public InvoiceCompleted(int invoiceID) { InitializeComponent(); invoice = new Invoice(invoiceID); invoiceContentsList = InvoiceContentsDatabase.GetInvoiceContents(invoiceID); this.customerID = invoice.customer.StoreID; Customer c = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(customerID); ProvinceTax provinceTax = ProvinceTaxDatabase.GetProvinceByName(c.Province); if (provinceTax.pst == 0) { PST = false; } else { PST = true; } panel1.Location = new Point(30, 135); panel1.Size = new Size(900, 360); panel1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle; panel1.AutoScroll = true; panel1.BackColor = Color.DarkGray; this.Controls.Add(panel1); AddLabels(customerID); AddTotalBoxes(customerID); AddItemBoxes(); }
public InvoiceForm(int customerID) { InitializeComponent(); finished = false; this.customerID = customerID; customer = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(customerID); ProvinceTax provinceTax = ProvinceTaxDatabase.GetProvinceByName(customer.Province); if (provinceTax.pst == 0) { PST = false; } else { PST = true; } panel1.Location = new Point(30, 145); panel1.Size = new Size(800, 330); panel1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle; panel1.AutoScroll = true; panel1.BackColor = Color.DarkGray; this.Controls.Add(panel1); AddLabels(customerID); AddTotalBoxes(customerID); AddFirstRow(); }
public CustomerForm(String storeName, String storeDetails, String officeAddress, String shippingAddress, String storeContact, String emailAddress, String phoneNumber , String province, String paymentTerms, String shippingInstructions, string rep) { InitializeComponent(); List <ProvinceTax> provinceTaxList = ProvinceTaxDatabase.GetAllProvinces(); Object[] arr = new Object[provinceTaxList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < provinceTaxList.Count; i++) { arr[i] = provinceTaxList[i].provinceTax + " - GST: " + provinceTaxList[i].gst + "%/PST: " + provinceTaxList[i].pst + "%"; } provinceTax_comboBox.Items.AddRange(arr); setTextBoxLimits(); storeName_textBox.Text = storeName; storeDetails_textBox.Text = storeDetails; parseStringToGroup(officeAddress, groupBox1); parseStringToGroup(shippingAddress, groupBox2); storeContact_textBox.Text = storeContact; email_textBox.Text = emailAddress; phoneNumber_textBox.Text = phoneNumber; paymentTerms_textBox.Text = paymentTerms; shippingInstructions_textBox.Text = shippingInstructions; provinceTax_comboBox.Text = provinceTax_comboBox.Items[provinceTax_comboBox.FindString(province)].ToString(); rep_textBox.Text = rep; editMode = true; storeNumber = CustomerDatabase.GetStoreID(storeName, shippingAddress); }
private static void SeedCustomers(int num) { for (int i = 1; i < num; i++) { CustomerDatabase.AddCustomer("ExBusiness" + i, "Details" + i, "SpecialNotes" + i, "email" + i + "", "address" + i, "city" + i, "PR", "PostCo", "contact" + i, "6041111111", "terms" + i, "shipping" + i, "TA" + i, "rep" + i); } }
public Invoice(int invoiceID) { // WholeSale Company Information CompanyName = "Great West Wholesale LTD"; CompanyAddress = "1670 PANDORA ST. VANCOUVER, BC V5L 1L6"; CompanyPhoneNumber = "604-255-9588"; CompanyFax = "604-255-9589"; CompanyTollFree = "1-800-901-9588"; GSTNo = "R102186178"; Items = new List <Product>(); MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(LoginInfo.LoginCreds); try { conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd; MySqlDataReader rdr; String sql; sql = "SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE InvoiceID = " + invoiceID + ";"; cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (rdr.HasRows) { rdr.Read(); InvoiceID = Int32.Parse(rdr[0].ToString()); customer = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(Int32.Parse(rdr[1].ToString())); PurchaseOrder = rdr[2].ToString(); List <InvoiceContentInfo> items = InvoiceContentsDatabase.GetInvoiceContents(InvoiceID); Product temp; for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { temp = ProductDatabase.SearchProductByItemNo(items[i].ItemNo); temp.SpecialNotes = items[i].SpecialNotes; temp.Quantity = items[i].Quantity; temp.BackOrder = items[i].Backorder; temp.BackOrderSpecialNotes = items[i].BackOrderSpecialNotes; Items.Add(temp); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } conn.Close(); }
private void okButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Boolean err = false; String officeAddress = (officeUnit_textBox.Text != String.Empty ? officeUnit_textBox.Text + " - " : "") + officeStreet_textBox.Text + ", " + officeCity_textBox.Text + ", " + provinceConverter(officeProvince_comboBox.Text) + " " + officePostal_textBox.Text; String shippingAddress = (shippingUnit_textBox.Text != String.Empty ? shippingUnit_textBox.Text + " - " : "") + shippingStreet_textBox.Text + ", " + shippingCity_textBox.Text + ", " + provinceConverter(shippingProvince_comboBox.Text) + " " + shippingPostal_textBox.Text; if (storeName_textBox.Text == String.Empty) { label1.ForeColor = Color.Red; err = true; } else { label1.ForeColor = Color.Black; } if (shippingAddress.Length < 10) { groupBox2.ForeColor = Color.Red; err = true; } else { groupBox2.ForeColor = Color.Black; } if (provinceTax_comboBox.Text == String.Empty) { label18.ForeColor = Color.Red; err = true; } else { label18.ForeColor = Color.Black; } if (err) { return; } if (editMode) { CustomerDatabase.EditCustomer(storeNumber, storeName_textBox.Text, storeDetails_textBox.Text, email_textBox.Text, officeAddress, shippingAddress, storeContact_textBox.Text, phoneNumber_textBox.Text, paymentTerms_textBox.Text, shippingInstructions_textBox.Text, provinceTax_comboBox.Text.Split(' ')[0], rep_textBox.Text); } else { CustomerDatabase.AddCustomer(storeName_textBox.Text, storeDetails_textBox.Text, email_textBox.Text, officeAddress, shippingAddress, storeContact_textBox.Text, phoneNumber_textBox.Text, paymentTerms_textBox.Text, shippingInstructions_textBox.Text, provinceTax_comboBox.Text.Split(' ')[0], rep_textBox.Text); } this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); }
private void CustomerList_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { int customerID = CustomerDatabase.GetStoreID(custList.SelectedItems[0].Text, custList.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[3].Text); InvoiceForm invoiceForm = new InvoiceForm(customerID); invoiceForm.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(900, 700); invoiceForm.Show(); this.Close(); }
