public Users GetAuthenticatedUsers() { var users = new Users(); var user = new User("testuser", 10); user.HostMask = "testhostmask"; users.AddUser(user); return users; }
public User LogInUser(string userName, string password) { // Reads the xml-file and creates a dataset System.Data.DataSet dsUsers = new System.Data.DataSet(); dsUsers.ReadXml(this.configDirectory + settingsReader.GetValue("UsersConfigXml", typeof(string)).ToString()); foreach (System.Data.DataRow dr in dsUsers.Tables[0].Rows) { // Lets read the username in the datarow string tmpUserName = dr["name"].ToString().ToLower(); // If the username matches, lets check the password if (tmpUserName.Equals(userName.ToLower())) { string tmpPassword = dr["password"].ToString().ToUpper(); if (System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(password, "md5").Equals(tmpPassword)) { // Given username and password was correct. Lets read user's securitylevel int securityLevelID = Int32.Parse(dr["securitylevel_id"].ToString()); // Lets create the securitylevel-object SecurityLevel securityLevel = this.GetSecurityLevelByID(securityLevelID); // We get user's id int userID = Int32.Parse(dr["user_id"].ToString()); // And then finally we create the user object User newUser = new User(userID, userName, securityLevel); return newUser; } } } // Username and password were incorrect return new User("", 0); }