public override void Edit() { frmFHdlg dlg = new frmFHdlg(); DataRow row = gridView1.GetDataRow(gridView1.FocusedRowHandle); if (row != null) { PSPDEV dev = Itop.Common.DataConverter.RowToObject <PSPDEV>(row); if (dev.Type == "12") { if (dev.NodeType == "恒阻抗模型") { dev.NodeType = "0"; } else { dev.NodeType = "1"; } } if (dev.KSwitchStatus == "退出运行") { dev.KSwitchStatus = "1"; } else { dev.KSwitchStatus = "0"; } if (dev.UnitFlag == "p.u.") { dev.UnitFlag = "0"; } else { dev.UnitFlag = "1"; } dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { //更新记录 dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectID; UCDeviceBase.DataService.Update <PSPDEV>(dev); if (dev.Type == "12") { if (dev.NodeType == "0") { dev.NodeType = "恒阻抗模型"; } else { dev.NodeType = "综合负荷"; } } if (dev.KSwitchStatus == "1") { dev.KSwitchStatus = "退出运行"; } else { dev.KSwitchStatus = "投入运行"; } if (dev.UnitFlag == "0") { dev.UnitFlag = "p.u."; } else { if (dev.Type == "01" || dev.Type == "04" || dev.Type == "12") { dev.UnitFlag = "kV/MW/MVar"; } else { dev.UnitFlag = "Ohm/10-6Siem"; } } Itop.Common.DataConverter.ObjectToRow(dev, row); } } }
public override void Add() { //frmDLQdlg dlg = new frmDLQdlg(); //dlg.Name = ""; //if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // //增加记录 // PSPDEV dev = dlg.DeviceMx; // dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectID; // UCDeviceBase.DataService.Create("InsertPSPDEV", dev); // DataRow row=datatable1.NewRow(); // Itop.Common.DataConverter.ObjectToRow(dev, row); // datatable1.Rows.Add(row); //} frmFHdlg dlg = new frmFHdlg(); dlg.ProjectID = this.ProjectID; dlg.Name = ""; PSPDEV p = new PSPDEV(); p.ProjectID = this.ProjectID; p.SvgUID = ParentID; if (ParentObj is PSP_Substation_Info) { p.Name = (ParentObj as PSP_Substation_Info).Title + "B"; p.OperationYear = (ParentObj as PSP_Substation_Info).S2; p.Date1 = (ParentObj as PSP_Substation_Info).S2; p.Date2 = (ParentObj as PSP_Substation_Info).L29; } else if (ParentObj is PSP_PowerSubstation_Info) { p.Name = (ParentObj as PSP_PowerSubstation_Info).Title + "B"; p.OperationYear = (ParentObj as PSP_PowerSubstation_Info).S3; p.Date1 = (ParentObj as PSP_PowerSubstation_Info).S3; p.Date2 = (ParentObj as PSP_PowerSubstation_Info).S30; } dlg.DeviceMx = p; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { //增加记录 PSPDEV dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectID; UCDeviceBase.DataService.Create("InsertPSPDEV", dev); DataRow row = datatable1.NewRow(); if (dev.Type == "12") { if (dev.NodeType == "0") { dev.NodeType = "恒阻抗模型"; } else { dev.NodeType = "综合负荷"; } } if (dev.KSwitchStatus == "1") { dev.KSwitchStatus = "退出运行"; } else { dev.KSwitchStatus = "投入运行"; } if (dev.UnitFlag == "0") { dev.UnitFlag = "p.u."; } else { if (dev.Type == "01" || dev.Type == "04" || dev.Type == "12") { dev.UnitFlag = "kV/MW/MVar"; } else { dev.UnitFlag = "Ohm/10-6Siem"; } } Itop.Common.DataConverter.ObjectToRow(dev, row); datatable1.Rows.Add(row); } }
private void elementProperty() { XmlElement element = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement; if (element is Use) { if (element.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("motherlinenode")) { string suid = element.GetAttribute("Deviceid"); // DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, suid, false); frmMXdlg dlg = new frmMXdlg(); if (suid != null) { PSPDEV dev =(PSPDEV) DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(suid); dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Name==null) { MessageBox.Show("名称不能为空!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string strCon = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid + "' AND Name = '" +dlg.Name+ "' AND Type = '01'"; IList listName = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", strCon); if (listName.Count >= 2 || (listName.Count == 1 && (listName[0] as PSPDEV).SUID != dev.SUID)) { MessageBox.Show("名称已存在!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectUID; XmlNode text = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@ParentID='" + element.GetAttribute("id") + "']"); if (text != null) { (text as Text).InnerText = dev.Name; } Services.BaseService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); } } } if (element.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("transformertwozu")) { string suid = element.GetAttribute("Deviceid"); // DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, suid, false); frmBYQ2dlg dlg = new frmBYQ2dlg(); if (suid != null) { PSPDEV dev = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(suid); dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Name == null) { MessageBox.Show("名称不能为空!