private void okButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Boolean err = false; if (storeName_textBox.Text == String.Empty) { label1.ForeColor = Color.Red; err = true; } else { label1.ForeColor = Color.Black; } if (shippingStreet_textBox.Text.Length == 0 || shippingCity_textBox.Text.Length == 0 || shippingPostal_textBox.Text.Length == 0 || shippingProvince_comboBox.Text.Length == 0) { groupBox2.ForeColor = Color.Red; err = true; } else { groupBox2.ForeColor = Color.Black; } if (provinceTax_comboBox.Text == String.Empty) { label18.ForeColor = Color.Red; err = true; } else { label18.ForeColor = Color.Black; } if (err) { return; } if (editMode) { CustomerDatabase.EditCustomer(storeNumber, storeName_textBox.Text, storeDetails_textBox.Text, storeSpecialNotes_textBox.Text, email_textBox.Text, shippingStreet_textBox.Text, shippingCity_textBox.Text, provinceConverter(shippingProvince_comboBox.Text), shippingPostal_textBox.Text, storeContact_textBox.Text, phoneNumber_textBox.Text, paymentTerms_textBox.Text, shippingInstructions_textBox.Text, provinceTax_comboBox.Text.Split(' ')[0], rep_textBox.Text); } else { CustomerDatabase.AddCustomer(storeName_textBox.Text, storeDetails_textBox.Text, storeSpecialNotes_textBox.Text, email_textBox.Text, shippingStreet_textBox.Text, shippingCity_textBox.Text, provinceConverter(shippingProvince_comboBox.Text), shippingPostal_textBox.Text, storeContact_textBox.Text, phoneNumber_textBox.Text, paymentTerms_textBox.Text, shippingInstructions_textBox.Text, provinceTax_comboBox.Text.Split(' ')[0], rep_textBox.Text); } this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); }
private void SelectCustomerButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (ListViewItem l in custList.SelectedItems) { int customerID = CustomerDatabase.GetStoreID(l.SubItems[0].Text, l.SubItems[3].Text); InvoiceForm invoiceForm = new InvoiceForm(customerID); invoiceForm.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(900, 700); invoiceForm.Show(); this.Close(); } }
static void SeedData() { ProvinceTaxDatabase.AddProvinceTax("ON1", 7, 5); ProvinceTaxDatabase.AddProvinceTax("ON2", 0, 5); ProvinceTaxDatabase.AddProvinceTax("BC1", 7, 12); ProvinceTaxDatabase.AddProvinceTax("BC2", 0, 5); ProvinceTaxDatabase.AddProvinceTax("BC3", 7, 5); ProvinceTaxDatabase.AddProvinceTax("AB1", 7, 5); ProductDatabase.AddProduct("12121", "Bouncy Ball", 1, "TSBK", 1.70, 2.50, 3242343, "may7"); ProductDatabase.AddProduct("34523", "PlayDough", 6, "TS", 3.90, 4.99, 3453453, "discontinued"); ProductDatabase.AddProduct("78666", "U-Fidget", 15, "TS", 1.25, 2.00, 5645334, "discontinued"); ProductDatabase.AddProduct("34513", "Kaleidoscope", 20, "TS", 5.50, 6.50, 6433423, "jn9"); ProductDatabase.AddProduct("89798", "PlayDough", 8, "TS", 1.20, 2.50, 2565443, "discontinued"); ProductDatabase.AddProduct("45323", "Sidewalk Chalk", 12, "TS00", 5.50, 7.00, 4534634); ProductDatabase.AddProduct("89675", "Rubber Duck", 5, "TSD", 1.90, 2.20, 9678565); ProductDatabase.AddProduct("34921", "Baseball", 20, "TS2", 3.00, 3.50, 3527657); ProductDatabase.AddProduct("90243", "SuperSoaker", 1, "TS3", 10.50, 12.50, 7687432); ProductDatabase.AddProduct("43424", "Diving Sub", 10, "TS1", 3.50, 4.00, 1787424); ProductDatabase.AddProduct("42131", "Geo Twister", 4, "TS1", 1.50, 2.00, 2437583); ProductDatabase.AddProduct("14513", "Chicken Flingers", 16, "TS1", 8.50, 10.00, 5898275); ProductDatabase.AddProduct("24235", "Stunt Flyer", 18, "TS1", 4.00, 4.50, 4980240); CustomerDatabase.AddCustomer("Splash Toys", "", "*****@*****.**", "1201 Main st, Vancouver, BC V6G9K7", "1201 Main st, Vancouver, BC V6G9K7", "Nicole", "6047990643", "net30", "fedex", "BC2", "Kyle"); CustomerDatabase.AddCustomer("Kaboodles", "", "*****@*****.**", "5601 Broadway st, Vancouver, BC L6G9K7", "5601 Broadway st, Vancouver, BC L6G9K7", "Ben", "6047342643", "credit", "canpar", "BC3", "Jake"); CustomerDatabase.AddCustomer("Childrens Hospital", "Gift Shop", "*****@*****.**", "8901 Cambie st, Vancouver, BC H7J9K0", "8901 Cambie st, Vancouver, BC H7J9K0", "Sammy", "6045690643", "net30", "canpar", "BC1", "Kyle"); CustomerDatabase.AddCustomer("Science World Edmonton", "Gift Shop", "*****@*****.**", "4745 Main st, Edmonton, AB K7G5F4", "4745 Main st, Edmonton, AB K7G5F4", "Julie", "6047670643", "net30", "canpar", "AB1", "Mike"); int custID; custID = CustomerDatabase.GetStoreID("Splash Toys", "1201 Main st, Vancouver, BC V6G9K7"); InvoiceDatabase.AddInvoice(custID, "2312343", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); InvoiceDatabase.UpdateBackorderSpecialNotes(custID, "monday only not friday"); InvoiceContentsDatabase.AddInvoiceContent(1, "12121", 10, "2 Red"); InvoiceContentsDatabase.AddInvoiceContent(1, "24235", 8, ""); InvoiceContentsDatabase.AddInvoiceContent(1, "89675", 12, "1 Pink"); InvoiceContentsDatabase.AddInvoiceContent(1, "90243", 2, ""); InvoiceContentsDatabase.AddInvoiceContent(1, "43424", 5, ""); custID = CustomerDatabase.GetStoreID("Kaboodles", "5601 Broadway st, Vancouver, BC L6G9K7"); InvoiceDatabase.AddInvoice(custID, "2312343", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 2); InvoiceContentsDatabase.AddInvoiceContent(2, "45323", 10, "3 blue"); InvoiceContentsDatabase.AddInvoiceContent(2, "34523", 8, ""); InvoiceContentsDatabase.AddInvoiceContent(2, "34513", 12, "1 Pink"); InvoiceContentsDatabase.AddInvoiceContent(2, "89798", 2, ""); InvoiceContentsDatabase.AddInvoiceContent(2, "42131", 5, ""); }
