private static int ScanMora() { var region = new Rectangle( x: (int)(125 / 1280.0 * Navigation.GetWidth()), y: (int)(665 / 720.0 * Navigation.GetHeight()), width: (int)(300 / 1280.0 * Navigation.GetWidth()), height: (int)(30 / 720.0 * Navigation.GetHeight())); if (Navigation.GetAspectRatio() == new Size(8, 5)) { region.Y = (int)(740 / 800.0 * Navigation.GetHeight()); } using (var screenshot = Navigation.CaptureRegion(region)) { string mora = ParseMoraFromScreenshot(screenshot); if (int.TryParse(mora, out int count)) { UserInterface.ResetCharacterDisplay(); UserInterface.SetMora(screenshot, count); } else { UserInterface.SetNavigation_Image(screenshot); UserInterface.AddError("Unable to parse mora count"); screenshot.Save("./logging/materials/mora.png"); } return(count); } }
public static void UnexpectedError(string error) { if (scannerThread.IsAlive) { UserInterface.AddError(error); } }
public static void AssignTravelerName(string traveler) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(traveler)) { AddTravelerToCharacterList(traveler); Logger.Debug("Parsed traveler name {traveler}", traveler); } else { UserInterface.AddError("Could not parse Traveler's username"); } }
public static string ScanMainCharacterName() { var xReference = 1280.0; var yReference = 720.0; if (Navigation.GetAspectRatio() == new Size(8, 5)) { yReference = 800.0; } RECT region = new RECT( Left: (int)(185 / xReference * Navigation.GetWidth()), Top: (int)(26 / yReference * Navigation.GetHeight()), Right: (int)(460 / xReference * Navigation.GetWidth()), Bottom: (int)(60 / yReference * Navigation.GetHeight())); Bitmap nameBitmap = Navigation.CaptureRegion(region); //Image Operations Scraper.SetGamma(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, ref nameBitmap); Scraper.SetInvert(ref nameBitmap); Bitmap n = Scraper.ConvertToGrayscale(nameBitmap); UserInterface.SetNavigation_Image(nameBitmap); string text = Scraper.AnalyzeText(n).Trim(); if (text != "") { // Only keep a-Z and 0-9 text = Regex.Replace(text, @"[\W_]", string.Empty).ToLower(); // Only keep text up until first space text = Regex.Replace(text, @"\s+\w*", string.Empty); UserInterface.SetMainCharacterName(text); } else { UserInterface.AddError(text); } n.Dispose(); nameBitmap.Dispose(); return(text); }
internal void WriteToJSON(string outputDirectory, string oldDataFilePath = "") { // Creates directory if doesn't exist Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDirectory); // Create file with timestamp in name string fileName = "\\genshinData_GOOD_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm") + ".json"; fileName = fileName.Replace('/', '_'); string outputFile = outputDirectory + fileName; // Write file WriteToJson(outputFile); if (!File.Exists(outputFile)) // did not make file { UserInterface.AddError($"Failed to output at : {outputDirectory}"); } }
private static int ScanExperience() { int experience = 0; int xOffset = 1117; int yOffset = 151; Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(90, 10); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bm); int screenLocation_X = Navigation.GetPosition().Left + xOffset; int screenLocation_Y = Navigation.GetPosition().Top + yOffset; g.CopyFromScreen(screenLocation_X, screenLocation_Y, 0, 0, bm.Size); //Image Operations bm = Scraper.ResizeImage(bm, bm.Width * 6, bm.Height * 6); //Scraper.ConvertToGrayscale(ref bm); //Scraper.SetInvert(ref bm); Scraper.SetContrast(30.0, ref bm); string text = Scraper.AnalyzeText(bm); text = text.Trim(); text = Regex.Replace(text, @"(?![0-9\s/]).", string.Empty); if (Regex.IsMatch(text, "/")) { string[] temp = text.Split('/'); experience = Convert.ToInt32(temp[0]); } else { Debug.Print("Error: Found " + experience + " instead of experience"); UserInterface.AddError("Found " + experience + " instead of experience"); } return(experience); }
