            /// <summary>
            /// Prüft, ob ein weiterer Zeitpunkt vorliegt.
            /// </summary>
            public void MoveNext()
                // As long as necessary
                for (; ;)
                    // Ask base
                    if (m_Scan != null)
                        if (!m_Scan.MoveNext())
                            m_Scan = null;

                    // Report
                    if (m_Scan == null)

                    // Load what base gives us
                    m_Current = m_Scan.Current;

                    // Load to check - normally we will not change it
                    var planned = m_Current.Planned;

                    // Find exception to apply
                    PlanException exception;
                    if (m_Exceptions.TryGetValue(planned.Start.ToLocalTime().Date, out exception))
                        // Report
                        if (RecordingScheduler.SchedulerTrace.TraceVerbose)
                            Trace.TraceInformation(Properties.SchedulerResources.Trace_Exception, planned.Start, planned.Duration, exception.StartDelta, exception.DurationDelta);

                        // Change
                        planned =
                            new PlannedTime
                            Duration = planned.Duration + exception.DurationDelta,
                            Start    = planned.Start + exception.StartDelta,

                        // Write back
                        m_Current.Planned = planned;

                    // Found it
                    if (planned.End > m_MinTime)
                        if (planned.Duration.TotalSeconds > 0)
 /// <summary>
 /// Erzeugt eine neue Beschreibung.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="recording">Die zugehörige Aufzeichnung.</param>
 /// <param name="time">Die vorgesehene Ausführungszeit.</param>
 /// <param name="startsLate">Gesetzt, wenn die Aufzeichnung verspätet beginnt.</param>
 public _RecordingItem(IRecordingDefinition recording, PlannedTime time, bool startsLate)
     // Remember
     StartsLate = startsLate;
     Recording  = recording;
     Time       = time;
            /// <summary>
            /// Erzeugt eine neue Beschreibung.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="context">Vom Anwender der Schnittstelle zusätzlich bereitgestellte Daten.</param>
            /// <param name="name">Eine Name zur Identifikation der Aufzeichnung.</param>
            /// <param name="uniqueIdentifier">Die eindeutige Kennung der Aufzeichnung.</param>
            /// <param name="resources">Die Liste aller Geräte, die verwendet werden dürfen.</param>
            /// <param name="source">Die gewünschte Quelle.</param>
            /// <param name="start">Der Beginn der Aufzeichnung.</param>
            /// <param name="duration">Die Dauer der Aufzeichnung.</param>
            public _OneOffItem(UserDataType context, string name, Guid uniqueIdentifier, IScheduleResource[] resources, IScheduleSource source, DateTime start, TimeSpan duration)
                // Validate
                if (source == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
                if (start.Year < 2000)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("start", string.Format(Properties.InterfaceResources.Exception_StartYear, start));
                if (duration.TotalSeconds <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("duration", string.Format(Properties.InterfaceResources.Exception_Duration, duration));
                if (resources != null)
                    if (resources.Any(r => r == null))
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("resources");

                // Create compound information
                m_Plan = new PlannedTime {
                    Start = start, Duration = duration

                // Remember simple information
                Resources        = resources ?? new IScheduleResource[0];
                UniqueIdentifier = uniqueIdentifier;
                Context          = context;
                Source           = source;
                Name             = name;
        /// <summary>
        /// Meldet alle Ausführungszeiten.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minTime">Der früheste Ausführungszeitpunkt.</param>
        /// <returns>Alle möglichen Zeiten.</returns>
        public IEnumerable <SuggestedPlannedTime> GetTimes(DateTime minTime)
            // Process
            if (Duration.TotalSeconds > 0)
                for (var lastRun = LastRun; ; minTime = lastRun.Value)
                    // Load next
                    var next = GetNextSchedule(lastRun, minTime);
                    if (!next.HasValue)
                        yield break;

                    // Create plan
                    SuggestedPlannedTime plan = new PlannedTime {
                        Start = next.Value, Duration = Duration

                    // Can always report - will never be smaller than the minimum time
                    yield return(plan);