public ViewCustomer() { InitializeComponent(); AddButtons(); custList.MultiSelect = false; custList.FullRowSelect = true; custList.Size = new Size(1250, 500); custList.Location = new Point(25, 100); custList.Columns.Add("Store Name", 150, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Store Details", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Billing Address", 190, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Shipping Address", 190, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Store Contact", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Email", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Phone Number", 90, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Province Tax", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Payment Terms", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Shipping Instr", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Sales Rep", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left); //custList.Columns.Add("Special Notes ", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.GridLines = true; custList.Scrollable = true; custList.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.Details; custList.DoubleClick += CustomerList_DoubleClick; custList.FullRowSelect = true; this.Controls.Add(custList); List <Customer> list = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByStoreName(""); foreach (Customer c in list) { /* * ListViewItem l = new ListViewItem(new String[] { c.StoreName, c.StoreDetails, c.OfficeAddress,c.ShippingAddress,c.StoreContact, * c.Email, c.PhoneNumber,c.Province, c.PaymentTerms,c.ShippingInstructions,c.SpecialNotes}); * custList.Items.Add(l); * l.Selected = true; * custList.HideSelection = false; */ custList.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new String[] { c.StoreName, c.StoreDetails, c.BillingAddress, c.ShippingAddress, c.StoreContact, c.Email, c.PhoneNumber, c.Province, c.PaymentTerms, c.ShippingInstructions, c.Rep })); } }
private void SubtotalAmount_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Customer c = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(customerID); ProvinceTax provinceTax = ProvinceTaxDatabase.GetProvinceByName(c.Province); float gstRate = (float)provinceTax.gst / 100; this.Controls["gst"].Text = (Single.Parse(this.Controls["subTotalAmount"].Text) * gstRate).ToString("0.00"); this.Controls["invoiceTotal"].Text = (Single.Parse(this.Controls["subTotalAmount"].Text) * (1 + gstRate)).ToString("0.00"); if (PST) { float pstRate = (float)provinceTax.pst / 100; this.Controls["pst"].Text = (Single.Parse(this.Controls["subTotalAmount"].Text) * pstRate).ToString("0.00"); this.Controls["invoiceTotal"].Text = (Single.Parse(this.Controls["subTotalAmount"].Text) * (1 + gstRate + pstRate)).ToString("0.00"); } }
public SelectCustomer() { InitializeComponent(); AddButtons(); custList.Size = new Size(1250, 500); custList.Location = new Point(25, 100); custList.Columns.Add("Store Name", 150, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Store Details", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Store Notes", 120, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Address", 90, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("City", 90, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Prov", 40, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Postal Code", 90, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Store Contact", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Email", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Phone Number", 90, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Province Tax", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Payment Terms", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Shipping Instr", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.Columns.Add("Sales Rep", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left); custList.GridLines = true; custList.Scrollable = true; custList.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.Details; custList.DoubleClick += CustomerList_DoubleClick; custList.FullRowSelect = true; this.Controls.Add(custList); List <Customer> list = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByStoreName(""); foreach (Customer c in list) { custList.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new String[] { c.StoreName, c.StoreDetails, c.StoreSpecialNotes, c.StreetAddress, c.CityAddress, c.ProvinceAddress, c.PostalCodeAddress, c.StoreContact, c.Email, c.PhoneNumber, c.Province, c.PaymentTerms, c.ShippingInstructions, c.Rep })); } }
private void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Customer cust = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(customerID); for (int i = 0; i < invoiceContentsList.Count; i++) { int numBO; String itemNo = this.panel1.Controls["itemNumber" + i].Text; String notes = this.panel1.Controls["specialNotes" + i].Text; int qty = Int32.Parse(this.panel1.Controls["qty" + i].Text); int entryID = InvoiceContentsDatabase.GetEntryID(invoice.InvoiceID, itemNo); if (invoiceContentsList[i].Backorder > 0) { numBO = Int32.Parse(this.panel1.Controls["backorder" + i].Text); InvoiceContentsDatabase.EditInvoiceContent(entryID, invoice.InvoiceID, itemNo, qty, notes); InvoiceContentsDatabase.UpdateBackorder(entryID, qty - numBO); InvoiceContentsDatabase.UpdateBackorderSpecialNotes(entryID, this.panel1.Controls["backorderNotes" + i].Text); } } InvoiceDatabase.EditInvoice(invoice.InvoiceID, cust.StoreID, invoice.PurchaseOrder, invoice.SpecialNotes, 0, Single.Parse(this.Controls["subTotalAmount"].Text), Single.Parse(this.Controls["gst"].Text), Single.Parse(this.Controls["pst"].Text), Single.Parse(this.Controls["invoiceTotal"].Text), 3); }
private void RefreshView() { List <Customer> list; foreach (ListViewItem lvItem in custList.Items) { custList.Items.Remove(lvItem); } if (customerTextBox.Text.Length == 0) { list = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByStoreName(""); } else { list = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByStoreName(customerTextBox.Text); } foreach (Customer c in list) { custList.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new String[] { c.StoreName, c.StoreDetails, c.BillingAddress, c.ShippingAddress, c.StoreContact, c.Email, c.PhoneNumber, c.Province, c.PaymentTerms, c.ShippingInstructions, c.Rep })); } }
private void DeleteCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (custList.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { var confirmResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to delete this item ??", "Confirm Delete!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (confirmResult == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (ListViewItem l in custList.SelectedItems) { Debug.Print("storeID" + CustomerDatabase.GetStoreID(l.SubItems[0].Text, l.SubItems[3].Text)); CustomerDatabase.DeleteCustomer(CustomerDatabase.GetStoreID(l.SubItems[0].Text, l.SubItems[3].Text)); } RefreshView(); } else { // If 'No', do something here. } } }
private void AddLabels(int customerID) { int x = 30; int y = 130; Customer cust = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(customerID); //customer labels Label storeNameLabel = new Label(); if (cust.StoreDetails.Length != 0) { storeNameLabel.Text = "Store: " + cust.StoreName + " - " + cust.StoreDetails; } else { storeNameLabel.Text = "Store: " + cust.StoreName; } storeNameLabel.Location = new Point(30, 10); storeNameLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(storeNameLabel); Label officeLabel = new Label(); officeLabel.Text = "Address: " + cust.StreetAddress + " " + cust.CityAddress + ", " + cust.Province + " " + cust.PostalCodeAddress; officeLabel.Location = new Point(30, 25); officeLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(officeLabel); Label shippingLabel = new Label(); shippingLabel.Text = "Notes: " + cust.StoreSpecialNotes; shippingLabel.Location = new Point(30, 40); shippingLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(shippingLabel); Label contactLabel = new Label(); contactLabel.Text = "Contact: " + cust.StoreContact; contactLabel.Location = new Point(30, 55); contactLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(contactLabel); Label emailLabel = new Label(); emailLabel.Text = "Email: " + cust.Email; emailLabel.Location = new Point(30, 70); emailLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(emailLabel); Label phoneLabel = new Label(); phoneLabel.Text = "Phone: " + cust.PhoneNumber; phoneLabel.Location = new Point(30, 85); phoneLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(phoneLabel); Label paymentLabel = new Label(); paymentLabel.Text = "Payment Terms: " + cust.PaymentTerms; paymentLabel.Location = new Point(500, 10); paymentLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(paymentLabel); Label shippingInstructionsLabel = new Label(); shippingInstructionsLabel.Text = "Shipping Instr.: " + cust.ShippingInstructions; shippingInstructionsLabel.Location = new Point(500, 25); shippingInstructionsLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(shippingInstructionsLabel); Label purchaseOrderLabel = new Label(); purchaseOrderLabel.Text = "PO #:"; purchaseOrderLabel.Location = new Point(500, 40); purchaseOrderLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(purchaseOrderLabel); TextBox purchaseOrder = new TextBox(); purchaseOrder.Location = new Point(580, 38); purchaseOrder.Size = new Size(100, 25); purchaseOrder.Name = "purchaseOrder"; purchaseOrder.AccessibleName = "purchaseOrder"; purchaseOrder.KeyPress += Qty_KeyPress; this.Controls.Add(purchaseOrder); //Invoice column headers Label qtyLabel = new Label(); qtyLabel.Text = "Qty"; qtyLabel.Location = new Point(x, y); qtyLabel.AutoSize = true; qtyLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(qtyLabel); Label itemNoLabel = new Label(); itemNoLabel.Text = "Item Number"; itemNoLabel.Location = new Point(x + 50, y); itemNoLabel.AutoSize = true; itemNoLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(itemNoLabel); Label locLabel = new Label(); locLabel.Text = "Location"; locLabel.Location = new Point(x + 170, y); locLabel.AutoSize = true; locLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(locLabel); Label descLabel = new Label(); descLabel.Text = "Description"; descLabel.Location = new Point(x + 240, y); descLabel.AutoSize = true; descLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(descLabel); Label cartonLabel = new Label(); cartonLabel.Text = "Pack"; cartonLabel.Location = new Point(x + 460, y); cartonLabel.AutoSize = true; cartonLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(cartonLabel); Label costLabel = new Label(); costLabel.Text = "Cost"; costLabel.Location = new Point(x + 510, y); costLabel.AutoSize = true; costLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(costLabel); Label amountLabel = new Label(); amountLabel.Text = "Amount"; amountLabel.Location = new Point(x + 580, y); amountLabel.AutoSize = true; amountLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(amountLabel); Label specialNotesLabel = new Label(); specialNotesLabel.Text = "Special Notes"; specialNotesLabel.Location = new Point(x + 640, y); specialNotesLabel.AutoSize = true; specialNotesLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(specialNotesLabel); Button cancelButton = new Button(); cancelButton.Location = new Point(720, 620); cancelButton.Size = new Size(50, 25); cancelButton.Text = "Cancel"; cancelButton.Click += CancelButton_Click; this.Controls.Add(cancelButton); Button okButton = new Button(); okButton.Location = new Point(780, 620); okButton.Size = new Size(50, 25); okButton.Text = "OK"; okButton.Click += OkButton_Click; this.Controls.Add(okButton); }
private void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var confirmResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure this invoice is complete?", "Confirm Completion!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (confirmResult == DialogResult.Yes) { Customer cust = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(customerID); for (int i = 0; i < invoiceContentsList.Count; i++) { int numBO; String itemNo = this.panel1.Controls["itemNumber" + i].Text; String notes = this.panel1.Controls["specialNotes" + i].Text; int qty = Int32.Parse(this.panel1.Controls["qty" + i].Text); int entryID = InvoiceContentsDatabase.GetEntryID(invoice.InvoiceID, itemNo); if (this.panel1.Controls["backorder" + i].Text.Length == 0) { InvoiceContentsDatabase.EditInvoiceContent(entryID, invoice.InvoiceID, itemNo, qty, notes); continue; } else { numBO = Int32.Parse(this.panel1.Controls["backorder" + i].Text); InvoiceContentsDatabase.EditInvoiceContent(entryID, invoice.InvoiceID, itemNo, qty, notes); InvoiceContentsDatabase.UpdateBackorder(entryID, qty - numBO); InvoiceContentsDatabase.UpdateBackorderSpecialNotes(entryID, this.panel1.Controls["backorderNotes" + i].Text); } } InvoiceDatabase.EditInvoice(invoice.InvoiceID, cust.StoreID, invoice.PurchaseOrder, invoice.SpecialNotes, 0, Single.Parse(this.Controls["subTotalAmount"].Text), Single.Parse(this.Controls["gst"].Text), Single.Parse(this.Controls["pst"].Text), Single.Parse(this.Controls["invoiceTotal"].Text), 2); // Query DB for Invoice Invoice printInvoice = new Invoice(invoice.InvoiceID); // Define & populate Object to define