public void GatherData() { // Initize Image Processors for (int i = 0; i < maxProcessors; i++) { Thread processor = new Thread(ImageProcessorWorker) { IsBackground = true }; processor.Start(); ImageProcessors.Add(processor); } Logger.Debug("Added {ImageProcessors.Count} workers", ImageProcessors.Count); Scraper.RestartEngines(); // Scan Main character Name string mainCharacterName = CharacterScraper.ScanMainCharacterName(); Scraper.AssignTravelerName(mainCharacterName); if (Properties.Settings.Default.ScanWeapons) { Logger.Info("Scanning weapons..."); // Get Weapons Navigation.InventoryScreen(); Navigation.SelectWeaponInventory(); try { WeaponScraper.ScanWeapons(); } catch (FormatException ex) { UserInterface.AddError(ex.Message); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } catch (Exception ex) { UserInterface.AddError(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } Navigation.MainMenuScreen(); Logger.Info("Done scanning weapons"); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.ScanArtifacts) { Logger.Info("Scanning artifacts..."); // Get Artifacts Navigation.InventoryScreen(); Navigation.SelectArtifactInventory(); try { ArtifactScraper.ScanArtifacts(); } catch (FormatException ex) { UserInterface.AddError(ex.Message); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } catch (Exception ex) { UserInterface.AddError(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } Navigation.MainMenuScreen(); Logger.Info("Done scanning artifacts"); } workerQueue.Enqueue(new OCRImageCollection(null, "END", 0)); if (Properties.Settings.Default.ScanCharacters) { Logger.Info("Scanning characters..."); // Get characters Navigation.CharacterScreen(); var c = new List <Character>(); try { CharacterScraper.ScanCharacters(ref c); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } catch (Exception ex) { UserInterface.AddError(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } Characters = c; Navigation.MainMenuScreen(); Logger.Info("Done scanning characters"); } // Wait for Image Processors to finish AwaitProcessors(); if (Properties.Settings.Default.ScanCharacters) { // Assign Artifacts to Characters if (Properties.Settings.Default.ScanArtifacts) { AssignArtifacts(); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.ScanWeapons) { AssignWeapons(); } } // Scan Character Development Items if (Properties.Settings.Default.ScanCharDevItems) { Logger.Info("Scanning character development materials..."); // Get Materials Navigation.InventoryScreen(); Navigation.SelectCharacterDevelopmentInventory(); HashSet <Material> devItems = new HashSet <Material>(); try { MaterialScraper.Scan_Materials(InventorySection.CharacterDevelopmentItems, ref Materials); } catch (FormatException ex) { UserInterface.AddError(ex.Message); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } catch (Exception ex) { UserInterface.AddError(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } Navigation.MainMenuScreen(); Logger.Info("Done scanning character development materials"); } // Scan Materials if (Properties.Settings.Default.ScanMaterials) { Logger.Info("Scanning materials..."); // Get Materials Navigation.InventoryScreen(); Navigation.SelectMaterialInventory(); HashSet <Material> materials = new HashSet <Material>(); try { MaterialScraper.Scan_Materials(InventorySection.Materials, ref Materials); } catch (FormatException ex) { UserInterface.AddError(ex.Message); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } catch (Exception ex) { UserInterface.AddError(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } Navigation.MainMenuScreen(); Logger.Info("Done scanning materials"); } Inventory.AddMaterials(ref Materials); }