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string strCon = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid + "' AND Name = '" + dlg.Name + "' AND Type = '02'"; IList listName = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", strCon); if (listName.Count >= 2 || (listName.Count == 1 && (listName[0] as PSPDEV).SUID != dev.SUID)) { MessageBox.Show("名称已存在!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectUID; XmlNode text = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@ParentID='" + element.GetAttribute("id") + "']"); if (text != null) { (text as Text).InnerText = dev.Name; } Services.BaseService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); } } } if (element.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("transformerthirdzu")) { string suid = element.GetAttribute("Deviceid"); // DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, suid, false); frmBYQ3dlg dlg = new frmBYQ3dlg(); if (suid != null) { PSPDEV dev = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(suid); dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Name == null) { MessageBox.Show("名称不能为空!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string strCon = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid + "' AND Name = '" + dlg.Name + "' AND Type = '03'"; IList listName = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", strCon); if (listName.Count >= 2 || (listName.Count == 1 && (listName[0] as PSPDEV).SUID != dev.SUID)) { MessageBox.Show("名称已存在!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectUID; XmlNode text = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@ParentID='" + element.GetAttribute("id") + "']"); if (text != null) { (text as Text).InnerText = dev.Name; } Services.BaseService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); } } } if (element.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("dynamotorline")) { string suid = element.GetAttribute("Deviceid"); // DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, suid, false); frmFDJdlg dlg = new frmFDJdlg(); if (suid != null) { PSPDEV dev = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(suid); dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Name == null) { MessageBox.Show("名称不能为空!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string strCon = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid + "' AND Name = '" + dlg.Name + "' AND Type = '04'"; IList listName = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", strCon); if (listName.Count >= 2 || (listName.Count == 1 && (listName[0] as PSPDEV).SUID != dev.SUID)) { MessageBox.Show("名称已存在!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectUID; XmlNode text = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@ParentID='" + element.GetAttribute("id") + "']"); if (text != null) { (text as Text).InnerText = dev.Name; } Services.BaseService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); } } } if (element.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("loadline")) { string suid = element.GetAttribute("Deviceid"); // DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, suid, false); frmFHdlg dlg = new frmFHdlg(); if (suid != null) { PSPDEV dev = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(suid); dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Name == null) { MessageBox.Show("名称不能为空!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string strCon = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid + "' AND Name = '" + dlg.Name + "' AND Type = '12'"; IList listName = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", strCon); if (listName.Count >= 2 || (listName.Count == 1 && (listName[0] as PSPDEV).SUID != dev.SUID)) { MessageBox.Show("名称已存在!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectUID; XmlNode text = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@ParentID='" + element.GetAttribute("id") + "']"); if (text != null) { (text as Text).InnerText = dev.Name; } Services.BaseService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); } } } if (element.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("串联电抗器")) { string suid = element.GetAttribute("Deviceid"); // DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, suid, false); frmCLDKdlg dlg = new frmCLDKdlg(); if (suid != null) { PSPDEV dev = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(suid); dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Name == null) { MessageBox.Show("名称不能为空!