private static bool DoTypesMatch(IType type, UnityTypeSpec typeSpec)
            // TODO: Replace with Equals(type, typeSpec.AsIType) if this gets more complex
            // This handles the types we currently have to deal with - scalars, simple arrays and simple generics. This
            // method is called frequently, so use KnownTypesCache to mitigate creating too many instances of IType for
            // the type spec
            if (typeSpec.IsArray != type is IArrayType)

            // This doesn't handle an array of generic types, but that's ok
            if (type is IArrayType arrayType)
                return(Equals(arrayType.ElementType.GetTypeElement()?.GetClrName(), typeSpec.ClrTypeName));

            var typeElement = type.GetTypeElement();

            if (typeElement == null)

            if (Equals(typeElement.GetClrName(), typeSpec.ClrTypeName))
                // Now check generics
                if (typeElement.TypeParameters.Count != typeSpec.TypeParameters.Length)

                if (typeSpec.TypeParameters.Length > 0)
                    var substitution = (type as IDeclaredType)?.GetSubstitution();
                    if (substitution == null)

                    var i = 0;
                    foreach (var typeParameter in substitution.Domain)
                        var typeParameterType = substitution[typeParameter];
                        if (!Equals(typeParameterType.GetTypeElement()?.GetClrName(), typeSpec.TypeParameters[i]))

 public UnityEventFunctionParameter([NotNull] string name, [NotNull] UnityTypeSpec typeSpec,
                                    [CanBeNull] string description, bool isByRef, bool isOptional,
                                    string justification)
     Name          = name;
     TypeSpec      = typeSpec;
     Description   = description;
     IsByRef       = isByRef;
     IsOptional    = isOptional;
     Justification = justification;
        private static object GetTypeObject(UnityTypeSpec typeSpec, KnownTypesCache knownTypesCache, IPsiModule module)
            if (typeSpec.TypeParameters.Length == 0)
                var keyword = CSharpTypeFactory.GetTypeKeyword(typeSpec.ClrTypeName);
                if (keyword != null)

            return(typeSpec.AsIType(knownTypesCache, module));
 public UnityEventFunction([NotNull] string name, [NotNull] IClrTypeName typeName,
                           [NotNull] UnityTypeSpec returnType, bool isStatic, bool canBeCoroutine,
                           string description, bool undocumented, Version minimumVersion,
                           Version maximumVersion, [NotNull] params UnityEventFunctionParameter[] parameters)
     Description      = description;
     Undocumented     = undocumented;
     IsStatic         = isStatic;
     CanBeCoroutine   = canBeCoroutine;
     myMinimumVersion = minimumVersion;
     myMaximumVersion = maximumVersion;
     Name             = name;
     TypeName         = typeName;
     ReturnType       = returnType;
     Parameters       = parameters.Length > 0 ? parameters : EmptyArray <UnityEventFunctionParameter> .Instance;
        private UnityTypeSpec GetInternedTypeSpec(string typeName, bool isArray)
            // Note that the typeName might be a closed generic type, which is not a valid IClrTypeName, but is a good key
            var key = typeName + (isArray ? "[]" : string.Empty);

            if (!myTypeSpecs.TryGetValue(key, out var typeSpec))
                // Note that this means the serialised name needs to be a CLR type name, not a C# name. So System.String
                // instead of `string` and `System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String]]` instead of List<string>.
                // Also note that IClrTypeName does not handle closed generics, so we need to strip the type parameters.
                if (typeName.Contains('`'))
                    // We don't handle nested generics
                    var match = Regex.Match(typeName, @"^(?<outer>.*`(?<count>\d+))\[\[(?<parameters>.*)\]\]$");
                    if (match.Success)
                        var outer      = match.Groups["outer"];
                        var parameters = match.Groups["parameters"];

                        var @params   = parameters.Value.Split(',');
                        var typeNames = new IClrTypeName[@params.Length];
                        for (var i = 0; i < @params.Length; i++)
                            typeNames[i] = GetInternedClrTypeName(@params[i]);

                        var outerTypeName = GetInternedClrTypeName(outer.Value);
                        typeSpec = new UnityTypeSpec(outerTypeName, isArray, typeNames);

                        myTypeSpecs.Add(key, typeSpec);
                        // We control the data coming in, so we'll only see this at dev time
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Unhandled formatting for CLR type name");
                    var clrTypeName = GetInternedClrTypeName(typeName);
                    typeSpec = new UnityTypeSpec(clrTypeName, isArray);
                    myTypeSpecs.Add(key, typeSpec);
