public clsNPCBank(ContentManager Content, ref clsSpriteBank Sprites) { NPCS = new clsNPC[13]; for (int i = 0; i < NPCS.Length; i++) NPCS[i] = new clsNPC(Sprites.sprNPC[i],"","","",0); NPCS[0].SetName("Katie Stib"); NPCS[0].SetSpeech("I dont see why everyone is getting worked up. I feel fine!"); NPCS[0].SetUnlock(15,"Not Showing Signs"); NPCS[1].SetName("Lee Gul"); NPCS[1].SetSpeech("My job is to make sure nobody gets into this village because of the disease.\n What's that? A relief worker? Until I can talk to your boss on the radio, you can't come in."); NPCS[1].SetUnlock(8,"Infection by Numbers"); NPCS[2].SetName("Alan Doob"); NPCS[2].SetSpeech("Fix the tower you say? It looks pretty demolished if you ask me..."); NPCS[2].SetUnlock(1,"Building Up"); NPCS[3].SetName("Ben Jab"); NPCS[3].SetSpeech("I'm so thirsty..."); NPCS[3].SetUnlock(13, "Rehydrate Me!"); NPCS[4].SetName("Claire Aaby"); NPCS[4].SetSpeech("Ohhhh my tummy hurts... I never drink dirty water though."); NPCS[4].SetUnlock(5,"Transmitting"); NPCS[5].SetName("Josh Bosh"); NPCS[5].SetSpeech("Maybe I should have cooked my steak before I ate it..."); NPCS[5].SetUnlock(9,"Raw Meats"); NPCS[6].SetName("Elliot Bea"); NPCS[6].SetSpeech("I just enjoyed a nice salad, now I feel terrible."); NPCS[6].SetUnlock(3,"Green Vegetables"); NPCS[7].SetName("Amelia Tuck"); NPCS[7].SetSpeech("We have to stop this thing from spreading!."); NPCS[7].SetUnlock(10, "Stubborn"); NPCS[8].SetName("Emma Tee"); NPCS[8].SetSpeech("I cant find my brother anywhere! His name is Alan!."); NPCS[8].SetUnlock(11, "Family Ties"); NPCS[9].SetName("Sarah Roze"); NPCS[9].SetSpeech("How are we supposed to stay clean after taking a dump?."); NPCS[9].SetUnlock(7, "Prevent and Destroy"); NPCS[10].SetName("Adman Bannister"); NPCS[10].SetSpeech("I hate you guys, coming in here thinking you know how to save the world..."); NPCS[10].SetUnlock(6, "Define: Relief Work"); NPCS[11].SetName("Jimmy Booth"); NPCS[11].SetSpeech("Everyone else was eating the same food. They are all fine."); NPCS[11].SetUnlock(12, "Sharing the Wealth"); NPCS[12].SetName("Alex Jawn"); NPCS[12].SetSpeech("I only came here on a trip! I've been here three days!"); NPCS[12].SetUnlock(14, "Travellers Beware"); }
public clsArchitectureBank(ContentManager Content, ref clsSpriteBank Sprites) { Buildings = new clsArchitecture[10]; Mudhuts = new clsArchitecture[10]; Trees = new clsArchitecture[10]; Tower = new clsArchitecture(Sprites.sprTowerPiece[3], Sprites.sprTowerPiece[4]); for (int i = 0; i < Buildings.Length; i++) Buildings[i] = new clsArchitecture(Sprites.sprARC_Body[i], Sprites.sprARC_Head[i]); for (int i = 0; i < Mudhuts.Length; i++) Mudhuts[i] = new clsArchitecture(Sprites.sprARC_Body[10+i], Sprites.sprARC_Head[10+i]); for (int i = 0; i < Trees.Length; i++) Trees[i] = new clsArchitecture(Sprites.sprTree_Body[i], Sprites.sprTree_Head[i]); }
public clsBlockingBank(ContentManager Content, ref clsSpriteBank Sprites) { Blank = new clsBlocking[25]; hVillageblock = new clsBlocking[2]; RockBlock = new clsBlocking[18]; TowerPieces = new clsBlocking[3]; Bacteria = new clsBlocking[15]; WarpPoints = new clsBlocking[9]; Boat = new clsBlocking(Sprites.sprBoat); School = new clsBlocking(Sprites.sprSchool); hVillageblock[0] = new clsBlocking(Sprites.sprBarrier[0]); hVillageblock[1] = new clsBlocking(Sprites.sprBarrier[1]); for (int i = 0; i < RockBlock.Length; i++) { RockBlock[i] = new clsBlocking(Sprites.sprRockBlock[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { TowerPieces[i] = new clsBlocking(Sprites.sprTowerPiece[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < Blank.Length; i++) { Blank[i] = new clsBlocking(Sprites.sprBlocked[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < Bacteria.Length; i++) { Bacteria[i] = new clsBlocking(Sprites.sprBacteria[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < WarpPoints.Length; i++) { WarpPoints[i] = new clsBlocking(Sprites.sprTownMarker[i]); } }