                    // Advance - please not that we use the eventually modified real schedule time not the one we begged for
                    lastRun = plan.Planned.End;
 /// <summary>
 /// Erzeugt eine neue Beschreibung.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="definition">Die ursprüngliche Beschreibung der Aufzeichnung.</param>
 /// <param name="resource">Das zu verwendende Gerät.</param>
 /// <param name="time">Die tatsächliche Ausführungszeit.</param>
 /// <param name="late">Gesetzt, wenn die Ausführung verspätet beginnt.</param>
 internal ScheduleInfo(IScheduleDefinition definition, IScheduleResource resource, PlannedTime time, bool late)
     // Remember
     Definition = definition;
     Resource   = resource;
     StartsLate = late;
     Time       = time;
 /// <summary>
 /// Erzeugt eine neue Beschreibung.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="definition">Die ursprüngliche Beschreibung der Aufzeichnung.</param>
 /// <param name="resource">Das zu verwendende Gerät.</param>
 /// <param name="time">Die tatsächliche Ausführungszeit.</param>
 /// <param name="late">Gesetzt, wenn die Ausführung verspätet beginnt.</param>
 internal ScheduleInfo( IScheduleDefinition definition, IScheduleResource resource, PlannedTime time, bool late )
     // Remember
     Definition = definition;
     Resource = resource;
     StartsLate = late;
     Time = time;
        /// <summary>
        /// Erzeugt eine neue Beschreibung.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resource">Das zugehörige Gerät.</param>
        /// <param name="source">Optional die zu verwendende Quelle.</param>
        /// <param name="identifier">Die eindeutige Kennung der zugehörigen Aufzeichnung oder Aufgabe.</param>
        /// <param name="name">Der Name der Aufzeichnung.</param>
        /// <param name="start">Der Startzeitpunkt.</param>
        /// <param name="duration">Die Dauer der Aufzeichnung.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Die Dauer der Aufzeichnung ist negativ.</exception>
        public ResourceAllocationInformation( IScheduleResource resource, IScheduleSource source, Guid identifier, string name, DateTime start, TimeSpan duration )
            // Validate
            if (duration.TotalSeconds <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "duration" );

            // Remember all
            Time = new PlannedTime { Start = start, Duration = duration };
            Resources = new[] { resource };
            UniqueIdentifier = identifier;
            Source = source;
            Name = name;
            /// <summary>
            /// Meldet alle geplanten Aufzeichnungszeiten.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="minTime">Aufzeichnunge, die vor diesem Zeitpunkt enden, brauchen nicht in
            /// der Auflistung zu erscheinen. Es handelt sich um eine optionale Optimierung.</param>
            /// <returns>Eine Liste aller geplanten Zeiten.</returns>
            public override IEnumerable <SuggestedPlannedTime> GetTimes(DateTime minTime)
                // Get the recording time
                var next = Plan.Start;

                // Adjust a bit to avoid race conditions
                if (next < minTime)
                    next = minTime.ToLocalTime().Date.AddDays(-2) + next.ToLocalTime().TimeOfDay;
                    next = next.ToLocalTime();

                // Process
                for (; ; next = next.AddDays(1))
                    // Adjust until day is valid
                    while (!m_Pattern.Contains(next.DayOfWeek))
                        next = next.AddDays(1);

                    // Done if end is reached
                    if (next.Date > m_End)
                        yield break;

                    // Create plan
                    var planned = new PlannedTime {
                        Start = next.ToUniversalTime(), Duration = Plan.Duration

                    // Report if limit reached
                    if (planned.End > minTime)
                        yield return(planned);
        /// <summary>
        /// Korrigiert einen Abruf einer Entschlüsselung.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allocationIndex">Die laufende Nummer des zu belegenden Eintrags.</param>
        /// <param name="source">Die zu verwendende Quelle.</param>
        /// <param name="time">Der Zeitraum, in dem eine Entschlüsselung aktiv ist.</param>
        private void Allocate(int allocationIndex, IScheduleSource source, ref PlannedTime time)
            // Reset all caches - just in case...
            m_cachedResourceStartTimes = null;
            m_sourceUsage = null;

            // We are now using the source
            if (!m_Sources.Any(s => s.IsSameAs(source)))

            // Localize time - can not use ref parameters inside a delegate
            var timeCopy = time;

            // Find the one the prepare analysis gave us - no further tests will be made!
            var allocation = m_Allocations[allocationIndex];