public void ImageProcessorWorker() { Logger.Debug("Thread #{0} priority: {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, Thread.CurrentThread.Priority); while (true) { if (b_threadCancel) { workerQueue.Clear(); break; } if (workerQueue.TryDequeue(out OCRImageCollection imageCollection)) { switch (imageCollection.Type) { case "weapon": if (WeaponScraper.IsEnhancementMaterial(imageCollection.Bitmaps.First())) { Logger.Debug("Enhancement Material found for weapon #{weaponID}", imageCollection.Id); WeaponScraper.StopScanning = true; break; } UserInterface.SetGearPictureBox(imageCollection.Bitmaps.Last()); // Scan as weapon Weapon weapon = WeaponScraper.CatalogueFromBitmapsAsync(imageCollection.Bitmaps, imageCollection.Id).Result; UserInterface.SetGear(imageCollection.Bitmaps.Last(), weapon); if (weapon.IsValid()) { if (weapon.Rarity >= (int)Properties.Settings.Default.MinimumWeaponRarity) { UserInterface.IncrementWeaponCount(); Inventory.Add(weapon); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(weapon.EquippedCharacter)) { equippedWeapons.Add(weapon); } } } else { string weaponPath = $"./logging/weapons/weapon{weapon.Id}/"; Directory.CreateDirectory(weaponPath); UserInterface.AddError($"Unable to validate information for weapon ID#{weapon.Id}"); string error = ""; if (!weapon.HasValidWeaponName()) { try { error += "Invalid weapon name\n"; Directory.CreateDirectory(weaponPath + "name"); imageCollection.Bitmaps[0].Save(weaponPath + "name/name.png"); } catch { } } if (!weapon.HasValidRarity()) { try { error += "Invalid weapon rarity\n"; Directory.CreateDirectory(weaponPath + "rarity"); imageCollection.Bitmaps[0].Save(weaponPath + "rarity/rarity.png"); } catch { } } if (!weapon.HasValidLevel()) { try { error += "Invalid weapon level\n"; Directory.CreateDirectory(weaponPath + "level"); imageCollection.Bitmaps[1].Save(weaponPath + "level/level.png"); } catch { } } if (!weapon.HasValidRefinementLevel()) { try { error += "Invalid refinement level\n"; Directory.CreateDirectory(weaponPath + "refinement"); imageCollection.Bitmaps[2].Save(weaponPath + "refinement/refinement.png"); } catch { } } if (!weapon.HasValidEquippedCharacter()) { try { error += "Inavlid equipped character\n"; Directory.CreateDirectory(weaponPath + "equipped"); imageCollection.Bitmaps[4].Save(weaponPath + "equipped/equipped.png"); } catch { } } UserInterface.AddError(error + weapon.ToString()); imageCollection.Bitmaps.Last().Save(weaponPath + "card.png"); using (var writer = File.CreateText(weaponPath + "log.txt")) { writer.WriteLine($"Version: {Regex.Replace(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(), @"[.0]*$", string.Empty)}"); writer.WriteLine($"Resolution: {Navigation.GetWidth()}x{Navigation.GetHeight()}"); writer.WriteLine("Settings:"); writer.WriteLine($"\tDelay: {Properties.Settings.Default.ScannerDelay}"); writer.WriteLine($"\tMinimum Rarity: {Properties.Settings.Default.MinimumArtifactRarity}"); writer.WriteLine($"Error log:\n\t{error.Replace("\n", "\n\t")}"); } } // Dispose of everything imageCollection.Bitmaps.ForEach(b => b.Dispose()); break; case "artifact": if (ArtifactScraper.IsEnhancementMaterial(imageCollection.Bitmaps.Last())) { Logger.Debug("Enhancement Material found for artifact #{artifactID}", imageCollection.Id); ArtifactScraper.StopScanning = true; break; } UserInterface.SetGearPictureBox(imageCollection.Bitmaps.Last()); // Scan as artifact Artifact artifact = ArtifactScraper.CatalogueFromBitmapsAsync(imageCollection.Bitmaps, imageCollection.Id).Result; UserInterface.SetGear(imageCollection.Bitmaps.Last(), artifact); if (artifact.IsValid()) { if (artifact.Rarity >= (int)Properties.Settings.Default.MinimumArtifactRarity) { UserInterface.IncrementArtifactCount(); Inventory.Add(artifact); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(artifact.EquippedCharacter)) { equippedArtifacts.Add(artifact); } } } else { string artifactPath = $"./logging/artifacts/artifact{artifact.Id}/"; Directory.CreateDirectory(artifactPath); UserInterface.AddError($"Unable to validate information for artifact ID#{artifact.Id}"); string error = ""; if (!artifact.HasValidSlot()) { try { error += "Invalid artifact gear slot\n"; Directory.CreateDirectory(artifactPath + "slot"); imageCollection.Bitmaps[1].Save(artifactPath + "slot/slot.png"); } catch { } } if (!artifact.HasValidSetName()) { try { error += "Invalid artifact set name\n"; Directory.CreateDirectory(artifactPath + "set"); imageCollection.Bitmaps[4].Save(artifactPath + "set/set.png"); } catch { } } if (!artifact.HasValidRarity()) { try { error += "Invalid artifact rarity\n"; Directory.CreateDirectory(artifactPath + "rarity"); imageCollection.Bitmaps[0].Save(artifactPath + "rarity/rarity.png"); } catch { } } if (!artifact.HasValidLevel()) { try { error += "Invalid artifact level\n"; Directory.CreateDirectory(artifactPath + "level"); imageCollection.Bitmaps[3].Save(artifactPath + "level/level.png"); } catch { } } if (!artifact.HasValidMainStat()) { try { error += "Invalid artifact main stat\n"; Directory.CreateDirectory(artifactPath + "mainstat"); imageCollection.Bitmaps[2].Save(artifactPath + "mainstat/mainstat.png"); } catch { } } if (!artifact.HasValidSubStats()) { try { error += "Invalid artifact sub stats\n"; Directory.CreateDirectory(artifactPath + "substats"); imageCollection.Bitmaps[4].Save(artifactPath + "substats/substats.png"); } catch { } } if (!artifact.HasValidEquippedCharacter()) { try { error += "Invalid equipped character\n"; Directory.CreateDirectory(artifactPath + "equipped"); imageCollection.Bitmaps[5].Save(artifactPath + "equipped/equipped.png"); } catch { } } UserInterface.AddError(error + artifact.ToString()); imageCollection.Bitmaps.Last().Save($"./logging/artifacts/artifact{artifact.Id}/card.png"); using (var writer = File.CreateText(artifactPath + "log.txt")) { writer.WriteLine($"Version: {Regex.Replace(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(), @"[.0]*$", string.Empty)}"); writer.WriteLine($"Resolution: {Navigation.GetWidth()}x{Navigation.GetHeight()}"); writer.WriteLine("Settings:"); writer.WriteLine($"\tDelay: {Properties.Settings.Default.ScannerDelay}"); writer.WriteLine($"\tMinimum Rarity: {Properties.Settings.Default.MinimumArtifactRarity}"); writer.WriteLine($"Error Log:\n\t{error.Replace("\n", "\n\t")}"); } } // Dispose of everything imageCollection.Bitmaps.ForEach(b => b.Dispose()); break; case "END": b_threadCancel = true; break; default: MainForm.UnexpectedError("Unknown Image type for Image Processor"); break; } } else { // Wait for more images to process Thread.Sleep(250); } } Logger.Debug("Thread {threadId} exit", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); }
private static bool ScanCharacter(out Character character) { character = new Character(); Navigation.SelectCharacterAttributes(); string name = null; string element = null; // Scan the Name and element of Character. Attempt 75 times max. ScanNameAndElement(ref name, ref element); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { UserInterface.AddError("Could not determine character's name"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(element)) { UserInterface.AddError("Could not determine character's element"); } return(false); } // Check if character was first scanned if (name != firstCharacterName) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstCharacterName)) { firstCharacterName = name; } bool ascended = false; // Scan Level and ascension int level = ScanLevel(ref ascended); if (level == -1) { UserInterface.AddError($"Could not determine {name}'s level"); return(false); } // Scan Experience //experience = ScanExperience(); Navigation.SystemRandomWait(Navigation.Speed.Normal); // Scan Constellation Navigation.SelectCharacterConstellation(); int constellation = ScanConstellations(); Navigation.SystemRandomWait(Navigation.Speed.Normal); // Scan Talents Navigation.SelectCharacterTalents(); int[] talents = ScanTalents(name); Navigation.SystemRandomWait(Navigation.Speed.Normal); // Scale down talents due to constellations if (constellation >= 3) { if (Scraper.Characters.ContainsKey(name.ToLower())) { // get talent if character if (constellation >= 5) { talents[1] -= 3; talents[2] -= 3; } else if ((string)Scraper.Characters[name.ToLower()]["ConstellationOrder"][0] == "skill") { talents[1] -= 3; } else { talents[2] -= 3; } } else { return(false); } } var weaponType = Scraper.Characters[name.ToLower()]["WeaponType"].ToObject <int>(); int experience = 0; character = new Character(name, element, level, ascended, experience, constellation, talents, (WeaponType)weaponType); return(true); } Logger.Info("Repeat character {0} detected. Finishing character scan...", name); return(false); }