public clsChatBoxBank(ref clsSpriteBank Sprites, ref SpriteFont Font) { Chatbox = new clsChatBox(Sprites.sprChatBox, Sprites.sprChatBox_Closed, null, Font); RadioMessage = new clsChatBox(Sprites.sprRadioBox, Sprites.sprRadioBox_Closed, Sprites.sprRadioBox_Indicate, Font); Databank = new clsChatBox(Sprites.sprDataBox, Sprites.sprDataBox_Closed, Sprites.sprDataBox_Indicate, Font); Letter = new clsChatBox(Sprites.sprLetter, Sprites.sprLetter_Closed, null, Font); Collectables = new clsChatBox(Sprites.sprCollectables, Sprites.sprCollectable_Closed, null, Font); PlayerScore = new clsChatBox(Sprites.sprPlayerScore, null, null, Font); DataPopup = new clsChatBox(Sprites.sprDataPopup, Sprites.sprDataPopup_Closed, null, Font); A = new clsChatBox(Sprites.sprInteract, Sprites.sprInteract_Closed, null, Font); A.SetText(""); Chatbox.SetOffSet(10, 10); RadioMessage.SetOffSet(5, 60); Databank.SetOffSet(18, 60); Letter.SetOffSet(30, 30); PlayerScore.SetOffSet(10, 10); Collectables.SetOffSet(10, 10); PlayerScore.Open(); DataPopup.SetOffSet(10, 50); }
public clsHUDBank(ref clsSpriteBank Sprites, ref SpriteFont Font) { MainMenu = new clsHUD(Sprites.sprMainMenu, Font, 3); Options = new clsHUD(Sprites.sprOptions, Font, 3); StartMenu = new clsHUD(Sprites.sprStartMenu, Font, 2); DataBank = new clsHUD(Sprites.sprDataBank_HUD, Font, 18); Credits = new clsHUD(Sprites.sprCredits, Font, 4); AreYouSure = new clsHUD[20]; FoodGame = new clsHUD[5]; TeachGame = new clsHUD[5]; for (int i = 0; i < FoodGame.Length; i++) { FoodGame[i] = new clsHUD(Sprites.sprFoodGame, Font, 2); } FoodGame[0].SetText(0, "This food looks a bit burnt\nbut is cooked thoroughly."); FoodGame[0].SetText(1, "This food looks pale and\npossibly under-cooked."); FoodGame[1].SetText(0, "This food has had its meats\nmixed up."); FoodGame[1].SetText(1, "This food has had its meats\nprepared seperately."); FoodGame[2].SetText(0, "This food has been\nprepared by people \nwithout cholera."); FoodGame[2].SetText(1, "This food has had people\nwith cholera handling it..\nbut I am sure it tastes\ngood!!"); FoodGame[3].SetText(0, "This cooked food has been\nmixed with raw salads and\nrelishes yum yum!!"); FoodGame[3].SetText(1, "This cooked food has not\nbeen mixed raw salads and\nrelishes"); FoodGame[4].SetText(0, "Grab a fresh plate and Ill\ngive you some food!!"); FoodGame[4].SetText(1, "Go and help yourself from\nthat comunial food container"); for (int i = 0; i < FoodGame.Length; i++) { FoodGame[i].SetOffSet(0,0, new Vector2(250,0)); } for (int i = 0; i < TeachGame.Length; i++) { TeachGame[i] = new clsHUD(Sprites.sprTeachGame, Font, 3); TeachGame[i].SetOffSet(0f, 0f, new Vector2(0,110)); } TeachGame[0].SetText(0, "Hey kids, today we are going to talk about cholera. Cholera can\nform in food and water in places where there is very little\nsanitation."); TeachGame[0].SetText(1, "Hey kids, today we are going to talk about cholera. Cholera\nappears only in water when you are not sanitary enough."); TeachGame[0].SetText(2, "Hey kids, today we are going to talk about cholera. Cholera\nappears only in food when you are not sanitary enough."); TeachGame[1].SetText(0, "Cholera is caused by the consumption of the bacterium named\nCholerae Vibrium"); TeachGame[1].SetText(1, "Cholera is caused by the consumption of the bacterium named\nVibrio Cholerae"); TeachGame[1].SetText(2, "Cholera is caused by consuming any bacteria."); TeachGame[2].SetText(0, "Not disposing of waste properly means these bacterium can\nreproduce."); TeachGame[2].SetText(1, "Not filtering water properly means these bacterium can\nreproduce."); TeachGame[2].SetText(2, "Staying clean after going to the toilet means these\nbacterium can