public virtual void TestSlice() { assertTrue(buf.Capacity > 5); buf.Position = (1); buf.Limit = (buf.Capacity - 1); Int32Buffer slice = buf.Slice(); assertEquals(buf.IsReadOnly, slice.IsReadOnly); // assertEquals(buf.IsDirect, slice.IsDirect); // J2N: IsDirect not supported assertEquals(buf.Order, slice.Order); assertEquals(slice.Position, 0); assertEquals(slice.Limit, buf.Remaining); assertEquals(slice.Capacity, buf.Remaining); try { slice.Reset(); fail("Should throw Exception"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (InvalidMarkException e) { // expected } // slice share the same content with buf if (!slice.IsReadOnly) { loadTestData1(slice); assertContentLikeTestData1(buf, 1, 0, slice.Capacity); buf.Put(2, 500); assertEquals(slice.Get(1), 500); } }
void assertContentEquals(Int32Buffer buf, Int32Buffer other) { assertEquals(buf.Capacity, other.Capacity); for (int i = 0; i < buf.Capacity; i++) { assertEquals(buf.Get(i), other.Get(i)); } }
void assertContentEquals(Int32Buffer buf, int[] array, int offset, int length) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { assertEquals(buf.Get(i), array[offset + i]); } }
private static void bulkGet(Int32Buffer b) { int n = b.Capacity; int[] a = new int[n + 7]; b.Get(a, 7, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ck(b, (long)a[i + 7], (long)((int)Ic(i))); } }
private static void absGet(Int32Buffer b) { int n = b.Capacity; int v; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ck(b, (long)b.Get(), (long)((int)Ic(i))); } b.Rewind(); }
private static void relGet(Int32Buffer b, int start) { int n = b.Remaining; int v; for (int i = start; i < n; i++) { ck(b, (long)b.Get(), (long)((int)Ic(i))); } b.Rewind(); }
void assertContentLikeTestData1(Int32Buffer buf, int startIndex, int startValue, int length) { int value = startValue; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { assertEquals(buf.Get(startIndex + i), value); value = value + 1; } }
public static void test(int level, Int32Buffer b, bool direct) { Show(level, b); //if (direct != b.IsDirect) // J2N: IsDirect not supported // fail("Wrong direction", b); // Gets and puts relPut(b); relGet(b); absGet(b); bulkGet(b); absPut(b); relGet(b); absGet(b); bulkGet(b); bulkPutArray(b); relGet(b); bulkPutBuffer(b); relGet(b); // Compact relPut(b); b.Position = (13); b.Compact(); b.Flip(); relGet(b, 13); // Exceptions relPut(b); b.Limit = (b.Capacity / 2); b.Position = (b.Limit); tryCatch(b, typeof(BufferUnderflowException), () => { b.Get(); }); tryCatch(b, typeof(BufferOverflowException), () => { b.Put((int)42); }); // The index must be non-negative and lesss than the buffer's limit. tryCatch(b, typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), () => { b.Get(b.Limit); }); tryCatch(b, typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), () => { b.Get(-1); }); tryCatch(b, typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException), () => { b.Put(b.Limit, (int)42); }); tryCatch(b, typeof(InvalidMarkException), () => { b.Position = (0); b.Mark(); b.Compact(); b.Reset(); }); // Values b.Clear(); b.Put((int)0); b.Put((int)-1); b.Put((int)1); b.Put(int.MaxValue); b.Put(int.MinValue); int v; b.Flip(); ck(b, b.Get(), 0); ck(b, b.Get(), (int)-1); ck(b, b.Get(), 1); ck(b, b.Get(), int.MaxValue); ck(b, b.Get(), int.MinValue); // Comparison b.Rewind(); Int32Buffer b2 = Int32Buffer.Allocate(b.Capacity); b2.Put(b); b2.Flip(); b.Position = (2); b2.Position = (2); if (!b.Equals(b2)) { for (int i = 2; i < b.Limit; i++) { int x = b.Get(i); int y = b2.Get(i); if (x != y) { output.WriteLine("[" + i + "] " + x + " != " + y); } } fail("Identical buffers not equal", b, b2); } if (b.CompareTo(b2) != 0) { fail("Comparison to identical buffer != 0", b, b2); } b.Limit = (b.Limit + 1); b.Position = (b.Limit - 1); b.Put((int)99); b.Rewind(); b2.Rewind(); if (b.Equals(b2)) { fail("Non-identical buffers equal", b, b2); } if (b.CompareTo(b2) <= 0) { fail("Comparison to shorter buffer <= 0", b, b2); } b.Limit = (b.Limit - 1); b.Put(2, (int)42); if (b.Equals(b2)) { fail("Non-identical buffers equal", b, b2); } if (b.CompareTo(b2) <= 0) { fail("Comparison to lesser buffer <= 0", b, b2); } // Check equals and compareTo with interesting values foreach (int x in VALUES) { Int32Buffer xb = Int32Buffer.Wrap(new int[] { x }); if (xb.CompareTo(xb) != 0) { fail("compareTo not reflexive", xb, xb, x, x); } if (!xb.Equals(xb)) { fail("equals not reflexive", xb, xb, x, x); } foreach (int y in VALUES) { Int32Buffer yb = Int32Buffer.Wrap(new int[] { y }); if (xb.CompareTo(yb) != -yb.CompareTo(xb)) { fail("compareTo not anti-symmetric", xb, yb, x, y); } if ((xb.CompareTo(yb) == 0) != xb.Equals(yb)) { fail("compareTo inconsistent with equals", xb, yb, x, y); } if (xb.CompareTo(yb) != x.CompareTo(y)) { fail("Incorrect results for Int32Buffer.compareTo", xb, yb, x, y); } if (xb.Equals(yb) != ((x == y) /*|| ((x != x) && (y != y))*/)) { fail("Incorrect results for Int32Buffer.equals", xb, yb, x, y); } } } // Sub, dup relPut(b); relGet(b.Duplicate()); b.Position = (13); relGet(b.Duplicate(), 13); relGet(b.Duplicate().Slice(), 13); relGet(b.Slice(), 13); relGet(b.Slice().Duplicate(), 13); // Slice b.Position = (5); Int32Buffer sb = b.Slice(); checkSlice(b, sb); b.Position = (0); Int32Buffer sb2 = sb.Slice(); checkSlice(sb, sb2); if (!sb.Equals(sb2)) { fail("Sliced slices do not match", sb, sb2); } if ((sb.HasArray) && (sb.ArrayOffset != sb2.ArrayOffset)) { fail("Array offsets do not match: " + sb.ArrayOffset + " != " + sb2.ArrayOffset, sb, sb2); } // Read-only views b.Rewind(); Int32Buffer rb = b.AsReadOnlyBuffer(); if (!b.Equals(rb)) { fail("Buffer not equal to read-only view", b, rb); } Show(level + 1, rb); tryCatch(b, typeof(ReadOnlyBufferException), () => { relPut(rb); }); tryCatch(b, typeof(ReadOnlyBufferException), () => { absPut(rb); }); tryCatch(b, typeof(ReadOnlyBufferException), () => { bulkPutArray(rb); }); tryCatch(b, typeof(ReadOnlyBufferException), () => { bulkPutBuffer(rb); }); tryCatch(b, typeof(ReadOnlyBufferException), () => { rb.Compact(); }); if (rb.GetType().Name.StartsWith("Heap")) { tryCatch(b, typeof(ReadOnlyBufferException), () => { var _ = rb.Array; }); tryCatch(b, typeof(ReadOnlyBufferException), () => { var _ = rb.ArrayOffset; }); if (rb.HasArray) { fail("Read-only heap buffer's backing array is accessible", rb); } } // Bulk puts from read-only buffers b.Clear(); rb.Rewind(); b.Put(rb); relPut(b); // Required by testViews }
public virtual void TestGet() { buf.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < buf.Capacity; i++) { assertEquals(buf.Position, i); assertEquals(buf.Get(), buf.Get(i)); } try { buf.Get(); fail("Should throw Exception"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (BufferUnderflowException e) { // expected } }