private void StartButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { GC.Collect(); UserInterface.ResetAll(); UserInterface.SetProgramStatus("Scanning"); Logger.Info("Starting scan"); if (Directory.Exists(OutputPath_TextBox.Text) || Directory.CreateDirectory(OutputPath_TextBox.Text).Exists) { if (running) { Logger.Debug("Already running"); return; } running = true; HotkeyManager.Current.AddOrReplace("Stop", Keys.Enter, Hotkey_Pressed); Logger.Info("Hotkey registered"); var settings = Properties.Settings.Default; var options = $"\n\tWeapons:\t\t\t {settings.ScanWeapons}\n" + $"\tArtifacts:\t\t\t {settings.ScanArtifacts}\n" + $"\tCharacters:\t\t\t {settings.ScanCharacters}\n" + $"\tDev Items:\t\t\t {settings.ScanCharDevItems}\n" + $"\tMaterials:\t\t\t {settings.ScanMaterials}\n" + $"\tMin Weapon Rarity:\t {settings.MinimumWeaponRarity}\n" + $"\tMin Artifact Rarity: {settings.MinimumArtifactRarity}\n" + $"\tDelay:\t\t\t\t {settings.ScannerDelay}"; scannerThread = new Thread(() => { try { // Get Screen Location and Size Navigation.Initialize(); List <Size> sizes = new List <Size> { new Size(16, 9), new Size(8, 5), }; if (!sizes.Contains(Navigation.GetAspectRatio())) { throw new NotImplementedException($"{Navigation.GetSize().Width}x{Navigation.GetSize().Height} is an unsupported resolution."); } if (Navigation.GetSize() != Navigation.CaptureWindow().Size) { throw new FormatException("Window size and screenshot size mismatch. Please make sure the game is not in a fullscreen mode."); } data = new InventoryKamera(); // Add navigation delay Navigation.SetDelay(ScannerDelayValue(Delay)); Logger.Info("Scan settings: {0}", options); // The Data object of json object data.GatherData(); // Covert to GOOD GOOD good = new GOOD(data); Logger.Info("Data converted to GOOD"); // Make Json File good.WriteToJSON(OutputPath_TextBox.Text); Logger.Info("Exported data"); UserInterface.SetProgramStatus("Finished"); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { // Workers can get stuck if the thread is aborted or an exception is raised if (!(data is null)) { data.StopImageProcessorWorkers(); } UserInterface.SetProgramStatus("Scan stopped"); } catch (NotImplementedException ex) { UserInterface.AddError(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { // Workers can get stuck if the thread is aborted or an exception is raised if (!(data is null)) { data.StopImageProcessorWorkers(); } UserInterface.AddError(ex.ToString()); UserInterface.SetProgramStatus("Scan aborted", ok: false); } finally { ResetUI(); running = false; Logger.Info("Scanner stopped"); } }) { IsBackground = true }; scannerThread.Start(); } else { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(OutputPath_TextBox.Text)) { UserInterface.AddError("Please set an output directory"); } else { UserInterface.AddError($"{OutputPath_TextBox.Text} is not a valid directory"); } } }