reproduce."); TeachGame[3].SetText(0, "It is important to do this to stop cholera spreading further."); TeachGame[3].SetText(1, "It is important to do this to make sure an outbreak of cholera\ndoesn't form in the first place."); TeachGame[3].SetText(2, "It is important to do this to stop passing cholera on to other\npeople directly."); TeachGame[4].SetText(0, "Lastly, Cholera cannot be cured once you have it, and it almost\nalways kills."); TeachGame[4].SetText(1, "Lastly, Cholera is difficuly to treat without antibiotics and the\nbacteria itself is a killer"); TeachGame[4].SetText(2, "Lastly, Cholera is fairly easy to treat with a mixture of clean\nwater and sugar, the dehydration it causes is a killer."); for (int i = 0; i < AreYouSure.Length; i++) { AreYouSure[i] = new clsHUD(Sprites.sprAreYouSure, Font, 2); AreYouSure[i].SetText(0, " No"); AreYouSure[i].SetText(1,"Yes"); AreYouSure[i].SetOffSet(50, 50, new Vector2(0,30)); } AreYouSure[8].SetText(0, "Back"); AreYouSure[8].SetText(1, "Decontaminate"); AreYouSure[8].SetOffSet(20, 50, new Vector2(0,50)); AreYouSure[9].SetText(0, "Back"); AreYouSure[9].SetText(1, "Educate"); AreYouSure[9].SetOffSet(20, 50, new Vector2(0, 50)); AreYouSure[10].SetText(0, "Back"); AreYouSure[10].SetText(1, "Lecture"); AreYouSure[10].SetOffSet(20, 50, new Vector2(0, 50)); MainMenu.SetText(0, "Start Game"); MainMenu.SetText(1, " Options"); MainMenu.SetText(2, " Quit Game"); Options.SetText(0, "Turn off Sound"); Options.SetText(1, " Credits"); Options.SetText(2, " Back to Main"); Credits.SetText(0, " Programming, Alan Tuckwood"); Credits.SetText(1, " Object Graphics, Lee Croxton"); Credits.SetText(2, " Level & Sprite Graphics, Katherine Young"); Credits.SetText(3, " Back to Main"); Credits.SetOffSet(12, 50,new Vector2(0,18)); StartMenu.SetText(0, " Continue"); StartMenu.SetText(1, "Quit to Main"); DataBank.SetText(0, "A Pandemic"); DataBank.SetText(1, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(2, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(3, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(4, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(5, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(6, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(7, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(8, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(9, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(10, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(11, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(12, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(13, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(14, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(15, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(16, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetText(17, "No Data Yet"); DataBank.SetOffSet(20f, 0f,new Vector2(0,25)); MainMenu.SetOffSet(40f, 70f, new Vector2(0,30)); Options.SetOffSet(30f, 40f,new Vector2(0,30)); StartMenu.SetOffSet(20f, 30f, new Vector2(0,30)); MainMenu.Show(); Options.Hide(); StartMenu.Hide(); DataBank.Hide(); for (int i = 0; i < AreYouSure.Length; i++) AreYouSure[i].Hide(); for (int i = 0; i < TeachGame.Length; i++) TeachGame[i].Hide(); }
protected override void LoadContent() { spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); RadioFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("RadioBox"); Sprites = new clsSpriteBank(Content); TextMenus = new clsChatBoxBank(ref Sprites, ref RadioFont); NPC = new clsNPCBank(Content, ref Sprites); Environmentals = new clsArchitectureBank(Content, ref Sprites); Blocks = new clsBlockingBank(Content, ref Sprites); Hud = new clsHUDBank(ref Sprites, ref RadioFont); Player = new clsPlayer(Sprites.sprPlayer, 5, 15); Background = new clsBackground(Sprites.sprBackground); soundBank.PlayCue("Music"); }