private static bool IsAccessPoint(Polyline acPline, int index)
            Document acDoc    = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Core.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database acCurrDb = acDoc.Database;
            Editor   acEditor = acDoc.Editor;

                DBDictionary outlineExtDict = JPPUtils.getOutlineExtensionDictionary(acPline);

                // Retrieve the Xrecord
                ResultBuffer rbLevel  = JPPUtils.getXrecord(outlineExtDict.Id, "Vertex_" + index.ToString());
                TypedValue[] xrecData = rbLevel.AsArray();
                if (xrecData[1].Value.ToString() == "Access_Point")
            catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception acException)
                    ("The following exception was caught: \n" + acException.Message
                    + "\nError checking for access point\n");
        private static bool Brickwork(bool exposed, ObjectId fflBlockId)
            Document acDoc    = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Core.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database acCurrDb = acDoc.Database;
            Editor   acEditor = acDoc.Editor;

            // Find the outline polyline object
            Polyline outline = FetchOutline(fflBlockId);

            if (outline == null)
                acEditor.WriteMessage("\nError, unable to retrieve FFL Block ID!");

            // Retrieve the extension dictionary for the outline

            DBDictionary blockOutlineExtDict = JPPUtils.getOutlineExtensionDictionary(outline);

            if (blockOutlineExtDict == null)
                acEditor.WriteMessage("\nError, unable to retrieve extension dictionary of outline!");
            // Retrieve the level at each vertex from the Xrecords in the outline extenstion dictionary
            double[] levels = new double[outline.NumberOfVertices];        // Array to store the levels
            for (int index = 0; index < outline.NumberOfVertices; index++)
                ResultBuffer rbLevel  = JPPUtils.getXrecord(blockOutlineExtDict.Id, "Vertex_" + index.ToString());
                TypedValue[] xrecData = rbLevel.AsArray();
                levels[index] = Convert.ToDouble(xrecData[3].Value);

            // Retrieve the FFL
            ResultBuffer rbFFL = JPPUtils.getXrecord(blockOutlineExtDict.Id, "FFL");
            double       FFL   = Convert.ToDouble(rbFFL.AsArray()[0].Value);

            // Create the offset polyline
            DBObjectCollection offsetOutlineObjects = outline.GetOffsetCurves(0.300);

            if ((offsetOutlineObjects.Count != 1) || (offsetOutlineObjects[0].GetType() != typeof(Polyline)))
                acEditor.WriteMessage("\nError, unable to create offset outline!");
            Polyline offsetOutline = offsetOutlineObjects[0] as Polyline;

            // For each vertex of the outline polyline check the level against the FFL. If it is
            // less the FFL - 0.15 then there is exposed brickwork, if it is greater than FFL - 0.015
            // tanking is required.
            // At the first occurence the coordinates of the previous vertex need to be saved
            double threshold   = FFL - 0.15;
            int    startVertex = 0;

            // Check if the level of vertex 0 is above of below threshold. If it is iterate anticlockwise
            // around the outline until a vertex with a level at the threshold is found. This
            // defines the start point to work round the outline.
            if ((levels[startVertex] < threshold) || (levels[startVertex] > FFL))
                for (int index = outline.NumberOfVertices - 1; index >= 0; index--)
                    if ((levels[index] > threshold) || (levels[index] < threshold))
                        // Found the start point for this run of exposed or tanked brickwork
                        startVertex = index;
            Point2dCollection hatchBoundaryPoints = new Point2dCollection();
            Point2dCollection offsetVertices      = new Point2dCollection();
            List <int>        cornerTextIndex     = new List <int>();
            bool creatingHatchBoundary            = false;