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string strCon = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid + "' AND Name = '" + dlg.Name + "' AND Type = '10'"; IList listName = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", strCon); if (listName.Count >= 2 || (listName.Count == 1 && (listName[0] as PSPDEV).SUID != dev.SUID)) { MessageBox.Show("名称已存在!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectUID; XmlNode text = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@ParentID='" + element.GetAttribute("id") + "']"); if (text != null) { (text as Text).InnerText = dev.Name; } Services.BaseService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); } } } if (element.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("串联电容器")) { string suid = element.GetAttribute("Deviceid"); // DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, suid, false); frmCLDRdlg dlg = new frmCLDRdlg(); if (suid != null) { PSPDEV dev = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(suid); dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Name == null) { MessageBox.Show("名称不能为空!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string strCon = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid + "' AND Name = '" + dlg.Name + "' AND Type = '08'"; IList listName = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", strCon); if (listName.Count >= 2 || (listName.Count == 1 && (listName[0] as PSPDEV).SUID != dev.SUID)) { MessageBox.Show("名称已存在!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectUID; XmlNode text = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@ParentID='" + element.GetAttribute("id") + "']"); if (text != null) { (text as Text).InnerText = dev.Name; } Services.BaseService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); } } } if (element.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("并联电容器")) { string suid = element.GetAttribute("Deviceid"); // DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, suid, false); frmBLDRdlg dlg = new frmBLDRdlg(); if (suid != null) { PSPDEV dev = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(suid); dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Name == null) { MessageBox.Show("名称不能为空!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string strCon = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid + "' AND Name = '" + dlg.Name + "' AND Type = '09'"; IList listName = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", strCon); if (listName.Count >= 2 || (listName.Count == 1 && (listName[0] as PSPDEV).SUID != dev.SUID)) { MessageBox.Show("名称已存在!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectUID; XmlNode text = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@ParentID='" + element.GetAttribute("id") + "']"); if (text != null) { (text as Text).InnerText = dev.Name; } Services.BaseService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); } } } if (element.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("并联电抗器")) { string suid = element.GetAttribute("Deviceid"); // DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, suid, false); frmBLDKdlg dlg = new frmBLDKdlg(); if (suid != null) { PSPDEV dev = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(suid); dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Name == null) { MessageBox.Show("名称不能为空!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string strCon = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid + "' AND Name = '" + dlg.Name + "' AND Type = '11'"; IList listName = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", strCon); if (listName.Count >= 2 || (listName.Count == 1 && (listName[0] as PSPDEV).SUID != dev.SUID)) { MessageBox.Show("名称已存在!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectUID; XmlNode text = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@ParentID='" + element.GetAttribute("id") + "']"); if (text != null) { (text as Text).InnerText = dev.Name; } Services.BaseService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); } } } if (element.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("1/2母联开关")) { string suid = element.GetAttribute("Deviceid"); // DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, suid, false); frmMLdlg dlg = new frmMLdlg(); if (suid != null) { PSPDEV dev = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(suid); dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Name == null) { MessageBox.Show("名称不能为空!