public static void Scan_Materials(InventorySection section, ref HashSet <Material> materials) { if (!materials.Contains(new Material("Mora", 0))) { materials.Add(new Material("Mora", ScanMora())); } int scrollCount = 0; Material material = new Material(null, 0); Material previousMaterial = new Material(null, -1); List <Rectangle> rectangles; int page = 0; // Keep scanning while not repeating any items names while (true) { int rows, cols; // Find all items on the screen (rectangles, cols, rows) = GetPageOfItems(section, page); // Remove last row. Sometimes the bottom of a page of items is caught which results // in a faded quantity that can't be parsed. Removing slightly increases the number of pages that // need to be scrolled but it's fine. var r = rectangles.Take(rectangles.Count() - cols).ToList(); foreach (var rectangle in r) { // Select Material Navigation.SetCursorPos(Navigation.GetPosition().Left + rectangle.Center().X, Navigation.GetPosition().Top + rectangle.Center().Y); Navigation.Click(); Navigation.SystemRandomWait(Navigation.Speed.SelectNextInventoryItem); = ScanMaterialName(section, out Bitmap nameplate); material.count = 0; // Check if new material has been found if (materials.Contains(material)) { goto LastPage; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { // Scan Material Number material.count = ScanMaterialCount(rectangle, out Bitmap quantity); if (material.count == 0) { UserInterface.AddError($"Failed to parse quantity for {}"); quantity.Save($"./logging/materials/{}_Quantity.png"); } materials.Add(material); UserInterface.ResetCharacterDisplay(); UserInterface.SetMaterial(nameplate, quantity,, material.count); =; } } nameplate.Dispose(); Navigation.Wait(150); } Navigation.SetCursorPos(Navigation.GetPosition().Left + r.Last().Center().X, Navigation.GetPosition().Top + r.Last().Center().Y); Navigation.Click(); Navigation.Wait(150); // Scroll to next page for (int i = 0; i < rows - 1; i++) { scrollCount++; // scroll down for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { Navigation.sim.Mouse.VerticalScroll(-1); // skip a scroll if ((k == 7) && ((scrollCount % 3) == 0)) { k++; if (scrollCount % 9 == 0) { if (scrollCount == 18) { scrollCount = 0; } else { Navigation.sim.Mouse.VerticalScroll(-1); } } } Navigation.SystemRandomWait(Navigation.Speed.InventoryScroll); } } Navigation.SystemRandomWait(Navigation.Speed.Normal); ++page; } LastPage: // scroll down as much as possible for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Navigation.sim.Mouse.VerticalScroll(-1); Navigation.SystemRandomWait(Navigation.Speed.InventoryScroll); } Navigation.Wait(500); (rectangles, _, _) = GetPageOfItems(section, page); bool passby = true; for (int i = rectangles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) // Click through but backwards to short-circuit after new materials { // Select Material Rectangle rectangle = rectangles[i]; Navigation.SetCursorPos(Navigation.GetPosition().Left + rectangle.Center().X, Navigation.GetPosition().Top + rectangle.Center().Y); Navigation.Click(); Navigation.SystemRandomWait(Navigation.Speed.SelectNextInventoryItem); = ScanMaterialName(section, out Bitmap nameplate); material.count = 0; if (materials.Contains(material) && passby) { continue; } if (!materials.Contains(material)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { // Scan Material Number material.count = ScanMaterialCount(rectangle, out Bitmap quantity); if (material.count == 0) { UserInterface.AddError($"Failed to parse quantity for {}"); quantity.Save($"./logging/materials/{}_Quantity.png"); } materials.Add(material); UserInterface.ResetCharacterDisplay(); UserInterface.SetMaterial(nameplate, quantity,, material.count); passby = false; // New material found so break on next old material quantity.Dispose(); } } else { nameplate.Dispose(); break; } Navigation.Wait(150); } }
public static void QueueScan(int id) { int width = Navigation.GetWidth(); int height = Navigation.GetHeight(); // Separate to all pieces of artifact and add to pics List <Bitmap> artifactImages = new List <Bitmap>(); Bitmap card; RECT reference; Bitmap name, gearSlot, mainStat, subStats, level, equipped, locked; if (Navigation.GetAspectRatio() == new Size(16, 9)) { reference = new RECT(new Rectangle(872, 80, 327, 560)); int left = (int)Math.Round(reference.Left / 1280.0 * width, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); int top = (int)Math.Round(reference.Top / 720.0 * height, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); int right = (int)Math.Round(reference.Right / 1280.0 * width, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); int bottom = (int)Math.Round(reference.Bottom / 720.0 * height, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); card = Navigation.CaptureRegion(new RECT(left, top, right, bottom)); equipped = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: (int)(50.