/// <summary>
        /// Do a narrow phase collision check between two shapes by using SAT (Separating Axis Theorem).
        /// If a collision has occurred, get the MTV (Minimum Translation Vector) of the two intersecting shapes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s1">The first shape to check.</param>
        /// <param name="s2">The second shape to check.</param>
        /// <returns>The MTV of the intersection.</returns>
        public CollisionData NarrowPhase(Shape s1, Shape s2)
            // The minimum amount of overlap. Start real high.
            float overlap = float.MaxValue;
            //The collision data.
            CollisionData data = new CollisionData(s1, s2);
            // The smallest axis found.
            Vector2 smallest = Vector2.Zero;

                // Get the axes of both bodies.
                Vector2[][] axes = new Vector2[][] { s1.GetAxes(), s2.GetAxes() };

                // Iterate over the axes of both bodies.
                foreach (Vector2[] v in axes)
                    // Iterate over both bodies' axes.
                    foreach (Vector2 a in v)
                        // Project both bodies onto the axis.
                        Vector2 p1 = s1.Project(a);
                        Vector2 p2 = s2.Project(a);

                        // Get the overlap.
                        float o = Calculator.GetOverlap(p1, p2);

                        // Do the projections overlap?
                        if (o == -1)
                            // We can guarantee that the shapes do not overlap.
                            return data;
                            // Check for minimum.
                            if (o < overlap)
                                // Store the minimum overlap and the axis it was projected upon. Make sure that the separation vector is pointing the right way.
                                overlap = o;
                                smallest = a;
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(this + ": Narrow Phase Error. (" + e + ")");

            // We now know that every axis had an overlap on it, which means we can guarantee an intersection between the bodies.
            data.HasCollision = true;
            data.Axis = smallest;
            data.Overlap = overlap;

            //Return the collision data.
            return data;