public override void DisplayResource(IResource rssItem, WordPtr[] wordsToHighlight) { string subject = rssItem.GetPropText(Core.Props.Subject); ShowSubject(subject, wordsToHighlight); IResource feed = rssItem.GetLinkProp(-Props.RSSItem); if (feed != null && feed.HasProp(Props.AutoFollowLink) && rssItem.GetPropText(Props.Link).Length > 0) { AttachWebBrowser(); Core.WebBrowser.NavigateInPlace(rssItem.GetPropText(Props.Link)); } else { StringBuilderDecor decor = new StringBuilderDecor("<html>"); decor.AppendText(GetItemStyle()); decor.AppendText(Core.MessageFormatter.StandardStyledHeader(subject)); string body = rssItem.GetPropText(Core.Props.LongBody); if (_showSummary) { RssBodyConstructor.ConstructSummary(rssItem, SummaryStyle, body, decor); } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Update the search results offsets //------------------------------------------------------------- if (wordsToHighlight != null) { int inc = decor.ToString().Length; // Prepended length for (int a = 0; a < wordsToHighlight.Length; a++) { wordsToHighlight[a].StartOffset += inc; } } ProcessBody(decor, body, rssItem); //------------------------------------------------------------- if (!_useDetailedURLs) { RssBodyConstructor.AppendLink(rssItem, decor, cLinkAlias); } else { RssBodyConstructor.AppendLink(rssItem, decor); } RssBodyConstructor.AppendRelatedPosts(rssItem, decor, _useDetailedURLs); RssBodyConstructor.AppendEnclosure(rssItem, decor); RssBodyConstructor.AppendSourceTag(rssItem, decor); RssBodyConstructor.AppendCommentsTag(rssItem, decor); decor.AppendText("</body></html>"); ShowHtml(decor.ToString(), _ctxRestricted, wordsToHighlight); } IResourceList feeds = rssItem.GetLinksOfType(Props.RSSFeedResource, Props.RSSItem); IResource owner = Core.ResourceBrowser.OwnerResource; if ((owner != null && owner.Type == Props.RSSFeedGroupResource) || (feeds.Count > 0 && owner == feeds [0])) { RSSPlugin.GetInstance().RememberSelection(owner, rssItem); } }
public void GetItemHtml(IResource item, TextWriter writer) { TextWriterDecor decor = new TextWriterDecor(writer); //////////////////////// // Prepare the strings /* * // Date — date/time of this item * string sDate; * DateTime date = item.GetDateProp( Core.Props.Date ); * if( date.Date == DateTime.Today ) * sDate = "Today " + date.ToShortTimeString(); * else * sDate = date.ToShortDateString() + ' ' + date.ToShortTimeString(); * * // Origin — name of the feed author, etc * string sOrigin = ""; * if( item.HasProp( Core.ContactManager.Props.LinkFrom ) ) * sOrigin = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( item.GetPropText( Core.ContactManager.Props.LinkFrom ) ); * * ////////// * // Title * writer.WriteLine( "<div class=\"title\">" ); * GenericNewspaperProvider.RenderIcon( item, writer ); // Icon * RssBodyConstructor.AppendLink( item, decor, true ); // Title text & link * writer.WriteLine( "<em class=\"Origin\">{0}{2}{1}</em>", sOrigin, sDate, ((sOrigin.Length > 0) && (sDate.Length > 0) ? " — " : "") ); // Origin (feed name) & Date * writer.WriteLine( "</div>" ); // class=title * * GenericNewspaperProvider.RenderFlag( item, writer ); // Flag (optional) * GenericNewspaperProvider.RenderAnnotation( item, writer ); // Annotation (optional) * * writer.WriteLine( "<br class=\"clear\" />" ); */ // TODO: remove IResource feed = item.GetLinkProp(-Props.RSSItem); GenericNewspaperProvider.RenderCaption(item, writer); ////////////// // Item Body writer.WriteLine("<div>"); if (feed != null && feed.HasProp(Props.URL)) { writer.WriteLine(HtmlTools.FixRelativeLinks(item.GetPropText(Core.Props.LongBody), feed.GetStringProp("URL"))); } else { writer.WriteLine(item.GetPropText(Core.Props.LongBody)); } writer.WriteLine("</div>"); // Enclosure info if (item.HasProp(Props.EnclosureURL)) { writer.Write("<p class=\"Origin\"><span title=\"Enclosure is an attachment to the RSS feed item.