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string strCon = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid + "' AND Name = '" + dlg.Name + "' AND Type = '13'"; IList listName = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", strCon); if (listName.Count >= 2 || (listName.Count == 1 && (listName[0] as PSPDEV).SUID != dev.SUID)) { MessageBox.Show("名称已存在!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectUID; XmlNode text = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@ParentID='" + element.GetAttribute("id") + "']"); if (text != null) { (text as Text).InnerText = dev.Name; } Services.BaseService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); } } } if (element.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("2/3母联开关")) { string suid = element.GetAttribute("Deviceid"); // DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, suid, false); frmML2dlg dlg = new frmML2dlg(); if (suid != null) { PSPDEV dev = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(suid); dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Name == null) { MessageBox.Show("名称不能为空!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string strCon = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid + "' AND Name = '" + dlg.Name + "' AND Type = '14'"; IList listName = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", strCon); if (listName.Count >= 2 || (listName.Count == 1 && (listName[0] as PSPDEV).SUID != dev.SUID)) { MessageBox.Show("名称已存在!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectUID; XmlNode text = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@ParentID='" + element.GetAttribute("id") + "']"); if (text != null) { (text as Text).InnerText = dev.Name; } Services.BaseService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); } } } if (element.GetAttribute("xlink:href").Contains("线路互感")) { string suid = element.GetAttribute("Deviceid"); // DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, suid, false); frmML2dlg dlg = new frmML2dlg(); if (suid != null) { PSPDEV dev = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(suid); dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Name == null) { MessageBox.Show("名称不能为空!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string strCon = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid + "' AND Name = '" + dlg.Name + "' AND Type = '15'"; IList listName = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", strCon); if (listName.Count >= 2 || (listName.Count == 1 && (listName[0] as PSPDEV).SUID != dev.SUID)) { MessageBox.Show("名称已存在!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectUID; XmlNode text = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@ParentID='" + element.GetAttribute("id") + "']"); if (text != null) { (text as Text).InnerText = dev.Name; } Services.BaseService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); } } } } else if (element is Polyline) { string suid = element.GetAttribute("Deviceid"); // DeviceHelper.ShowDeviceDlg(DeviceType.MX, suid, false); frmXLdlg dlg = new frmXLdlg(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(suid)) { PSPDEV dev = (PSPDEV)DeviceHelper.GetDevice<PSPDEV>(suid); dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Name == null) { MessageBox.Show("名称不能为空!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string strCon = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid + "' AND Name = '" + dlg.Name + "' AND Type = '05'"; IList listName = Services.BaseService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", strCon); if (listName.Count >= 2 || (listName.Count == 1 && (listName[0] as PSPDEV).SUID != dev.SUID)) { MessageBox.Show("名称已存在!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectUID; XmlNode text = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SelectSingleNode("svg/*[@ParentID='" + element.GetAttribute("id") + "']"); if (text != null) { (text as Text).InnerText = dev.Name; } Services.BaseService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); } } //else if (suid=="") //{ // //dlgSubstation.InitData(); // object subID = DeviceHelper.SelectProjectDevice("05", tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.SvgdataUid, this.ProjectUID, linecol); // XmlElement n1 = tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CreateElement("text") as Text; // if (subID != null) // { // element.SetAttribute("Deviceid", ((PSPDEV)subID).SUID); // element.SetAttribute("Type", "05"); // element.