 /// <summary>
 /// Renders frame and returns it as a render result.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state">Render task state for rendering frame.</param>
 /// <returns>Render result of rendered frame.</returns>
 protected virtual RenderResult RenderFrame(RenderTaskState state)
     //if (!state.IsCancelled)
     //    return new RenderResult(HeatMap.BuildHeatMap(state.Transform.ScreenRect, new DataRect(state.Transform.ViewportRect), DataSource.X, DataSource.Y, DataSource.Data, 0));
        private void EnqueueTask(long id /*Func<RenderTaskState, RenderResult> task*/)
            if (runningTasks.Count < maxTasks)
                Size            screenSize = new Size(Math.Abs(LeftFromX(ActualPlotRect.XMax) - LeftFromX(ActualPlotRect.XMin)), Math.Abs(TopFromY(ActualPlotRect.YMax) - TopFromY(ActualPlotRect.YMin)));
                RenderTaskState state      = new RenderTaskState(ActualPlotRect, screenSize);
                state.Id     = id;
                state.Bounds = ComputeBounds();

                if (!DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this))
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(s =>
                        var rr = RenderFrame((RenderTaskState)s);
                        Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new RenderFunc(OnTaskCompleted), rr, s);
                    }, state);
                    var rr = RenderFrame(state);
                    OnTaskCompleted(rr, state);
        private void OnTaskCompleted(RenderResult r, RenderTaskState state)
            if (r != null && !state.IsCanceled)

                WriteableBitmap wr = new WriteableBitmap((int)r.Output.Width, (int)r.Output.Height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null);
                // Calculate the number of bytes per pixel. 
                int bytesPerPixel = (wr.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
                // Stride is bytes per pixel times the number of pixels.
                // Stride is the byte width of a single rectangle row.
                int stride = wr.PixelWidth * bytesPerPixel;
                wr.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, wr.PixelWidth, wr.PixelHeight), r.Image, stride, 0);

                outputImage.Source = wr;
                Canvas.SetLeft(outputImage, r.Output.Left);
                Canvas.SetTop(outputImage, r.Output.Top);
                imageCartesianRect = r.Visible;
                imageSize = new Size(r.Output.Width, r.Output.Height);
                outputImage.RenderTransform = null;



            while (tasks.Count > 1)
                long id = tasks.Dequeue();
            if (tasks.Count > 0 && runningTasks.Count < maxTasks)

        /// <summary>
        /// Renders frame and returns it as a render result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">Render task state for rendering frame.</param>
        /// <returns>Render result of rendered frame.</returns>
        protected override RenderResult RenderFrame(RenderTaskState state)
            if (state == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("state");

            if (!state.Bounds.IsEmpty && !state.IsCanceled && data != null)
                //DataRect dataRect = new DataRect(state.Transform.Visible);
                //Rect output = state.Transform.Screen;
                DataRect dataRect = state.ActualPlotRect;
                DataRect output   = new DataRect(0, 0, state.ScreenSize.Width, state.ScreenSize.Height);
                DataRect bounds   = state.Bounds;

                if (dataRect.XMin >= bounds.XMax || dataRect.XMax <= bounds.XMin ||
                    dataRect.YMin >= bounds.YMax || dataRect.YMax <= bounds.YMin)

                double left  = 0;
                double xmin  = dataRect.XMin;
                double scale = output.Width / dataRect.Width;
                if (xmin < bounds.XMin)
                    left = (bounds.XMin - dataRect.XMin) * scale;
                    xmin = bounds.XMin;

                double width = output.Width - left;
                double xmax  = dataRect.XMax;
                if (xmax > bounds.XMax)
                    width -= (dataRect.XMax - bounds.XMax) * scale;
                    xmax   = bounds.XMax;

                scale = output.Height / dataRect.Height;
                double top  = 0;
                double ymax = dataRect.YMax;
                if (ymax > bounds.YMax)
                    top  = (dataRect.YMax - bounds.YMax) * scale;
                    ymax = bounds.YMax;

                double height = output.Height - top;
                double ymin   = dataRect.YMin;
                if (ymin < bounds.YMin)
                    height -= (bounds.YMin - dataRect.YMin) * scale;
                    ymin    = bounds.YMin;

                if (xmin < bounds.XMin)
                    xmin = bounds.XMin;
                if (xmax > bounds.XMax)
                    xmax = bounds.XMax;
                if (ymin < bounds.YMin)
                    ymin = bounds.YMin;
                if (ymax > bounds.YMax)
                    ymax = bounds.YMax;

                DataRect visibleData = new DataRect(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);

                // Capture data to local variable
                double[,] localData;
                double[] localX, localY;
                long     localDataVersion;
                IPalette localPalette;
                double   localMV;
                Range    localDataRange;
                bool     getMaxMin = false;
                lock (locker)
                    localData        = data;
                    localX           = xArr;
                    localY           = yArr;
                    localDataVersion = dataVersion;
                    localPalette     = palette;
                    localMV          = missingValue;
                    localDataRange   = dataRange;
                    if (palette.IsNormalized && dataVersion != dataRangeVersion)
                        getMaxMin = true;
                if (getMaxMin)
                    localDataRange = Double.IsNaN(missingValue) ?
                                     HeatmapBuilder.GetMaxMin(data) :
                                     HeatmapBuilder.GetMaxMin(data, missingValue);
                    lock (locker)
                        if (dataVersion == localDataVersion)
                            dataRangeVersion = dataVersion;
                            dataRange        = localDataRange;
                            return(null); // New data was passed to Plot method so this render task is obsolete
                if (paletteRangeUpdateRequired)
                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action <long>(UpdatePaletteRange), localDataVersion);
                return(new RenderResult(HeatmapBuilder.BuildHeatMap(new Rect(0, 0, width, height),
                                                                    visibleData, localX, localY, localData, localMV, localPalette, localDataRange), visibleData, new Point(left, top), width, height));
 protected virtual RenderTaskState PrepareRenderTaskState(long id, Size screenSize) {
     RenderTaskState state = new RenderTaskState(ActualPlotRect, screenSize);
     state.Id = id;
     state.Bounds = ComputeBounds();
     return state;