public static MutableString ToJson(ConversionStorage <MutableString> toS, IDictionary self, GeneratorState state, int?depth) { MutableString result; RubyContext context = toS.Context; if (state == null) { MutableString json; result = MutableString.CreateMutable(2 + Math.Max(self.Count * 12, 0), RubyEncoding.Default); result.Append('{'); if (self.Count > 0) { int i = 0; foreach (DictionaryEntry kv in self) { // TODO: added state and depth json = Generator.ToJson(context, Protocols.ConvertToString(toS, kv.Key), null, 0); result.Append(json); context.TaintObjectBy <Object>(result, json); result.Append(':'); json = Generator.ToJson(context, kv.Value, null, 0); result.Append(json); context.TaintObjectBy <Object>(result, json); if (++i < self.Count) { result.Append(','); } } } result.Append('}'); } else { GeneratorState.Ensure(state); if (state.CheckCircular) { if (state.Seen(context, self)) { Helpers.ThrowCircularDataStructureException("circular data structures not supported!"); } state.Remember(context, self); result = Transform(toS, self, state, depth.HasValue ? depth.Value : 0); state.Forget(context, self); } else { result = Transform(toS, self, state, depth.HasValue ? depth.Value : 0); } } return(result); }
public static MutableString ToJson(ConversionStorage<MutableString> toS, IDictionary self, GeneratorState state, int? depth) { MutableString result; RubyContext context = toS.Context; if (state == null) { MutableString json; result = MutableString.CreateMutable(2 + Math.Max(self.Count * 12, 0), RubyEncoding.Default); result.Append('{'); if (self.Count > 0) { int i = 0; foreach (DictionaryEntry kv in self) { // TODO: added state and depth json = Generator.ToJson(context, Protocols.ConvertToString(toS, kv.Key), null, 0); result.Append(json); context.TaintObjectBy<Object>(result, json); result.Append(':'); json = Generator.ToJson(context, kv.Value, null, 0); result.Append(json); context.TaintObjectBy<Object>(result, json); if (++i < self.Count) { result.Append(','); } } } result.Append('}'); } else { GeneratorState.Ensure(state); if (state.CheckCircular) { if (state.Seen(context, self)) { Helpers.ThrowCircularDataStructureException("circular data structures not supported!"); } state.Remember(context, self); result = Transform(toS, self, state, depth.HasValue ? depth.Value : 0); state.Forget(context, self); } else { result = Transform(toS, self, state, depth.HasValue ? depth.Value : 0); } } return result; }
private static MutableString Transform(RubyContext context, IList self, GeneratorState state, int depth) { MutableString result = MutableString.CreateMutable(2 + Math.Max(self.Count * 4, 0), RubyEncoding.UTF8); byte[] indentUnit = state.Indent.ToByteArray(); byte[] shift = Helpers.Repeat(indentUnit, depth + 1); byte[] arrayNl = state.ArrayNl.ToByteArray(); byte[] delim = new byte[1 + arrayNl.Length]; delim[0] = (byte)','; Array.Copy(arrayNl, 0, delim, 1, arrayNl.Length); state.CheckMaxNesting(depth + 1); context.TaintObjectBy <Object>(result, self); if (state.CheckCircular) { state.Remember(context, self); result.Append('['); result.Append(arrayNl); if (self.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < self.Count; i++) { Object element = self[i]; if (state.Seen(context, element)) { Helpers.ThrowCircularDataStructureException("circular data structures not supported!"); } context.TaintObjectBy <Object>(result, element); if (i > 0) { result.Append(delim); } result.Append(shift); result.Append(Generator.ToJson(context, element, state, depth + 1)); } // TODO: this might be needed outside of the count check for compat if (arrayNl.Length != 0) { result.Append(arrayNl); result.Append(shift, 0, depth * indentUnit.Length); } } result.Append(']'); state.Forget(context, self); } else { result.Append('['); result.Append(arrayNl); if (self.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < self.Count; i++) { Object element = self[i]; context.TaintObjectBy <Object>(result, element); if (i > 0) { result.Append(delim); } result.Append(shift); result.Append(Generator.ToJson(context, element, state, depth + 1)); } // TODO: this might be needed outside of the count check for compatibility if (arrayNl.Length != 0) { result.Append(arrayNl); result.Append(shift, 0, depth * indentUnit.Length); } } result.Append(']'); } return(result); }
private static MutableString Transform(RubyContext context, IList self, GeneratorState state, int depth) { MutableString result = MutableString.CreateMutable(2 + Math.Max(self.Count * 4, 0), RubyEncoding.UTF8); byte[] indentUnit = state.Indent.ToByteArray(); byte[] shift = Helpers.Repeat(indentUnit, depth + 1); byte[] arrayNl = state.ArrayNl.ToByteArray(); byte[] delim = new byte[1 + arrayNl.Length]; delim[0] = (byte)','; Array.Copy(arrayNl, 0, delim, 1, arrayNl.Length); state.CheckMaxNesting(depth + 1); context.TaintObjectBy<Object>(result, self); if (state.CheckCircular) { state.Remember(context, self); result.Append('['); result.Append(arrayNl); if (self.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < self.Count; i++) { Object element = self[i]; if (state.Seen(context, element)) { Helpers.ThrowCircularDataStructureException("circular data structures not supported!"); } context.TaintObjectBy<Object>(result, element); if (i > 0) { result.Append(delim); } result.Append(shift); result.Append(Generator.ToJson(context, element, state, depth + 1)); } // TODO: this might be needed outside of the count check for compat if (arrayNl.Length != 0) { result.Append(arrayNl); result.Append(shift, 0, depth * indentUnit.Length); } } result.Append(']'); state.Forget(context, self); } else { result.Append('['); result.Append(arrayNl); if (self.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < self.Count; i++) { Object element = self[i]; context.TaintObjectBy<Object>(result, element); if (i > 0) { result.Append(delim); } result.Append(shift); result.Append(Generator.ToJson(context, element, state, depth + 1)); } // TODO: this might be needed outside of the count check for compatibility if (arrayNl.Length != 0) { result.Append(arrayNl); result.Append(shift, 0, depth * indentUnit.Length); } } result.Append(']'); } return result; }
public static Object AForget(RubyContext context, GeneratorState self, Object obj) { return self.Forget(context, obj) ? true : null as Object; }
public static Object AForget(RubyContext context, GeneratorState self, Object obj) { return(self.Forget(context, obj) ? true : null as Object); }