\">Enclosure</span>"); // Specify the enclosure size, if available if (item.HasProp(Props.EnclosureSize)) { writer.Write(" ({0})", Utils.SizeToString(item.GetIntProp(Props.EnclosureSize))); } writer.Write(": "); // Add a link to the locally-saved enclosure file string sDownloadComment = null; // Will contain an optional download comment if (item.HasProp(Props.EnclosureDownloadingState)) { // Choose the tooltip text and whether the icon will be clickable, depending on the state string sText = null; bool bLink = false; EnclosureDownloadState nEnclosureDownloadState = (EnclosureDownloadState)item.GetIntProp(Props.EnclosureDownloadingState); switch (nEnclosureDownloadState) { case EnclosureDownloadState.Completed: sText = "The enclosure has been downloaded to your computer.\nClick to open the local file."; bLink = true; break; case EnclosureDownloadState.Failed: sText = "Failed to download the enclosure.\nUse the Web link to download manually."; break; case EnclosureDownloadState.InProgress: sText = "Downloading the enclosure, please wait…\nClick to open the partially-downloaded file."; // Write percentage to the comment if (item.HasProp(Props.EnclosureDownloadedSize)) { if (item.HasProp(Props.EnclosureSize)) // The total size is available, as needed for the percentage { sDownloadComment = String.Format("({0}%)", item.GetIntProp(Props.EnclosureDownloadedSize) * 100 / item.GetIntProp(Props.EnclosureSize)); } else // The total size is not available, percentage not available, show the size downloaded { sDownloadComment = String.Format("({0} downloaded so far)", Utils.SizeToString(item.GetIntProp(Props.EnclosureDownloadedSize))); } } bLink = true; break; case EnclosureDownloadState.NotDownloaded: sText = "The enclosure has not been downloaded.\nUse the Web link to download manually."; break; case EnclosureDownloadState.Planned: sText = "The enclosure has been schedulled for download.\nUse the Web link to download manually."; sDownloadComment = "(0%)"; break; default: throw new Exception("Unexpected enclosure download state."); } // Ensure that there's the path to the local file specified, if we're going to provide a link to it if ((bLink) && (!item.HasProp(Props.EnclosureTempFile))) { Trace.WriteLine("Warning: path to the downloaded or in-progress enclosure is missing, though the downloading state implies on it should be present."); bLink = false; } // Open the link (if available) if (bLink) { writer.Write("<a href=\"{0}\">", "file://" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(item.GetStringProp(Props.EnclosureTempFile))); } // Render the icon Icon icon = EnclosureDownloadManager.GetEnclosureStateIcon(nEnclosureDownloadState); writer.Write("<img src=\"{0}\" align=\"top\" width=\"{1}\" height=\"{2}\" alt=\"{3}\" title=\"{3}\" />", FavIconManager.GetIconFile(icon, "EnclosureDownload", null, true), icon.Width, icon.Height, sText, sText); // Close the link if (bLink) { writer.Write("</a>"); } writer.Write(" "); } // Add a link to the Web location of the enclosure writer.Write("<a href=\"{0}\">", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(item.GetStringProp(Props.EnclosureURL))); if (_iconEnclosureWeb == null) { _iconEnclosureWeb = RSSPlugin.LoadIconFromAssembly("BlogExtensionComposer.Submit.ico"); } writer.Write("<img src=\"{0}\" align=\"top\" width=\"{1}\" height=\"{2}\" alt=\"{3}\" title=\"{3}\" /> ", FavIconManager.GetIconFile(_iconEnclosureWeb, "EnclosureWeb", null, true), _iconEnclosureWeb.Width, _iconEnclosureWeb.Height, "Download enclosure from the Web."); writer.Write("</a>"); // Add the optional download comment if (sDownloadComment != null) { writer.Write(" "); } writer.Write(sDownloadComment); // Close the paragraph writer.WriteLine("</p>"); } // Link to the Source RssBodyConstructor.AppendSourceTag(item, decor); // Link to the comments if (item.HasProp(Props.CommentURL)) { decor.AppendText("<p class=\"Origin\">"); RssBodyConstructor.AppendCommentsTag(item, decor); writer.WriteLine("</p>"); } }