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer); // tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.RootElement.AppendChild(element); // tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = element as SvgElement; // //RectangleF t = ((IGraph)temp).GetBounds(); // //n1.SetAttribute("x", (t.X - 10).ToString()); // //n1.SetAttribute("y", (t.Y - 10).ToString()); // //n1.InnerText = ((PSPDEV)subID).Name; // //n1.SetAttribute("layer", SvgDocument.currentLayer); // //n1.SetAttribute("ParentID", temp.GetAttribute("id")); // //tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.RootElement.AppendChild(n1); // tlVectorControl1.Operation = ToolOperation.Select; // } // else // { // tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = element as SvgElement; // tlVectorControl1.Delete(); // return; // //tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = n1 as SvgElement; // //tlVectorControl1.Delete(); // } // foreach (eleclass ele in linecol) // { // if (ele.suid == ((PSPDEV)subID).SUID && ele.selectflag == true) // { // MessageBox.Show("已经有此线路!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); // tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = element as SvgElement; // tlVectorControl1.Delete(); // //tlVectorControl1.SVGDocument.CurrentElement = n1 as SvgElement; // //tlVectorControl1.Delete(); // } // else if (ele.suid == ((PSPDEV)subID).SUID && ele.selectflag == false) // { // linecol.Remove(ele); // eleclass ele1 = new eleclass(((PSPDEV)subID).Name, ((PSPDEV)subID).SUID, ((PSPDEV)subID).Type, true); // linecol.Add(ele1); // } // } //} } }
public static bool ShowDeviceDlg(string stype, string uid, bool isread) { object dev = null; if (stype == "20") { dev = GetDevice <PSP_Substation_Info>(uid); } else if (stype == "30") { dev = GetDevice <PSP_PowerSubstation_Info>(uid); } else { dev = GetDevice <PSPDEV>(uid); } if (dev == null) { return(false); } switch (stype) { case "20": //变电站 frmBDZdlg dlg = new frmBDZdlg(); dlg.StartYear = StartYear; dlg.DeviceMx = dev as PSP_Substation_Info; dlg.IsRead = isread; dlg.IsonlyRead = true; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && !isread) { UCDeviceBase.DataService.Update <PSP_Substation_Info>(dlg.DeviceMx); dev = dlg.DeviceMx; } else { dev = null; } break; case "30": //电源 frmDYdlg dlg21 = new frmDYdlg(); dlg21.DeviceMx = dev as PSP_PowerSubstation_Info; dlg21.IsRead = isread; dlg21.IsonlyRead = true; dlg21.StartYear = StartYear; if (dlg21.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && !isread) { UCDeviceBase.DataService.Update <PSP_PowerSubstation_Info>(dlg21.DeviceMx); dev = dlg21.DeviceMx; } else { dev = null; } break; case "01": frmMXdlg dlg1 = new frmMXdlg(); dlg1.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; // dlg1.ShowDialog(); if (dlg1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && !isread) { UCDeviceBase.DataService.Update <PSPDEV>(dlg1.DeviceMx); } break; case "02": frmBYQ2dlg dlg2 = new frmBYQ2dlg(); dlg2.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg2.ShowDialog(); break; case "03": frmBYQ3dlg dlg3 = new frmBYQ3dlg(); dlg3.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg3.ShowDialog(); break; case "04": frmFDJdlg dlg4 = new frmFDJdlg(); dlg4.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg4.ShowDialog(); break; case "05": frmXLdlg dlg5 = new frmXLdlg(); dlg5.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg5.glist = glist; dlg5.isread = true; DialogResult rst = dlg5.ShowDialog(); if (rst == DialogResult.OK && !isread) { UCDeviceBase.DataService.Update <PSPDEV>(dlg5.DeviceMx); } break; case "06": frmDLQdlg dlg6 = new frmDLQdlg(); dlg6.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg6.ShowDialog(); break; case "07": frmKGdlg dlg7 = new frmKGdlg(); dlg7.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg7.ShowDialog(); break; case "08": frmCLDRdlg dlg8 = new frmCLDRdlg(); dlg8.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg8.ShowDialog(); break; case "09": frmBLDRdlg dlg9 = new frmBLDRdlg(); dlg9.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg9.ShowDialog(); break; case "10": frmCLDKdlg dlg10 = new frmCLDKdlg(); dlg10.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg10.ShowDialog(); break; case "11": frmBLDKdlg dlg11 = new frmBLDKdlg(); dlg11.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg11.ShowDialog(); break; case "12": frmFHdlg dlg12 = new frmFHdlg(); dlg12.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg12.ShowDialog(); break; case "13": frmMLdlg dlg13 = new frmMLdlg(); dlg13.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg13.ShowDialog(); break; case "14": frmML2dlg dlg14 = new frmML2dlg(); dlg14.