public void parseFile(object file, string[] stopWords)
            int f;

            int.TryParse(file.ToString(), out f); //Get file ID

            FileStream    filestream   = new FileStream(files[f], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            StreamReader  streamreader = new StreamReader(filestream);
            string        whole        = streamreader.ReadToEnd();      //Get file as string
            PorterStemmer stemmer      = new PorterStemmer();


            whole = whole.ToLower();
            Regex rgx = new Regex(@"\r\n", RegexOptions.ECMAScript); //Remove special chars and change string to a single line

            whole = rgx.Replace(whole, " ");
            rgx   = new Regex(@"[^0-9a-z ]+", RegexOptions.ECMAScript);
            whole = rgx.Replace(whole, "");

            List <string> words = whole.Split(' ').ToList <string>();

            words = words.Where(e => !stopWords.Any(g => g == e)).ToList <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < words.Count; i++)
                lock (lock1) if (isStemming ?? false)
                        words[i] = stemmer.StemWord(words[i]);
                    }                                                                                                                                 //If stemming is turned on, stem the current word
                ConcurrentDictionary <int, List <int> > indexEntry = invertedIndex.GetOrAdd(words[i], new ConcurrentDictionary <int, List <int> >()); //If the word is already in the index; get it, otherwise; add it
                indexEntry.GetOrAdd(f, new List <int>()).Add(i);                                                                                      //If that word has already occurred in this file; get the occurance list, otherwise; create the list
                lock (lock1) counter++;                                                                                                               //Non essential counter for metrics
        public void searchIndex(object fq)
            Stopwatch     s       = new Stopwatch();
            PorterStemmer stemmer = new PorterStemmer();

            string fullQuery = fq.ToString();

            fullQuery = fullQuery.ToLower();
            Regex rgx = new Regex(@"\r\n", RegexOptions.ECMAScript); //Remove special chars and change to a single line

            fullQuery = rgx.Replace(fullQuery, " ");
            rgx       = new Regex(@"[^0-9a-z ]+", RegexOptions.ECMAScript);
            fullQuery = rgx.Replace(fullQuery, "");

            List <string> words     = fullQuery.Split(' ').ToList <string>();
            List <string> stopWords = GetStopWords();

            words = words.Where(e => !stopWords.Any(g => g == e)).ToList <string>(); //Turn string of search terms into a list, remove stopwords
            List <List <int> > result = new List <List <int> >();
            List <int>         held;
            ConcurrentDictionary <int, List <int> > temp;
            bool nonePresent = true;


            for (int i = 0; i < words.Count; i++)
                lock (lock1) if (isStemming ?? false)
                        words[i] = stemmer.StemWord(words[i]);
                    }                                                                        //If stemming is on; stem the search term
                if (invertedIndex.ContainsKey(words[i]))
                    invertedIndex.TryGetValue(words[i], out temp);
                    held = temp.Keys.ToList();                      //Get a list of all file IDs containing the current search term
                    result.Add(held);                               //Add that list to a collection of lists
                    nonePresent = false;

            if (nonePresent)
                listBox.Items.Add("No search terms had a match in the dataset.");
                if (searchType == 1)
                    held = IntersectAll(result);
                else if (searchType == 2)
                    held = CombineAll(result);
                    held = SubtractIntersection(result);

                foreach (int i in held)
                    if (!listBox.Items.Contains(files[i]))
                        listBox.Items.Add(files[i]);                                   //Only list the file if it hasn't been listed already

            Console.WriteLine("Search Time: " + s.Elapsed);