Table columns for datasource in .rdlc Report List <InvoiceItemDetail> invoiceItemDetails; invoiceItemDetails = new List <InvoiceItemDetail>(); for (int i = 0; i < printInvoice.Items.Count; i++) { invoiceItemDetails.Add(new InvoiceItemDetail()); invoiceItemDetails[i].InvoiceID = invoice.InvoiceID; // Quantity not updated in DB; Subtraction required int SubQuantity = printInvoice.Items[i].Quantity - printInvoice.Items[i].BackOrder; // Invoice Data invoiceItemDetails[i].QTY = SubQuantity; invoiceItemDetails[i].GrabCarton = printInvoice.Items[i].Quantity / printInvoice.Items[i].PerCarton; invoiceItemDetails[i].ItemNo = printInvoice.Items[i].ItemNo; invoiceItemDetails[i].Location = printInvoice.Items[i].Location; invoiceItemDetails[i].Description = printInvoice.Items[i].ItemDesc; invoiceItemDetails[i].CartonTotal = printInvoice.Items[i].PerCarton; invoiceItemDetails[i].InvoiceItemSellPrice = printInvoice.Items[i].SellPrice; invoiceItemDetails[i].InvoiceItemAmount = SubQuantity * printInvoice.Items[i].SellPrice; invoiceItemDetails[i].InvoiceItemNote = printInvoice.Items[i].SpecialNotes; // Backorder Data invoiceItemDetails[i].Backorder = printInvoice.Items[i].BackOrder; invoiceItemDetails[i].BackorderGrabCarton = printInvoice.Items[i].BackOrder / printInvoice.Items[i].PerCarton; invoiceItemDetails[i].BackorderNote = printInvoice.Items[i].BackOrderSpecialNotes; } Form PrintForm = new PrintInvoiceProgress(printInvoice, invoiceItemDetails); PrintForm.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else { // If 'No', do something here. } }
private void AddLabels(int customerID) { int x = 30; int y = 120; Customer cust = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(customerID); ProvinceTax provinceTax = ProvinceTaxDatabase.GetProvinceByName(cust.Province); //customer labels Label storeNameLabel = new Label(); if (cust.StoreDetails.Length != 0) { storeNameLabel.Text = "Store name: " + cust.StoreName + " - " + cust.StoreDetails; } else { storeNameLabel.Text = "Store name: " + cust.StoreName; } storeNameLabel.Location = new Point(30, 10); storeNameLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(storeNameLabel); Label officeLabel = new Label(); officeLabel.Text = "Billing Address: " + cust.BillingAddress; officeLabel.Location = new Point(30, 25); officeLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(officeLabel); Label shippingLabel = new Label(); shippingLabel.Text = "Shipping Address: " + cust.ShippingAddress; shippingLabel.Location = new Point(30, 40); shippingLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(shippingLabel); Label contactLabel = new Label(); contactLabel.Text = "Store Contact: " + cust.StoreContact; contactLabel.Location = new Point(30, 55); contactLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(contactLabel); Label emailLabel = new Label(); emailLabel.Text = "Email: " + cust.Email; emailLabel.Location = new Point(30, 70); emailLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(emailLabel); Label phoneLabel = new Label(); phoneLabel.Text = "Phone: " + cust.PhoneNumber; phoneLabel.Location = new Point(500, 10); phoneLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(phoneLabel); Label provinceLabel = new Label(); provinceLabel.Text = "Province Tax: " + cust.Province + " - GST/PST(" + provinceTax.gst + "%/" + provinceTax.pst + "%)"; provinceLabel.Location = new Point(500, 25); provinceLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(provinceLabel); Label paymentLabel = new Label(); paymentLabel.Text = "Payment Terms: " + cust.PaymentTerms; paymentLabel.Location = new Point(500, 40); paymentLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(paymentLabel); Label shippingInstructionsLabel = new Label(); shippingInstructionsLabel.Text = "Shipping Instructions: " + cust.ShippingInstructions; shippingInstructionsLabel.Location = new Point(500, 55); shippingInstructionsLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(shippingInstructionsLabel); Label invoiceIDLabel = new Label(); invoiceIDLabel.Text = "Local Invoice ID: " + invoice.InvoiceID; invoiceIDLabel.Location = new Point(500, 70); invoiceIDLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(invoiceIDLabel); Label purchaseOrderLabel = new Label(); purchaseOrderLabel.Text = "PO#:" + invoice.PurchaseOrder; purchaseOrderLabel.Location = new Point(30, 85); purchaseOrderLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(purchaseOrderLabel); Label invoiceSpecialNotesLabel = new Label(); invoiceSpecialNotesLabel.Text = "Special Notes: " + invoice.SpecialNotes; invoiceSpecialNotesLabel.Location = new Point(180, 85); invoiceSpecialNotesLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(invoiceSpecialNotesLabel); Label invoiceNumberLabel = new Label(); invoiceNumberLabel.Text = "Invoice #: " + invoice.InvoiceNo; invoiceNumberLabel.Location = new Point(700, 10); invoiceNumberLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(invoiceNumberLabel); Label backorderInvoiceNotesLabel = new Label(); backorderInvoiceNotesLabel.Text = "Backorder Invoice Notes: " + invoice.BackorderNotes; backorderInvoiceNotesLabel.Location = new Point(30, 100); backorderInvoiceNotesLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(backorderInvoiceNotesLabel); //Invoice column headers Label qtyLabel = new Label(); qtyLabel.Text = "Qty"; qtyLabel.Location = new Point(x, y); qtyLabel.AutoSize = true; qtyLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(qtyLabel); Label itemNoLabel = new Label(); itemNoLabel.Text = "Item Number"; itemNoLabel.Location = new Point(x + 50, y); itemNoLabel.AutoSize = true; itemNoLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(itemNoLabel); Label locLabel = new Label(); locLabel.Text = "Location"; locLabel.Location = new Point(x + 170, y); locLabel.AutoSize = true; locLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(locLabel); Label descLabel = new Label(); descLabel.Text = "Description"; descLabel.Location = new Point(x + 240, y); descLabel.AutoSize = true; descLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(descLabel); Label cartonLabel = new Label(); cartonLabel.Text = "Pack"; cartonLabel.Location = new Point(x + 460, y); cartonLabel.AutoSize = true; cartonLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(cartonLabel); Label costLabel = new Label(); costLabel.Text = "Cost"; costLabel.Location = new Point(x + 510, y); costLabel.AutoSize = true; costLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(costLabel); Label amountLabel = new Label(); amountLabel.Text = "Amount"; amountLabel.Location = new Point(x + 580, y); amountLabel.AutoSize = true; amountLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(amountLabel); Label specialNotesLabel = new Label(); specialNotesLabel.Text = "Special Notes"; specialNotesLabel.Location = new Point(x + 640, y); specialNotesLabel.AutoSize = true; specialNotesLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(specialNotesLabel); Label backorderLabel = new Label(); backorderLabel.Text = "B.O."; backorderLabel.Location = new Point(x + 790, y); backorderLabel.AutoSize = true; backorderLabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; this.Controls.Add(backorderLabel); Button cancelButton = new Button(); cancelButton.Location = new Point(720, 620); cancelButton.Size = new Size(50, 25); cancelButton.Text = "Cancel"; cancelButton.Click += CancelButton_Click; this.Controls.Add(cancelButton); Button okButton = new Button(); okButton.Location = new Point(780, 620); okButton.Size = new Size(50, 25); okButton.Text = "OK"; okButton.Click += OkButton_Click; this.Controls.Add(okButton); Button printButton = new Button(); printButton.Location = new Point(665, 620); printButton.Size = new Size(50, 25); printButton.Text = "Print"; printButton.Click += PrintButton_Click; this.Controls.Add(printButton); }
private void AddTotalBoxes(int customerID) { Customer cust = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(customerID); Label subtotalLabel = new Label(); subtotalLabel.Text = "Subtotal"; subtotalLabel.Location = new Point(562, 500); subtotalLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(subtotalLabel); TextBox subtotalAmount = new TextBox(); subtotalAmount.Location = new Point(610, 500); subtotalAmount.Size = new Size(50, 25); subtotalAmount.Text = invoice.SubTotal.ToString("0.00"); subtotalAmount.ReadOnly = true; subtotalAmount.Name = "subtotalAmount"; subtotalAmount.AccessibleName = "subtotalAmount"; subtotalAmount.TextChanged += SubtotalAmount_TextChanged; this.Controls.Add(subtotalAmount); Label gstLabel = new Label(); gstLabel.Text = "GST"; gstLabel.Location = new Point(560, 530); gstLabel.Size = new Size(50, 25); gstLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopRight; this.Controls.Add(gstLabel); TextBox gst = new TextBox(); gst.Location = new Point(610, 530); gst.Size = new Size(50, 25); gst.Text = invoice.Gst.ToString("0.00"); gst.ReadOnly = true; gst.Name = "gst"; gst.AccessibleName = "gst"; this.Controls.Add(gst); if (PST) { Label pstLabel = new Label(); pstLabel.Text = "PST"; pstLabel.Location = new Point(560, 560); pstLabel.Size = new Size(50, 25); pstLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopRight; this.Controls.Add(pstLabel); TextBox pst = new TextBox(); pst.Location = new Point(610, 560); pst.Size = new Size(50, 25); pst.Text = invoice.Pst.ToString("0.00"); pst.ReadOnly = true; pst.Name = "pst"; pst.AccessibleName = "pst"; this.Controls.Add(pst); Label feightLabel = new Label(); feightLabel.Text = "Freight"; feightLabel.Location = new Point(570, 590); feightLabel.AutoSize = true; feightLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopRight; this.Controls.Add(feightLabel); TextBox freight = new TextBox(); freight.Location = new Point(610, 590); freight.Size = new Size(50, 25); freight.Name = "freight"; freight.AccessibleName = "freight"; freight.TextChanged += Freight_TextChanged1; freight.Text = invoice.freight.ToString("0.00"); freight.ReadOnly = true; this.Controls.Add(freight); Label invoiceTotalLabel = new Label(); invoiceTotalLabel.Text = "Invoice Total"; invoiceTotalLabel.Location = new Point(540, 620); invoiceTotalLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(invoiceTotalLabel); TextBox invoiceTotal = new TextBox(); invoiceTotal.Location = new Point(610, 620); invoiceTotal.Size = new Size(50, 25); invoiceTotal.Text = invoice.NetTotal.ToString("0.00"); invoiceTotal.ReadOnly = true; invoiceTotal.Name = "invoiceTotal"; invoiceTotal.AccessibleName = "invoiceTotal"; this.Controls.Add(invoiceTotal); } else //no pst { Label feightLabel = new Label(); feightLabel.Text = "Freight"; feightLabel.Location = new Point(570, 560); feightLabel.AutoSize = true; feightLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopRight; this.Controls.Add(feightLabel); TextBox freight = new TextBox(); freight.Location = new Point(610, 560); freight.Size = new Size(50, 25); freight.Name = "freight"; freight.AccessibleName = "freight"; freight.TextChanged += Freight_TextChanged; this.Controls.Add(freight); Label invoiceTotalLabel = new Label(); invoiceTotalLabel.Text = "Invoice Total"; invoiceTotalLabel.Location = new Point(540, 590); invoiceTotalLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(invoiceTotalLabel); TextBox invoiceTotal = new TextBox(); invoiceTotal.Location = new Point(610, 590); invoiceTotal.Size = new Size(50, 25); invoiceTotal.Text = invoice.NetTotal.ToString("0.00"); invoiceTotal.ReadOnly = true; invoiceTotal.Name = "invoiceTotal"; invoiceTotal.AccessibleName = "invoiceTotal"; this.Controls.Add(invoiceTotal); } }
private void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool valid = true; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].Text.Length == 0 & this.panel1.Controls["itemNumber" + j].Text.Length != 0) { valid = false; this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].BackColor = Color.Red; } if (this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].Text.Length != 0 & this.panel1.Controls["itemNumber" + j].Text.Length == 0) { valid = false; this.panel1.Controls["itemNumber" + j].BackColor = Color.Red; } if (this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].Text.Length == 1 && this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].Text == "-") { valid = false; this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].BackColor = Color.Red; } } if (valid == true) { var confirmResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure this invoice is complete?", "Confirm Completion!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (confirmResult == DialogResult.Yes) { Customer cust = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(customerID); int invoiceID; invoiceID = InvoiceDatabase.AddInvoice(customerID, this.Controls["purchaseOrder"].Text, ""); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].Text.Length != 0) { String itemNo = this.panel1.Controls["itemNumber" + j].Text; int qty = Int32.Parse(this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].Text); String notes = this.panel1.Controls["specialNotes" + j].Text; InvoiceContentsDatabase.AddInvoiceContent(invoiceID, itemNo, qty, notes); } } Invoice invoice = new Invoice(invoiceID); invoice.SaveToExcel(); finished = true; this.Close(); } else { // If 'No', do something here. } } }
