// Initialization of new game private void InitNewGame() { GameController.Instance().cows.Clear(); int cowAmount; // Check what difficulty the game is set to, set correct stats to player character switch (GameController.Instance().gameDifficulty) { case "Easy": cowAmount = 5; break; case "Normal": cowAmount = 3; break; case "Hard": cowAmount = 2; break; default: cowAmount = 3; break; } for (int i = 0; i < cowAmount; i++) { // Generate cow instance, spawn cow with location variables Cow cow = CowMaker.GenerateCow(); GetRandomPos(); // Using location variables to spawn cows if (CowMaker.SpawnCow(cow, Random.Range(farmTopLeftPos.x, farmBottomRightPos.x), Random.Range(farmTopLeftPos.y, farmBottomRightPos.y), Vector3.zero) == 1) { GameController.Instance().cows.Add(cow); } } GameController.Instance().newGame = false; }
private void CowSellBid(int windowID) { GUI.contentColor = backgroundColor; if (!GameController.Instance().cowSelected) { GUI.Label(new Rect(70, 30, 210, 45), "", labelSelect); } scrollCowList.transform.position = new Vector2(windowRect.center.x, scrollListPaddingY); if (GameController.Instance().cowSelected&& GameController.Instance().cows.Count != 0) { SetHealth(GameController.Instance().cows[GameController.Instance().cowIndex].health / 100f); SetHappiness(GameController.Instance().cows[GameController.Instance().cowIndex].happiness / 10f); healthBar.transform.position = new Vector2(windowRect.center.x + 64, healthHappinessPaddingY + 35); happinessBar.transform.position = new Vector2(windowRect.center.x + 64, healthHappinessPaddingY); if (!GameController.Instance().cows[GameController.Instance().cowIndex].gender == true) { cowGender = "Female"; if (GameController.Instance().cows[GameController.Instance().cowIndex].pregnant == true) { cowPregnant = "Yes"; } } else { cowGender = "Male"; GameController.Instance().cows[GameController.Instance().cowIndex].pregnant = false; cowPregnant = "No"; } GUI.Label(new Rect(110, 20, 150, 30), GameController.Instance().player.name, customTextStyle); GUI.Label(new Rect(90, 50, 150, 30), "Cash: € " + GameController.Instance().player.cash, customTextStyle); GUI.Label(new Rect(110, 90, 150, 30), "Going In: " + MartBidControl.currentTimer + "s", customTextStyle); GUI.Label(new Rect(25, 135, 80, 25), "", labelAge); GUI.Label(new Rect(132, 132, 150, 30), "" + GameController.Instance().cows[GameController.Instance().cowIndex].age, customTextStyle); GUI.Label(new Rect(25, 170, 90, 25), "", labelBreed); GUI.Label(new Rect(132, 170, 150, 30), "" + GameController.Instance().cows[GameController.Instance().cowIndex].breed, customTextStyle); GUI.Label(new Rect(25, 205, 110, 30), "", labelHappiness); GUI.Label(new Rect(25, 240, 90, 25), "", labelHealth); GUI.Label(new Rect(25, 275, 110, 30), "", labelPregnant); GUI.Label(new Rect(150, 275, 150, 30), "" + cowPregnant, customTextStyle); GUI.Label(new Rect(25, 313, 90, 25), "", labelGender); GUI.Label(new Rect(132, 313, 150, 30), "" + cowGender, customTextStyle); GUI.Label(new Rect(25, 350, 90, 30), "", labelWeight); GUI.Label(new Rect(132, 350, 150, 30), "" + GameController.Instance().cows[GameController.Instance().cowIndex].weight + " KG", customTextStyle); GUI.Label(new Rect(65, 400, 150, 30), "Current Bid: € " + MartBidControl.currentCowBid, customTextStyle); if (!cowInRing) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(105, 445, 120, 40), "", buttonSell)) { if (GameController.Instance().cows.Count != 0) { if (!cowInRing) { GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(buttonSound, 0.6f); MartBidControl.biddingCow = GameController.Instance().cows[GameController.Instance().cowIndex]; CowMaker.SpawnCow(MartBidControl.biddingCow, 109f, 137f, Vector3.zero); StartBidding(); CreateScrollList.RemoveCowButton(GameController.Instance().cowIndex); } } } } } if (!cowInRing) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(295, 450, 35, 35), "", buttonX)) { GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(buttonSound, 0.6f); if (GameController.Instance().cowSelected) { GameController.Instance().cowSelected = false; MartBidControl.cowList.SetActive(true); SetHealth(0f); SetHappiness(0f); } else { GameController.Instance().martCowMenuUI = true; GameController.Instance().martCowSellBidUI = false; MartBidControl.cowList.SetActive(false); joyStick.gameObject.SetActive(true); cameraControl.FollowPlayer(); } } } }