private void ValidationForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { avaliationMode = Codes.inAvaliationMode(); //String avaliableDays = (avaliationMode ? " - " + Codes.getAvaliableDays() : ""); Text = "JC Mecânica - Validação - Verção: " + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); if (avaliationMode) { cancelar_button.Text = "Continuar"; } if (!(Codes.getAvaliableDays() == Codes.EMPTY_AVALIATION_DATE)) { if (avaliationMode || Codes.getAvaliableDays() < 1) { avaliacao_labelLink.Visible = false; } if (!avaliationMode && Codes.getAvaliableDays() < 1) { error_label.Visible = true; } } avaliacao_labelLink.Text = "Usar verção de avaliação por " + valiationDays + " dias"; this.backTast = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); this.backTast.Tick += new EventHandler(this.backTasking); this.backTast.Interval = 100; this.backTast.Start(); }
private void updateStatusBar() { String avaliableDays = (Codes.inAvaliationMode() ? " - " + Codes.getAvaliableDays() + " dias restantes" : ""); main_version_label.Text = "Versão: " + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString() + " - " + (Codes.checkValidation() ? "Ativado" : "Em periodo de avaliação" + avaliableDays); }
//[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll")] //[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] //static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd); static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); String contate = "\nPor favor, contate o suporte técnico."; //AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("DataDirectory", "C:\\Users\\Davi\\AppData\\Roaming\\DaviApps\\JC Mecanica"); //AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("DataDirectory", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\DaviApps\\JC Mecanica\\"); if (!File.Exists("banco_de_dados.sdf")) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("DataDirectory", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\DaviApps\\JC Mecanica\\"); //AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("DataDirectory", "\\"); } // CHECK DCODE DLL if (!File.Exists("DCode.dll")) { MessageBox.Show("Arquivo dll 'DCode' não encontrado." + contate, "DLL Error"); return; } String settingsFolder = (Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\DaviApps\\JC Mecanica\\settings\\"); validation = new DCodePreferences(new DCodeFile(settingsFolder + "validation.DCode")); //_validation = new DCodePreferences(new DCodeFile(settingsFolder + "vali.DCode")); settings = new DCodePreferences(new DCodeFile(settingsFolder + "settings.DCode")); // DEFINE DEFAULT VALIDATION validation.Add("ACTIVED.CODE", ""); validation.Add("AVALIATION.DATE", ""); //validation.Set("avaliationDate", "Teste"); //validation.Set("activeCode", "Teste2");; // DEFINE DEFAULT SETTINGS //settings.Add("teste", "23"); //settings.Remove("teste"); //settings.Set("teste", "f"); //; //MessageBox.Show(settings.Get("teste", "Não encontrado")); //MessageBox.Show(validation.Get("teste", "Não encontrado")); //MessageBox.Show(validation.Get("activeCode", "Não encontrado")); //AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("SettingsDiretory", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\DaviApps\\JC Mecanica\\Settings\\"); UpdateDB.CHECK(); /*bool createdNew = true; * using (Mutex mutex = new Mutex(true, "JC_Mecanica", out createdNew)) { * if (createdNew) { * Application.EnableVisualStyles(); * Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); * Application.Run(new MainForm()); * } else { * Process current = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); * foreach (Process process in Process.GetProcessesByName(current.ProcessName)) { * if (process.Id != current.Id) { * //SetForegroundWindow(process.MainWindowHandle); * break; * } * } * } * }*/ /*DB_INFO.INIT(); * * if (DB_INFO.DB_VERSION < Properties.Settings.Default.DB_VERSION) { * if (DB_INFO.DB_VERSION == 1.0) { * //DB_INFO.EXECUTE("UPDATE DB_INFO SET value = 1,5 WHERE name = DB_VERSION"); * } * } * * //MessageBox.Show(Codes.getAvaliableDays() + " - " + Codes.inAvaliationMode());*/ /* Create dispesas table * create table dispesas ( * id int not null AUTO_INCREMENT, * produto varchar(20) not null, * valor decimal not null, * count int not null, * data timestamp default now(), * primary key (id) * ) */ bool close = false; if (!Codes.checkValidation()) { if (!Codes.inAvaliationMode()) { new ValidationForm().ShowDialog(); } close = !Codes.checkValidation() && !Codes.inAvaliationMode(); } if (close) { return; } //MessageBox.Show(Codes.removeDot(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString())); //UpdateDB.SET_VALUE("DB_VERSION", "1,23"); //MessageBox.Show(DB_INFO.DB_VERSION + ""); //MessageBox.Show(UpdateDB.GET_DB_VERSION() + ""); /*string str; * * SqlCeConnection mycon = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = banco_de_dados.sdf"); * str = "CREATE {DATABASE | SCHEMA} [IF NOT EXISTS] banco_de_dados" + * ""; * str = "CREATE DATABASE [banco_de_dados2] CONTAINMENT = NONE ON PRIMARY" + * "(NAME=N'Masalehforoshi'," + * @"FILENAME=N'C:\data\Masalehforoshi.mdf' " + * ",SIZE=3072KB,MAXSIZE=UNLIMITED,FILEGROWTH=1024KB)" + * "LOG ON (NAME=N'Masalehforoshi_log.', " + * @"FILENAME=N'C:\Masalehforoshi_log.ldf' " + * ",SIZE=1024KB,MAXSIZE=2048GB,FILEGROWTH=10%)"; * * SqlCeCommand mycommand = new SqlCeCommand(str, mycon); * * try { * mycommand.Connection.Open(); * mycommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); * } catch (Exception ex) { * MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "myprogram", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); * } finally { * if (mycon.State == ConnectionState.Open) { * mycon.Close(); * } * }*/ /*SqlCeConnection connection; * try { * connection = new SqlCeConnection(Properties.Settings.Default.DataConnectionString); * connection.Open(); * } catch (SqlException ex) { * MessageBox.Show("Arquivo de banco de dados não encontrado." + contate, "Erro de inicialização", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); * return; * } * * connection.Close();*/ if (!File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("DataDirectory") + "banco_de_dados.sdf")) { MessageBox.Show("Arquivo de banco de dados não encontrado." + contate, "Erro de inicialização", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { //Application.Run(new MainForm()); bool createdNew = true; using (Mutex mutex = new Mutex(true, "JC_Mecanica", out createdNew)) { if (createdNew) { Application.Run(new MainForm()); } else { Process current = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); foreach (Process process in Process.GetProcessesByName(current.ProcessName)) { if (process.Id != current.Id) { //BringWindowToFront(); /*process.WaitForInputIdle(); * var processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("JC_Mecanica.exe"); * if (processes.Any()){ * //I can't currently tell the window's state, * //so I both restore and activate it * var handle = processes.First().MainWindowHandle; * ShowWindow(handle, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); //GRR!!! * SetForegroundWindow(handle); * //return true; * }*/ //SetForegroundWindow(process.MainWindowHandle); //process.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; //Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; })); //Invoke(new Action(() => { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; })); //process.CloseMainWindow(); //new MainForm().ShowDialog(); //process.Kill(); //((Form) process.MainWindowHandle).WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Maximized; //process.Start(); break; } } } } } }