private void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var confirmResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure this invoice is complete?", "Confirm Completion!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (confirmResult == DialogResult.Yes) { if (this.Controls["invoiceNumber"].Text.Length == 0) { this.Controls["invoiceNumber"].BackColor = Color.Red; return; } Customer cust = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(customerID); for (int i = 0; i < invoiceContentsList.Count; i++) { int numBO; String itemNo = this.panel1.Controls["itemNumber" + i].Text; String notes = this.panel1.Controls["specialNotes" + i].Text; int qty = Int32.Parse(this.panel1.Controls["qty" + i].Text); int entryID = InvoiceContentsDatabase.GetEntryID(invoice.InvoiceID, itemNo); if (invoiceContentsList[i].Backorder > 0) { numBO = Int32.Parse(this.panel1.Controls["backorder" + i].Text); InvoiceContentsDatabase.EditInvoiceContent(entryID, invoice.InvoiceID, itemNo, qty, notes); InvoiceContentsDatabase.UpdateBackorderSpecialNotes(entryID, this.panel1.Controls["backorderNotes" + i].Text); } } int invoiceNumber; invoiceNumber = Int32.Parse(this.Controls["invoiceNumber"].Text); float freight = 0; if (this.Controls["freight"].Text.Length == 0) { freight = 0; } else { freight = Single.Parse(this.Controls["freight"].Text); } InvoiceDatabase.EditInvoice(invoice.InvoiceID, cust.StoreID, invoice.PurchaseOrder, invoice.SpecialNotes, invoiceNumber, Single.Parse(this.Controls["subTotalAmount"].Text), Single.Parse(this.Controls["gst"].Text), Single.Parse(this.Controls["pst"].Text), Single.Parse(this.Controls["invoiceTotal"].Text), 3); InvoiceDatabase.UpdateFreight(invoice.InvoiceID, freight); InvoiceDatabase.UpdateBackorderSpecialNotes(invoice.InvoiceID, this.Controls["backorderInvoiceNotes"].Text); bool hasBackorder = false; for (int i = 0; i < invoice.Items.Count; i++) { if (invoice.Items[i].BackOrder > 0) { hasBackorder = true; break; } } if (hasBackorder) { InvoiceDatabase.UpdateBackorderSpecialNotes(invoice.InvoiceID, this.Controls["backorderInvoiceNotes"].Text); } else { InvoiceDatabase.UpdateBackorderSpecialNotes(invoice.InvoiceID, ""); } // Query DB for updated results. Invoice printInvoice = new Invoice(invoice.InvoiceID); // Define & populate Object to define Table columns for datasource in .rdlc Report List <InvoiceItemDetail> invoiceItemDetails; invoiceItemDetails = new List <InvoiceItemDetail>(); for (int i = 0; i < invoice.Items.Count; i++) { invoiceItemDetails.Add(new InvoiceItemDetail()); // Invoice Order Data invoiceItemDetails[i].InvoiceID = invoice.InvoiceID; invoiceItemDetails[i].QTY = printInvoice.Items[i].Quantity; // Hide GrabCarton in Final Invoice Report invoiceItemDetails[i].GrabCarton = 0.0f; invoiceItemDetails[i].ItemNo = printInvoice.Items[i].ItemNo; invoiceItemDetails[i].Description = printInvoice.Items[i].ItemDesc; // Hide CartonTotal in Final Invoice Report invoiceItemDetails[i].CartonTotal = 0; invoiceItemDetails[i].InvoiceItemSellPrice = printInvoice.Items[i].SellPrice; invoiceItemDetails[i].InvoiceItemAmount = printInvoice.Items[i].Quantity * printInvoice.Items[i].SellPrice; invoiceItemDetails[i].InvoiceItemNote = printInvoice.Items[i].SpecialNotes; // Backorder Data invoiceItemDetails[i].Backorder = printInvoice.Items[i].BackOrder; invoiceItemDetails[i].BackorderGrabCarton = 0.0f; invoiceItemDetails[i].BackorderNote = printInvoice.Items[i].BackOrderSpecialNotes; } Form PrintForm = new PrintInvoiceProgress(printInvoice, invoiceItemDetails); PrintForm.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else { // If 'No', do something here. } }
public Invoice(int invoiceID) { // WholeSale Company Information CompanyName = "Great West Wholesale LTD"; CompanyAddress = "1670 PANDORA ST. VANCOUVER, BC V5L 1L6"; CompanyPhoneNumber = "604-255-9588"; CompanyFax = "604-255-9589"; CompanyTollFree = "1-800-901-9588"; GSTNo = "R102186178"; Items = new List <Product>(); String pswd = "password"; String user = "******"; String connStr = "server=localhost;user="******";database=GWW;port=3306;password="******"SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE InvoiceID = " + invoiceID + ";"; cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //InvoiceID | StoreID | PurchaseOrder | SpecialNotes | InvoiceNo | SubTotal | Gst | Pst | NetTotal | Stage | if (rdr.HasRows) { rdr.Read(); InvoiceID = Int32.Parse(rdr[0].ToString()); customer = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(Int32.Parse(rdr[1].ToString())); CustomerName = customer.StoreName; CustomerContact = customer.StoreContact; CustomerAddress = customer.ShippingAddress; CustomerPhone = customer.PhoneNumber; CustomerTerms = customer.PaymentTerms; CustomerShippingTerms = customer.ShippingInstructions; PurchaseOrder = rdr[2].ToString(); SpecialNotes = rdr[3].ToString(); BackorderNotes = rdr[4].ToString(); InvoiceNo = rdr[5].ToString(); SubTotal = Single.Parse(rdr[6].ToString()); Gst = Single.Parse(rdr[7].ToString()); Pst = Single.Parse(rdr[8].ToString()); NetTotal = Single.Parse(rdr[9].ToString()); freight = Single.Parse(rdr[10].ToString()); Stage = Int32.Parse(rdr[11].ToString()); List <InvoiceContentInfo> items = InvoiceContentsDatabase.GetInvoiceContents(InvoiceID); Product temp; for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { temp = ProductDatabase.SearchProductByItemNo(items[i].ItemNo); temp.SpecialNotes = items[i].SpecialNotes; temp.Quantity = items[i].Quantity; temp.BackOrder = items[i].Backorder; temp.BackOrderSpecialNotes = items[i].BackOrderSpecialNotes; Items.Add(temp); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } conn.Close(); }