            // See if we have to clip
            if (time.Start < allocation.Start)
                // Do the clip
                time.Duration = time.End - allocation.Start;
                time.Start    = allocation.Start;

            // Correct it all
            for (; ;)
                // On change we must create a clone
                var allocationIsPrivate = false;

                // Create a new starter
                if (time.Start > allocation.Start)
                    // Create a new allocation entry
                    var split = allocation.Clone(allocation.Start, time.Start);

                    // Add it just in front of the current one
                    m_Allocations.Insert(allocationIndex++, split);

                    // Must create a brand new one
                    allocation = allocation.Clone(time.Start, allocation.End);

                    // Update in our private list
                    m_Allocations[allocationIndex] = allocation;

                    // We can now safely overwrite it
                    allocationIsPrivate = true;

                // Create a new trailer
                if (time.End < allocation.End)
                    // Create a new allocation entry
                    var split = allocation.Clone(time.End, allocation.End);

                    // Add it just behind the current one
                    m_Allocations.Insert(allocationIndex + 1, split);

                    // Update the allocation
                    if (allocationIsPrivate)
                        // We are allowed to change it
                        allocation.End = time.End;
                        // Must create a brand new one
                        allocation = allocation.Clone(allocation.Start, time.End);

                        // Update in our private list
                        m_Allocations[allocationIndex] = allocation;

                        // We are now allowed to write to it
                        allocationIsPrivate = true;

                // Update the allocation
                if (allocationIsPrivate)
                    // Just count down
                    // Must create a brand new one
                    allocation = allocation.Clone(allocation.Start, allocation.End);

                    // Correct

                    // Update in our private list
                    m_Allocations[allocationIndex] = allocation;

                // See if we are done
                if (time.End <= allocation.End)

                // Load the next allocation area
                allocation = m_Allocations[++allocationIndex];
 /// <summary>
 /// Prüft, ob dieser Zeitbereich mit einer geplanten Aufzeichnung überlappt.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="time">Der Zeitraum der Aufzeichnung.</param>
 /// <returns>Gesetzt, wenn eine Überlappung vorliegt.</returns>
 public bool Overlaps(PlannedTime time)
     // Just rest
     return((time.Start < End) && (time.End > Start));
            /// <summary>
            /// Prüft, ob ein weiterer Zeitpunkt vorliegt.
            /// </summary>
            public void MoveNext()
                // As long as necessary
                for (; ; )
                    // Ask base
                    if (m_Scan != null)
                        if (!m_Scan.MoveNext())
                            m_Scan = null;

                    // Report
                    if (m_Scan == null)

                    // Load what base gives us
                    m_Current = m_Scan.Current;

                    // Load to check - normally we will not change it
                    var planned = m_Current.Planned;

                    // Find exception to apply         
                    PlanException exception;
                    if (m_Exceptions.TryGetValue( planned.Start.ToLocalTime().Date, out exception ))
                        // Report
                        if (RecordingScheduler.SchedulerTrace.TraceVerbose)
                            Trace.TraceInformation( Properties.SchedulerResources.Trace_Exception, planned.Start, planned.Duration, exception.StartDelta, exception.DurationDelta );

                        // Change
                        planned =
                            new PlannedTime
                                Duration = planned.Duration + exception.DurationDelta,
                                Start = planned.Start + exception.StartDelta,

                        // Write back
                        m_Current.Planned = planned;

                    // Found it
                    if (planned.End > m_MinTime)
                        if (planned.Duration.TotalSeconds > 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Meldet alle Ausführungszeiten.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minTime">Der früheste Ausführungszeitpunkt.</param>
        /// <returns>Alle möglichen Zeiten.</returns>
        public IEnumerable<SuggestedPlannedTime> GetTimes( DateTime minTime )
            // Process
            if (Duration.TotalSeconds > 0)
                for (var lastRun = LastRun; ; minTime = lastRun.Value)
                    // Load next
                    var next = GetNextSchedule( lastRun, minTime );
                    if (!next.HasValue)
                        yield break;

                    // Create plan
                    SuggestedPlannedTime plan = new PlannedTime { Start = next.Value, Duration = Duration };

                    // Can always report - will never be smaller than the minimum time
                    yield return plan;

                    // Advance - please not that we use the eventually modified real schedule time not the one we begged for
                    lastRun = plan.Planned.End;