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Top: (int)(522.0 / reference.Height * card.Height), Right: card.Width, Bottom: card.Height), card.PixelFormat); } else // if (Navigation.GetAspectRatio() == new Size(8, 5)) { reference = new RECT(new Rectangle(872, 80, 327, 640)); int left = (int)Math.Round(reference.Left / 1280.0 * width, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); int top = (int)Math.Round(reference.Top / 800.0 * height, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); int right = (int)Math.Round(reference.Right / 1280.0 * width, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); int bottom = (int)Math.Round(reference.Bottom / 800.0 * height, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); card = Navigation.CaptureRegion(new RECT(left, top, right, bottom)); equipped = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: (int)(50.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Top: (int)(602.0 / reference.Height * card.Height), Right: card.Width, Bottom: card.Height), card.PixelFormat); } gearSlot = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: (int)(3.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Top: (int)(46.0 / reference.Height * card.Height), Right: (int)(((reference.Width / 2.0) + 20) / reference.Width * card.Width), Bottom: (int)(66.0 / reference.Height * card.Height)), card.PixelFormat); mainStat = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: 0, Top: (int)(100.0 / reference.Height * card.Height), Right: (int)(((reference.Width / 2.0) + 20) / reference.Width * card.Width), Bottom: (int)(120.0 / reference.Height * card.Height)), card.PixelFormat); level = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: (int)(18.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Top: (int)(203.0 / reference.Height * card.Height), Right: (int)(61.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Bottom: (int)(228.0 / reference.Height * card.Height)), card.PixelFormat); subStats = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: 0, Top: (int)(235.0 / reference.Height * card.Height), Right: card.Width, Bottom: (int)(370.0 / reference.Height * card.Height)), card.PixelFormat); locked = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: (int)(284.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Top: (int)(201.0 / reference.Height * card.Height), Right: (int)(312.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Bottom: (int)(228.0 / reference.Height * card.Height)), card.PixelFormat); name = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: 0, Top: 0, Right: card.Width, Bottom: (int)(38.0 / reference.Height * card.Height)), card.PixelFormat); // Add all to artifact Images artifactImages.Add(name); // 0 artifactImages.Add(gearSlot); artifactImages.Add(mainStat); artifactImages.Add(level); artifactImages.Add(subStats); artifactImages.Add(equipped); // 5 artifactImages.Add(locked); artifactImages.Add(card); try { int rarity = GetRarity(name); if (rarity < Properties.Settings.Default.MinimumArtifactRarity) { artifactImages.ForEach(i => i.Dispose()); StopScanning = true; } else // Send images to Worker Queue { InventoryKamera.workerQueue.Enqueue(new OCRImageCollection(artifactImages, "artifact", id)); } } catch (Exception ex) { UserInterface.AddError($"Unexpected error getting the rarity for artifact ID#{id}"); UserInterface.AddError(ex.ToString()); name.Save($"./logging/artifacts/artifact{id}.png"); } }
