 public void Add(Descriptor descriptor)
     // Forward
        private void LoadEventData( out string name, out string description, Descriptor[] descriptors )
            // Descriptors we can have
            ShortEvent shortEvent = null;

            // Extended events
            List<ExtendedEvent> exEvents = new List<ExtendedEvent>();

            // Check all descriptors
            foreach (Descriptor descr in descriptors)
                if (descr.IsValid)
                    // Check type
                    if (null == shortEvent)
                        // Read
                        shortEvent = descr as ShortEvent;

                        // Done for now
                        if (null != shortEvent) continue;

                    // Test
                    ExtendedEvent exEvent = descr as ExtendedEvent;

                    // Register
                    if (null != exEvent) exEvents.Add( exEvent );

            // Reset all
            description = null;
            name = null;

            // Take the best we got
            if (exEvents.Count > 0)
                // Text builder
                StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();

                // Process all
                foreach (ExtendedEvent exEvent in exEvents)
                    // Normal
                    if (null == name) name = exEvent.Name;

                    // Merge
                    if (exEvent.Text != null) text.Append( exEvent.Text );

                // Use
                description = text.ToString();

            // Try short event
            if (null != shortEvent)
                // Read
                if (null == name) name = shortEvent.Name;
                if (null == description) description = shortEvent.Text;

                // Check for additional information
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( name ))
                    name = shortEvent.Text;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( shortEvent.Text ))
                    name += string.Format( " ({0})", shortEvent.Text );