private static ToastNotification DeadpoolNotification() { var toast = new InteractiveToast(); var visual = new Visual(); visual.AddText(new Text("Spicy Heaven")); visual.AddText(new Text("When do you plan to come in tomorrow?")); visual.AddImage(new VisualImage("ms-appx:///Assets/Deadpool.png") { ImagePlacement = ImagePlacement.AppLogoOverride }); toast.SetVisual(visual); var input = new ToastInput("time", ToastInputType.Selection) { DefaultInput = "2" }; input.AddSelection("1", "Breakfast"); input.AddSelection("2", "Lunch"); input.AddSelection("3", "Dinner"); toast.AddActionItem(input); toast.AddActionItem(new ToastAction("Reserve", "reserve") { ActivationType = ActivationType.Foreground }); toast.AddActionItem(new ToastAction("Call Restaurant", "call") { ActivationType = ActivationType.Foreground }); var notification = toast.GetNotification(); return notification; }
private static ToastNotification NielsNotification() { var alert = new InteractiveToast {Scenario = Scenario.Reminder}; var visual = new Visual(); visual.AddText(new Text("Adam's hiking camp")); visual.AddText(new Text("You have an upcoming event")); alert.SetVisual(visual); var notification = alert.GetNotification(); return notification; }
private static ToastNotification NielsNotification() { var alert = new InteractiveToast {Scenario = Scenario.Reminder}; var visual = new Visual(); visual.AddText(new Text("Adam's hiking camp")); visual.AddText(new Text("You have an upcoming event")); visual.AddImage(new VisualImage("ms-appx:///Assets/Deadpool.png") {ImagePlacement = ImagePlacement.Inline}); alert.SetVisual(visual); var notification = alert.GetNotification(); return notification; }