'n')) { Console.Write("Type y or n: "); char.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out answerAnotherSteps); } if (answerAnotherSteps == 'y') { Console.WriteLine("another steps: "); string tempAnotherSteps = Console.ReadLine(); while (tempAnotherSteps.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("The field cannot be empty"); tempAnotherSteps = Console.ReadLine(); } jiraItem.stepsList.Add(tempAnotherSteps); } else { break; } } while (answerAnotherSteps == 'y'); }
public static void getPrerequisites(JiraItem jiraItem) { Console.Write("Prerequisites: "); string tempPrereq = Console.ReadLine(); while (tempPrereq.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("The field cannot be empty"); tempPrereq = Console.ReadLine(); } jiraItem.prerequisitesList.Add(tempPrereq); char answerAnotherPrereq; do { Console.Write("Want to add another prerequisites (y/n)? :"); bool isCharPrereq = char.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out answerAnotherPrereq); while ((answerAnotherPrereq != 'y') && (answerAnotherPrereq != 'n')) { Console.Write("Type y or n: "); char.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out answerAnotherPrereq); } if (answerAnotherPrereq == 'y') { Console.Write("Another prerequisites: "); string tempAnotherPrereq = Console.ReadLine(); while (tempAnotherPrereq.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("The field cannot be empty"); tempAnotherPrereq = Console.ReadLine(); } jiraItem.prerequisitesList.Add(tempAnotherPrereq); } else { break; } } while (answerAnotherPrereq == 'y'); }