private void AddTotalBoxes(int customerID) { Customer cust = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(customerID); ProvinceTax provinceTax = ProvinceTaxDatabase.GetProvinceByName(cust.Province); Label subtotalLabel = new Label(); subtotalLabel.Text = "Subtotal"; subtotalLabel.Location = new Point(562, 500); subtotalLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(subtotalLabel); TextBox subtotalAmount = new TextBox(); subtotalAmount.Location = new Point(610, 500); subtotalAmount.Size = new Size(50, 25); subtotalAmount.ReadOnly = true; subtotalAmount.Name = "subtotalAmount"; subtotalAmount.AccessibleName = "subtotalAmount"; subtotalAmount.TextChanged += SubtotalAmount_TextChanged; this.Controls.Add(subtotalAmount); Label gstLabel = new Label(); gstLabel.Text = "GST " + provinceTax.gst + "%"; gstLabel.Location = new Point(560, 530); gstLabel.Size = new Size(50, 25); gstLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopRight; this.Controls.Add(gstLabel); TextBox gst = new TextBox(); gst.Location = new Point(610, 530); gst.Size = new Size(50, 25); gst.ReadOnly = true; gst.Name = "gst"; gst.AccessibleName = "gst"; this.Controls.Add(gst); if (PST) { Label pstLabel = new Label(); pstLabel.Text = "PST " + provinceTax.pst + "%"; pstLabel.Location = new Point(560, 560); pstLabel.Size = new Size(50, 25); pstLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopRight; this.Controls.Add(pstLabel); TextBox pst = new TextBox(); pst.Location = new Point(610, 560); pst.Size = new Size(50, 25); pst.ReadOnly = true; pst.Name = "pst"; pst.AccessibleName = "pst"; this.Controls.Add(pst); Label invoiceTotalLabel = new Label(); invoiceTotalLabel.Text = "Invoice Total"; invoiceTotalLabel.Location = new Point(540, 590); invoiceTotalLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(invoiceTotalLabel); TextBox invoiceTotal = new TextBox(); invoiceTotal.Location = new Point(610, 590); invoiceTotal.Size = new Size(50, 25); invoiceTotal.ReadOnly = true; invoiceTotal.Name = "invoiceTotal"; invoiceTotal.AccessibleName = "invoiceTotal"; this.Controls.Add(invoiceTotal); } else //no pst { Label invoiceTotalLabel = new Label(); invoiceTotalLabel.Text = "Invoice Total"; invoiceTotalLabel.Location = new Point(540, 560); invoiceTotalLabel.AutoSize = true; this.Controls.Add(invoiceTotalLabel); TextBox invoiceTotal = new TextBox(); invoiceTotal.Location = new Point(610, 560); invoiceTotal.Size = new Size(50, 25); invoiceTotal.ReadOnly = true; invoiceTotal.Name = "invoiceTotal"; invoiceTotal.AccessibleName = "invoiceTotal"; this.Controls.Add(invoiceTotal); } }
private void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool valid = true; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].Text.Length == 0 & this.panel1.Controls["itemNumber" + j].Text.Length != 0) { valid = false; this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].BackColor = Color.Red; } if (this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].Text.Length != 0 & this.panel1.Controls["itemNumber" + j].Text.Length == 0) { valid = false; this.panel1.Controls["itemNumber" + j].BackColor = Color.Red; } if (this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].Text.Length == 1 && this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].Text == "-") { valid = false; this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].BackColor = Color.Red; } } if (valid == true) { var confirmResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure this invoice is complete?", "Confirm Completion!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (confirmResult == DialogResult.Yes) { Customer cust = CustomerDatabase.SearchCustomersByID(customerID); int invoiceID; if (PST) { invoiceID = InvoiceDatabase.AddInvoice(customerID, this.Controls["purchaseOrder"].Text, this.Controls["invoiceSpecialNotes"].Text, "", Single.Parse(this.Controls["subtotalAmount"].Text), Single.Parse(this.Controls["gst"].Text), Single.Parse(this.Controls["pst"].Text), Single.Parse(this.Controls["invoiceTotal"].Text), 1); } else { invoiceID = InvoiceDatabase.AddInvoice(customerID, this.Controls["purchaseOrder"].Text, this.Controls["invoiceSpecialNotes"].Text, "", Single.Parse(this.Controls["subtotalAmount"].Text), Single.Parse(this.Controls["gst"].Text), 0, Single.Parse(this.Controls["invoiceTotal"].Text), 1); } for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].Text.Length != 0) { String itemNo = this.panel1.Controls["itemNumber" + j].Text; int qty = Int32.Parse(this.panel1.Controls["qty" + j].Text); String notes = this.panel1.Controls["specialNotes" + j].Text; InvoiceContentsDatabase.AddInvoiceContent(invoiceID, itemNo, qty, notes); } } // Query DB for updated results. Invoice printInvoice = new Invoice(invoiceID); printInvoice.InvoiceNo = "0"; // Define & populate Object to define Table columns for datasource in .rdlc Report List <InvoiceItemDetail> invoiceItemDetails; invoiceItemDetails = new List <InvoiceItemDetail>(); for (int i = 0; i < printInvoice.Items.Count; i++) { invoiceItemDetails.Add(new InvoiceItemDetail()); // Invoice Order Data invoiceItemDetails[i].InvoiceID = invoiceID; invoiceItemDetails[i].QTY = printInvoice.Items[i].Quantity; invoiceItemDetails[i].GrabCarton = printInvoice.Items[i].Quantity / printInvoice.Items[i].PerCarton; invoiceItemDetails[i].ItemNo = printInvoice.Items[i].ItemNo; invoiceItemDetails[i].Location = printInvoice.Items[i].Location; invoiceItemDetails[i].Description = printInvoice.Items[i].ItemDesc; invoiceItemDetails[i].CartonTotal = printInvoice.Items[i].PerCarton; invoiceItemDetails[i].InvoiceItemSellPrice = printInvoice.Items[i].SellPrice; invoiceItemDetails[i].InvoiceItemAmount = printInvoice.Items[i].Quantity * printInvoice.Items[i].SellPrice; invoiceItemDetails[i].InvoiceItemNote = printInvoice.Items[i].SpecialNotes; // Backorder Data invoiceItemDetails[i].Backorder = printInvoice.Items[i].BackOrder; invoiceItemDetails[i].BackorderGrabCarton = printInvoice.Items[i].BackOrder / printInvoice.Items[i].PerCarton; invoiceItemDetails[i].BackorderNote = printInvoice.Items[i].BackOrderSpecialNotes; } Form PrintForm = new PrintInvoiceProgress(printInvoice, invoiceItemDetails); PrintForm.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else { // If 'No', do something here. } } }