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg14.ShowDialog(); break; case "15": frmHGdlg dlg15 = new frmHGdlg(); dlg15.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg15.ShowDialog(); break; case "50": case "51": case "52": frmPWdlg dlg18 = new frmPWdlg(); dlg18.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg18.ShowDialog(); break; case "54": case "56": case "57": case "58": case "59": frmPWKGdlg dlg17 = new frmPWKGdlg(); dlg17.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg17.ShowDialog(); break; case "61": case "62": case "63": case "64": case "65": frmPWKGdlg dlg88 = new frmPWKGdlg(); dlg88.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg88.ShowDialog(); break; case "70": frmZXdlg dlg19 = new frmZXdlg(); dlg19.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; if (dlg19.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && !isread) { UCDeviceBase.DataService.Update <PSPDEV>(dlg19.DeviceMx); } break; case "72": frmBYQTWOdlg dlg20 = new frmBYQTWOdlg(); dlg20.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg20.ShowDialog(); break; case "73": frmDXdlg DX = new frmDXdlg(); DX.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; DX.isread = true; DX.ShowDialog(); break; case "75": frmLUXdlg LUX = new frmLUXdlg(); LUX.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; LUX.isread = true; LUX.ShowDialog(); break; case "71": frmRDQdlg dlg22 = new frmRDQdlg(); dlg22.DeviceMx = dev as PSPDEV; dlg22.ShowDialog(); break; case "76": break; } return(dev != null); }
public override void Add() { //frmDLQdlg dlg = new frmDLQdlg(); //dlg.Name = ""; //if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // //���Ӽ�¼ // PSPDEV dev = dlg.DeviceMx; // dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectID; // UCDeviceBase.DataService.Create("InsertPSPDEV", dev); // DataRow row=datatable1.NewRow(); // Itop.Common.DataConverter.ObjectToRow(dev, row); // datatable1.Rows.Add(row); //} frmFHdlg dlg = new frmFHdlg(); dlg.ProjectID = this.ProjectID; dlg.Name = ""; PSPDEV p = new PSPDEV(); p.ProjectID = this.ProjectID; p.SvgUID = ParentID; if (ParentObj is PSP_Substation_Info) { p.Name = (ParentObj as PSP_Substation_Info).Title + "B"; p.OperationYear = (ParentObj as PSP_Substation_Info).S2; p.Date1 = (ParentObj as PSP_Substation_Info).S2; p.Date2 = (ParentObj as PSP_Substation_Info).L29; } else if (ParentObj is PSP_PowerSubstation_Info) { p.Name = (ParentObj as PSP_PowerSubstation_Info).Title + "B"; p.OperationYear = (ParentObj as PSP_PowerSubstation_Info).S3; p.Date1 = (ParentObj as PSP_PowerSubstation_Info).S3; p.Date2 = (ParentObj as PSP_PowerSubstation_Info).S30; } dlg.DeviceMx = p; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { //���Ӽ�¼ PSPDEV dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectID; UCDeviceBase.DataService.Create("InsertPSPDEV", dev); DataRow row = datatable1.NewRow(); if (dev.Type == "12") { if (dev.NodeType == "0") { dev.NodeType = "���迹ģ��"; } else { dev.NodeType = "�ۺϸ���"; } } if (dev.KSwitchStatus == "1") { dev.KSwitchStatus = "�˳�����"; } else { dev.KSwitchStatus = "Ͷ������"; } if (dev.UnitFlag == "0") { dev.UnitFlag = "p.u."; } else { if (dev.Type == "01" || dev.Type == "04" || dev.Type == "12") { dev.UnitFlag = "kV/MW/MVar"; } else { dev.UnitFlag = "Ohm/10-6Siem"; } } Itop.Common.DataConverter.ObjectToRow(dev, row); datatable1.Rows.Add(row); } }
public override void Edit() { frmFHdlg dlg = new frmFHdlg(); DataRow row = gridView1.GetDataRow(gridView1.FocusedRowHandle); if (row != null) { PSPDEV dev = Itop.Common.DataConverter.RowToObject<PSPDEV>(row); if (dev.Type == "12") { if (dev.NodeType == "���迹ģ��") { dev.NodeType = "0"; } else { dev.NodeType = "1"; } } if (dev.KSwitchStatus == "�˳�����") { dev.KSwitchStatus = "1"; } else { dev.KSwitchStatus = "0"; } if (dev.UnitFlag == "p.u.") { dev.UnitFlag = "0"; } else { dev.UnitFlag = "1"; } dlg.DeviceMx = dev; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { //���¼�¼ dev = dlg.DeviceMx; dev.ProjectID = this.ProjectID; UCDeviceBase.DataService.Update<PSPDEV>(dev); if (dev.Type == "12") { if (dev.NodeType == "0") { dev.NodeType = "���迹ģ��"; } else { dev.NodeType = "�ۺϸ���"; } } if (dev.KSwitchStatus == "1") { dev.KSwitchStatus = "�˳�����"; } else { dev.KSwitchStatus = "Ͷ������"; } if (dev.UnitFlag == "0") { dev.UnitFlag = "p.u."; } else { if (dev.Type == "01" || dev.Type == "04" || dev.Type == "12") { dev.UnitFlag = "kV/MW/MVar"; } else { dev.UnitFlag = "Ohm/10-6Siem"; } } Itop.Common.DataConverter.ObjectToRow(dev, row); } } }