public serviceresponse IsPasswordStrong(string password)
            serviceresponse rs = new serviceresponse();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password))
                rs.result = "Password cannot be empty";
                rs.check  = false;
            if (password.Contains(" "))
                rs.result = "Password contains white spaces and its not acceptable";
                rs.check  = false;
                var hasNumber        = new Regex(@"[0-9]+");
                var hasUpperChar     = new Regex(@"[A-Z]+");
                var hasLowerChar     = new Regex(@"[a-z]+");
                var hasMinimum8Chars = new Regex(@".{8,}");
                var hasSymbols       = new Regex(@"[!@#$%^&*()_+=\[{\]};:<>|./?,-]");
                rs.check  = hasNumber.IsMatch(password) && hasUpperChar.IsMatch(password) && hasLowerChar.IsMatch(password) && hasMinimum8Chars.IsMatch(password) && hasSymbols.IsMatch(password);
                rs.result = rs.check ? "Password is strong" : "Password is not strong";

 protected bool Equals(serviceresponse other)
     return(string.Equals(result, other.result));