private void ProcessMainProject(ArtifactoryBuild _task)
            if (_task.SkipParent != null && _task.SkipParent.Equals("true"))

            /*Main project*/
            var mainProjectParser = new ProjectHandler(_task.ProjectName, _task.ProjectPath);

             * Trying to check if Artifactory configuration file exists (overrides) in the sub module level.
             *  If not we will use the configurations from the solution level
            if (!mainProjectParser.parseArtifactoryConfigFile(_task.ProjectPath, _task))
                mainProjectParser.ArtifactoryConfiguration = MainArtifactoryConfiguration;

            var mainProject = mainProjectParser.generate();

            if (mainProject != null)
                BuildInfoExtractor.ProccessModule(_buildInfo, mainProject, _task);
        /// <summary>
        /// Find all projects referenced by the current .csporj
        /// </summary>
        private void ProccessModuleRef()
            foreach (var task in _task.projRefList)
                var projectParser = new ProjectHandler(task.GetMetadata("Name"), task.GetMetadata("RelativeDir"));

                 * Trying to check if Artifactory configuration file exists (overrides) in the sub module level.
                 *  If not we will use the configurations from the solution level
                if (!projectParser.parseArtifactoryConfigFile(task.GetMetadata("RelativeDir"), _task))
                    projectParser.ArtifactoryConfiguration = MainArtifactoryConfiguration;
                var projectRef = projectParser.generate();
                if (projectRef != null)
                    BuildInfoExtractor.ProccessModule(_buildInfo, projectRef, _task);