        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a weak EventHandler wrapper
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventHandler">EventHandler to create a weak wrapper for</param>
        /// <param name="unregisterMethod">Lambda expression for unregistration (i.e. "h => obj.Event -= h")</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="eventHandler"/> is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException"><typeparamref name="TEventHandler"/> is not a delegate type.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="eventHandler"/> is a generated closure and may go out of scope prematurely. -or- <paramref name="unregisterMethod"/> references the <paramref name="eventHandler" /> target.</exception>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The <paramref name="unregisterMethod"/> is held on to with a strong reference, so anything referenced in
        /// the lambda expression will not be garbage collected until the <paramref name="eventHandler"/> target goes
        /// out of scope and the event is unregistered. It is recommended that you store the object containing the
        /// event in a local variable and use the local variable for unsubcribing to minimize object retention
        /// caused by property chains (i.e. "h => obj1.Property1.Property2.Event -= h" will hold on to obj1, which
        /// will presumably hold on to whatever is in Property1 and Property2. Furthermore, if Property1 or
        /// Property2 changes before the event is unsubscribed, the unsubscription will occur on the wrong
        /// Property2 instance).
        /// </remarks>
        public WeakEventHandler(TEventHandler eventHandler, Action <TEventHandler> unregisterMethod)
            if (eventHandler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("eventHandler");

            // Make sure TEventHandler is a Delegate since we can't enforce it in a where clause
            Delegate eventHandlerDelegate = eventHandler as Delegate;

            if (eventHandlerDelegate == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(typeof(TEventHandler).Name + " is not a delegate type.");

            // if there is no eventHandler target to create a weak reference to, the method will never go out of scope
            if (eventHandlerDelegate.Method.IsStatic)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot create weak event from static method, there is no object to reference that would go out of scope", "eventHandler");

            // we create a weak reference to the eventHandler target, but hold a strong reference to the unregisterMethod
            // if the unregisterMethod is on the eventHandler target, the target cannot be garbage collected and will be leaked.
            if (unregisterMethod != null && eventHandlerDelegate.Target != null && eventHandlerDelegate.Target == unregisterMethod.Target)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unregister method exists on same object as event handler, which will prevent the object from being garbage collected. This is typically the result of using a class variable instead of a local variable in the unregister method.", "unregisterMethod");

            // the lifetime of a generated closue is only the lifetime of the delegate itself. Closures are not
            // generated if the anonymous delegate only references variables passed in to it, or the "this" psuedo-variable.
            if (OpenAction.HasClosureReference(eventHandlerDelegate))
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot create weak event from generated closure", "eventHandler");

            if (_dispatchEventMethod == null)
                // expression is slightly faster than reflection, and prevents FxCop from saying DispatchEvent is not referenced.
                Expression <Action <object, TEventArgs> > expression = (o, e) => DispatchEvent(o, e);
                var dispatchEvent = expression.Body as MethodCallExpression;
                if (dispatchEvent == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to locate DispatchEvent method");

                _dispatchEventMethod = dispatchEvent.Method;

            // create a TEventHandler delegate pointing at DispatchEvent
            Handler = (TEventHandler)(object)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(TEventHandler), this, _dispatchEventMethod);

            // create weak reference to listener
            _methodInfo = eventHandlerDelegate.Method;
            _target     = new WeakReference(eventHandlerDelegate.Target);

            // create strong reference to unregister method - if it goes away, we can't unregister.
            // this requires that the unregister method does not reference the listener, or the listener
            // will never go out of scope!
            _unregisterMethod = unregisterMethod;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new WeakAction from an existing Action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">Action to convert into a WeakAction.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> points at a generated closure.</exception>
        public WeakAction(Action <T> action)
            : base(action != null ? action.Target : null)
            if (action == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("action");

            Method = action.Method;

            if (Method.IsStatic)
                Target      = Method.DeclaringType;
                _openAction = (target, param) => action(param);
                // Closures are generated internal classes used to pass local variables to an anonymous delegate. The lifetime of
                // the closure is determined by the lifetime of the delegate. Attempting to create a weak reference to the delegate
                // will not keep the closure around without some external reference. Since we can't validate the presence of an
                // external reference, we err on the side of caution and throw an exception. Closures are not generated if the
                // anonymous delegate only references variables passed in to it, or the "this" psuedo-variable.
                if (OpenAction.HasClosureReference(action))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Cannot create weak reference from generated closure");
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the method pointed with the provided parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="param">Parameter to pass to method.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the method was called, false if the target has been garbage collected.</returns>
        public bool Invoke(T param)
            object target = Target;

            if (target == null || !IsAlive)

            if (_openAction == null)
                _openAction = OpenAction.CreateOpenAction <T>(Method);

            _openAction(target, param);
        private void DispatchEvent(object sender, TEventArgs e)
            // if the target is still alive, call the event handler, otherwise detach from the event
            var target = _target.Target;

            if (target != null && _target.IsAlive)
                if (_delegate == null)
                    _delegate = OpenAction.CreateOpenAction <object, TEventArgs>(_methodInfo);

                _delegate(target, sender, e);
            else if (_unregisterMethod != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a static delegate from an Action, allowing the action's target to be provided at a later time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodInfo">The method to create an OpenAction from.</param>
        /// <returns>An OpenAction not ties to any specific target.</returns>
        public Action <object, TParam1, TParam2> CreateOpenAction <TParam1, TParam2>(MethodInfo methodInfo)
            Action <object, TParam1, TParam2> handler = null;

            if (_lastMethod == methodInfo)
                handler = _lastDelegate as Action <object, TParam1, TParam2>;

            if (handler == null)
                var helper = new OpenAction <TTarget, TParam1, TParam2>(methodInfo);
                handler = helper.Dispatch;

                _lastMethod   = methodInfo;
                _lastDelegate = handler;