            for (int index = 0; index < outline.NumberOfVertices; index++)
                int vertexIndex;
                if (index < (outline.NumberOfVertices - startVertex))
                    vertexIndex = index + startVertex;
                    vertexIndex = index - (outline.NumberOfVertices - startVertex);
                if ((exposed && levels[vertexIndex] < threshold) ||
                    (!exposed && (!IsAccessPoint(outline, vertexIndex)) && levels[vertexIndex] > threshold))
                    if (hatchBoundaryPoints.Count == 0)           // First vertex above or below the threshold
                        // First point of the hatch boundary will be the previous vertex.
                        // Also, check to see if vertex is an access point. If it is then the hatch boundary point needs to be moved
                        // to accommodate this. It is assumed the access point will be 900mm wide.
                        Point2d firstVertex = new Point2d();
                        if (vertexIndex == 0)
                            firstVertex = CheckForAccessPoint(outline, outline.NumberOfVertices - 1, true);
                            firstVertex = CheckForAccessPoint(outline, vertexIndex - 1, true);
                        creatingHatchBoundary = true;
                    // Check if this vertex is a corner by comparing the angle of the 1st vector and 2nd vector
                    if (IsCorner(outline, vertexIndex))
                        cornerTextIndex.Add(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((threshold - levels[vertexIndex]) / 0.075)));
                else if (creatingHatchBoundary)                  // At the end of an exposed brickwork run
                    Point2d lastVertex = CheckForAccessPoint(outline, vertexIndex, false);
                    // offsetVertices.Add(offsetPLine.GetPoint2dAt(vertexIndex));
                    // Now need to close the hatch boundary
                    for (int index2 = offsetVertices.Count - 1; index2 >= 0; index2--)
                    // Call the function to add the hatch
                    if (!AddHatch(hatchBoundaryPoints, fflBlockId, exposed))
                        acEditor.WriteMessage("\nError, unable to exposed brick or tanking hatch!");
                    // Call function to add text
                    if (!AddCourseText(cornerTextIndex, offsetOutline, fflBlockId, exposed))
                        acEditor.WriteMessage("\nError, unable to exposed brick or tanking text!");
                    creatingHatchBoundary = false;
        private static Point2d CheckForAccessPoint(Polyline acPline, int index, bool atStart)
            Document acDoc    = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Core.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database acCurrDb = acDoc.Database;
            Editor   acEditor = acDoc.Editor;

            int     nextVertexIndex     = 0;
            int     previousVertexIndex = 0;
            Point2d newPoint            = new Point2d();

                // This function determines whether the point passed to the function is an access point; if it
                // is then an offset to allow for the access point opening is calculated and the offset point coordinates
                // returned. The direction of the offset is applied in depends on whether this is the start or end
                // of the hatch boundary.
                // If it's the start of the hatch boundary the offset is applied in the direction of the vector from
                // this point to the next vertex.
                // If it's the end of the hatch boundary the offset is applied in the direction of a vector from this
                // to the previous point.
                // First check if point is an access point as there's nothing to do if not.
                // Fetch the extension dictionary
                DBDictionary outlineExtDict = JPPUtils.getOutlineExtensionDictionary(acPline);

                // Retrieve the Xrecord
                ResultBuffer rbLevel  = JPPUtils.getXrecord(outlineExtDict.Id, "Vertex_" + index.ToString());
                TypedValue[] xrecData = rbLevel.AsArray();
                if (xrecData[1].Value.ToString() != "Access_Point")
                    return(newPoint = acPline.GetPoint2dAt(index));

                // First check if the point is the first vertex of the outline previous or next vertex index.

                if (atStart)
                    if (index == acPline.NumberOfVertices - 1)
                        nextVertexIndex = 0;
                        nextVertexIndex = index + 1;
                    // Calculate new point based on the vector angle
                    double vectorAngle = acPline.GetPoint2dAt(index).GetVectorTo(acPline.GetPoint2dAt(nextVertexIndex)).Angle;
                    newPoint = new Point2d(acPline.GetPoint2dAt(index).X + (Constants.Access_Point_Width / 2) * Math.Cos(vectorAngle),
                                           acPline.GetPoint2dAt(index).Y + (Constants.Access_Point_Width / 2) * Math.Sin(vectorAngle));
                    if (index == 0)
                        previousVertexIndex = acPline.NumberOfVertices - 1;
                        previousVertexIndex = index - 1;
                    // Calculate new point based on the vector angle
                    double vectorAngle = acPline.GetPoint2dAt(previousVertexIndex).GetVectorTo(acPline.GetPoint2dAt(index)).Angle;
                    newPoint = new Point2d(acPline.GetPoint2dAt(index).X - (Constants.Access_Point_Width / 2) * Math.Cos(vectorAngle),
                                           acPline.GetPoint2dAt(index).Y - (Constants.Access_Point_Width / 2) * Math.Sin(vectorAngle));
            catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception acException)
                    ("The following exception was caught: \n" + acException.Message
                    + "\nError accessing vertex Xrecord\n");
                newPoint = acPline.GetPoint2dAt(index);