//Saves all entered fields as a new inhouse/outsourced part object, dependent on inhouse/outsourced radio option private void PartSaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameTextBox.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(priceTextBox.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(inventoryTextBox.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(minTextBox.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(maxTextBox.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(companyMachineTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("All fields must have a value. Please update and try saving again."); return; } if (AddPartMinBoxText > AddPartMaxBoxText) { MessageBox.Show("Your minimum value cannot be higher than your maximum value. Please enter a different value."); return; } if (Convert.ToInt32(inventoryTextBox.Text) < Convert.ToInt32(minTextBox.Text) || Convert.ToInt32(inventoryTextBox.Text) > Convert.ToInt32(maxTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Inventory value must not be less than minimum or greater than maximum. Please update and try saving again."); return; } else if (InHouseRadio.Checked) { Inhouse inHousePart = new Inhouse(Inventory.allParts.Count + 1, AddPartNameBoxText, AddPartPriceBoxText, AddPartInvBoxText, AddPartMinBoxText, AddPartMaxBoxText, int.Parse(AddPartMachComBoxText)); Inventory.allParts.Add(inHousePart); this.Close(); } else { Outsourced outsourcedPart = new Outsourced(Inventory.allParts.Count + 1, AddPartNameBoxText, AddPartPriceBoxText, AddPartInvBoxText, AddPartMinBoxText, AddPartMaxBoxText, AddPartMachComBoxText); Inventory.allParts.Add(outsourcedPart); this.Close(); } }
private void PartModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (partDataGridView.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem.GetType() == typeof(Inhouse)) { Inhouse inPart = (Inhouse)partDataGridView.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem; new ModPartForm(inPart).ShowDialog(); } else { Outsourced outPart = (Outsourced)partDataGridView.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem; new ModPartForm(outPart).ShowDialog(); } }
public ModPartForm(Outsourced outPart) { InitializeComponent(); ModPartIDBoxText = outPart.PartID; ModPartNameBoxText = outPart.Name; ModPartInvBoxText = outPart.InStock; ModPartPriceBoxText = outPart.Price; ModPartMinBoxText = outPart.Min; ModPartMaxBoxText = outPart.Max; ModPartMachComBoxText = outPart.CompanyName; OutsourcedRadio.Checked = true; }
private void PartSaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameTextBox.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(priceTextBox.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(inventoryTextBox.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(minTextBox.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(maxTextBox.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(machineIDTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("All fields must have a value. Please update and try saving again."); return; } if (ModPartMaxBoxText < ModPartMinBoxText) { MessageBox.Show("This part's minimum value is currently higher than the maximum value. Please update and retry."); } if (Convert.ToInt32(inventoryTextBox.Text) < Convert.ToInt32(minTextBox.Text) || Convert.ToInt32(inventoryTextBox.Text) > Convert.ToInt32(maxTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Inventory value must not be less than minimum or greater than maximum. Please update and try saving again."); return; } if (InHouseRadio.Checked == true) { Inhouse inHouse = new Inhouse(ModPartIDBoxText, ModPartNameBoxText, ModPartPriceBoxText, ModPartInvBoxText, ModPartMinBoxText, ModPartMaxBoxText, int.Parse(ModPartMachComBoxText)); Inventory.DeletePart(inHouse); Inventory.AddPart(inHouse); //Inventory.UpdateInhousePart(ModPartIDBoxText, inHouse); this.Close(); } //else if (OutsourcedRadio.Checked == true) //{ // Outsourced outSourced = new Outsourced(ModPartIDBoxText, ModPartNameBoxText, ModPartPriceBoxText, ModPartInvBoxText, ModPartMinBoxText, ModPartMaxBoxText, ModPartMachComBoxText); // Inventory.UpdateOutsourcedPart(ModPartIDBoxText, outSourced); // this.Close(); //} else if (OutsourcedRadio.Checked == true) { Outsourced outSourced = new Outsourced(ModPartIDBoxText, ModPartNameBoxText, ModPartPriceBoxText, ModPartInvBoxText, ModPartMinBoxText, ModPartMaxBoxText, ModPartMachComBoxText); Inventory.DeletePart(outSourced); Inventory.AddPart(outSourced); this.Close(); } MainForm.RefreshParts(); }
public static void DeletePart(Part part) { for (int i = 0; i < allParts.Count; ++i) { if (allParts[i].PartID == part.PartID) { if (allParts[i].GetType() == typeof(Outsourced)) { Outsourced existingOutPart = (Outsourced)allParts[i]; allParts.Remove(existingOutPart); } else { Inhouse existingInPart = (Inhouse)allParts[i]; allParts.Remove(existingInPart); } } } }
public static void PopulateSampleLists() { Product product1 = new Product(1, "Bicycle", 125.00m, 7, 5, 15); Product product2 = new Product(2, "Tricycle", 200.00m, 3, 2, 5); Product product3 = new Product(3, "Unicycle", 250.00m, 2, 1, 3); Product product4 = new Product(4, "Tandem Bicycle", 399.99m, 3, 3, 5); Part part1 = new Inhouse(1, "Tire", 30.50m, 33, 50, 100, 9001); Part part2 = new Inhouse(2, "Handlebars", 22.99m, 46, 25, 50, 9001); Part part3 = new Inhouse(3, "Seat", 33.00m, 50, 50, 100, 9002); Part part4 = new Inhouse(4, "Reflector", 2.50m, 756, 500, 2000, 9002); Part part5 = new Outsourced(5, "Chain", 3.00m, 17, 15, 30, "Bikes 'R' Us"); Part part6 = new Outsourced(6, "Crank", 10.00m, 29, 20, 35, "Bikes 'R' Us"); Part part7 = new Outsourced(7, "Pedal", 5.55m, 20, 15, 100, "Bikeville USA"); Part part8 = new Outsourced(8, "Brake", 45.00m, 40, 35, 90, "Bikeville USA"); products.Add(product1); products.Add(product2); products.Add(product3); products.Add(product4); allParts.Add(part1); allParts.Add(part2); allParts.Add(part3); allParts.Add(part4); allParts.Add(part5); allParts.Add(part6); allParts.Add(part7); allParts.Add(part8); product1.associatedParts.Add(part1); product1.associatedParts.Add(part2); product2.associatedParts.Add(part3); product2.associatedParts.Add(part4); product3.associatedParts.Add(part5); product3.associatedParts.Add(part6); product4.associatedParts.Add(part7); product4.associatedParts.Add(part8); }