public static void QueueScan(int id) { int width = Navigation.GetWidth(); int height = Navigation.GetHeight(); // Separate to all pieces of card List <Bitmap> weaponImages = new List <Bitmap>(); Bitmap card; RECT reference; Bitmap name, level, refinement, equipped, locked; if (Navigation.GetAspectRatio() == new Size(16, 9)) { // Grab image of entire card on Right reference = new RECT(new Rectangle(872, 80, 327, 560)); // In 1280x720 int left = (int)Math.Round(reference.Left / 1280.0 * width, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); int top = (int)Math.Round(reference.Top / 720.0 * height, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); int right = (int)Math.Round(reference.Right / 1280.0 * width, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); int bottom = (int)Math.Round(reference.Bottom / 720.0 * height, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); card = Navigation.CaptureRegion(new RECT(left, top, right, bottom)); // Equipped Character equipped = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: (int)(52.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Top: (int)(522.0 / reference.Height * card.Height), Right: card.Width, Bottom: card.Height), card.PixelFormat); } else // if (Navigation.GetAspectRatio() == new Size(8, 5)) { // Grab image of entire card on Right reference = new Rectangle(872, 80, 328, 640); // In 1280x800 int left = (int)Math.Round(reference.Left / 1280.0 * width, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); int top = (int)Math.Round(reference.Top / 800.0 * height, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); int right = (int)Math.Round(reference.Right / 1280.0 * width, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); int bottom = (int)Math.Round(reference.Bottom / 800.0 * height, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); RECT itemCard = new RECT(left, top, right, bottom); card = Navigation.CaptureRegion(itemCard); // Equipped Character equipped = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: (int)(52.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Top: (int)(602.0 / reference.Height * card.Height), Right: card.Width, Bottom: card.Height), card.PixelFormat); } // Name name = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: 0, Top: 0, Right: card.Width, Bottom: (int)(38.0 / reference.Height * card.Height)), card.PixelFormat); // Level level = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: (int)(19.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Top: (int)(206.0 / reference.Height * card.Height), Right: (int)(107.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Bottom: (int)(225.0 / reference.Height * card.Height)), card.PixelFormat); // Refinement refinement = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: (int)(20.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Top: (int)(235.0 / reference.Height * card.Height), Right: (int)(40.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Bottom: (int)(254.0 / reference.Height * card.Height)), card.PixelFormat); locked = card.Clone(new RECT( Left: (int)(284.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Top: (int)(201.0 / reference.Height * card.Height), Right: (int)(312.0 / reference.Width * card.Width), Bottom: (int)(228.0 / reference.Height * card.Height)), card.PixelFormat);; // Assign to List weaponImages.Add(name); //0 weaponImages.Add(level); weaponImages.Add(refinement); weaponImages.Add(locked); weaponImages.Add(equipped); weaponImages.Add(card); //5 try { int rarity = GetRarity(name); if (rarity < Properties.Settings.Default.MinimumWeaponRarity) { weaponImages.ForEach(i => i.Dispose()); StopScanning = true; return; } else // Send images to worker queue { InventoryKamera.workerQueue.Enqueue(new OCRImageCollection(weaponImages, "weapon", id)); } } catch (Exception ex) { UserInterface.AddError($"Unexpected error getting the rarity for weapon ID#{id}"); UserInterface.AddError(ex.ToString()); name.Save($"./logging/weapons/weapon{id}.png"); } }