private static void ProcessRecords(ExtractedValue recordsData) { /*Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.MsgBox(String.Format("Database: {0}", recordsData.DBName)); * foreach (int Mfn in recordsData.MfnList) * Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.MsgBox(String.Format("Mfn: {0}", Mfn));*/ ShowScenarioFindReplaceDialog(recordsData); }
private static void ShowScenarioFindReplaceDialog(ExtractedValue recordsData) { FindReplaceScriptEditor find_replaceScriptEditor = new FindReplaceScriptEditor(recordsData); if (find_replaceScriptEditor.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ScenarioFindReplaceResultsForm scenarioFindReplaceResultsForm = new ScenarioFindReplaceResultsForm(find_replaceScriptEditor); scenarioFindReplaceResultsForm.ShowDialog(); } if (find_replaceScriptEditor.client != null) { find_replaceScriptEditor.client.Disconnect(); } }
private static ExtractedValue ProcessTextStream(System.IO.StreamReader sr) { var values = new ExtractedValue(); //Create the extracted values placeholders string [] strMarkers = { "DBN:", "MFN:" }; string strValue; List <int> MfnList = new List <int>(); //Read the text file using (sr) { while (sr.Peek() > -1) { var currentLine = sr.ReadLine().Trim(); //Skip whitespaces if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentLine)) { continue; } for (int index = 0; index < strMarkers.Length; index++) { string strMarker = strMarkers [index]; if (!currentLine.StartsWith(strMarker)) { continue; } strValue = currentLine.Substring(strMarker.Length); switch (index) { case 0: values.DBName = strValue; break; case 1: MfnList.Add(Convert.ToInt32(strValue)); break; } } } } MfnList.Sort(); values.MfnList = MfnList.ToArray(); return(values); //Return the extracted values }
public FindReplaceScriptEditor(ExtractedValue recordsData) { this.recordsData = recordsData; config = null; string exeConfigPath = this.GetType().Assembly.Location; try { config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(exeConfigPath); if (config != null) { activeTabIndex = Convert.ToByte(GetAppSetting(config, "activeTabIndex")); string connectionString = GetAppSetting(config, "connection-string"); client = new ManagedClient64(); client.ParseConnectionString(connectionString); try { client.Connect(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(recordsData.DBName)) { client.Database = recordsData.DBName; } curDatabase = client.IrbisDatabases.dataBases[client.IrbisDatabases.SelectedIndex]; } catch { client.Shutdown(); } InitializeComponent(); cmbTemplateType.SelectedIndex = 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { //handle errror here.. means DLL has no sattelite configuration file. MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } }