public BlockPropertiesViewModel(Rhino.RhinoDoc doc, string fileName, InsertInstanceCommandOptions options)
            : base(doc)
            // Create a new set of command arguments from the options passed to the constructor
              CommandArgs = new InsertInstanceCommandOptions(options);

              // Make sure the docId is set to the requested document
              CommandArgs.DocumentId = options.DocumentId;

              // Use the default layer style, gets set to None if the default update style is other than "Linked"
              CommandArgs.LayerStyle = InsertInstanceOptions.Defaults.LayerStyle;

              ExistingInstanceDefinitions = CommandArgs.InstanceDefintionsFromFileName(fileName);

              // Cook up the block name from the file name looking for existing matches in the process
              InstanceDefinition found;
              string block;
              CommandArgs.BlockNameFromFileName(fileName, ExistingInstanceDefinitions, out block, out found);

              if (null != found)
              else if (ExistingInstanceDefinitions.Length > 0)

              // If the block name property is empty then cook up a new, unused name
              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(block) && null != CommandArgs.Document)
            block = CommandArgs.Document.InstanceDefinitions.GetUnusedInstanceDefinitionName();

              blockName = block;
              CommandArgs.BlockId = Guid.Empty;
              CommandArgs.InsertSourceArchive = true;
              sourceArchive = fileName;

 public void CopyFrom(InsertInstanceCommandOptions source)
     DocumentId = source.DocumentId;
       InsertAs = source.InsertAs;
       PromptForInsertionPoint = source.PromptForInsertionPoint;
       InsertionPoint = source.InsertionPoint;
       PromptForScale = source.PromptForScale;
       UniformlyScale = source.UniformlyScale;
       Scale = source.Scale;
       PromptForRotationAngle = source.PromptForRotationAngle;
       RotationAngle = source.RotationAngle;
       NeedToDisplayOptionsForm = source.NeedToDisplayOptionsForm;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="doc">Document used to create the new point</param>
 public InsertCommandViewModel(RhinoDoc doc, InsertInstanceCommandOptions initialCommandOptions, bool droppingFileOnRhino)
     : base(doc)
     _doc = doc;
       _droppingFileOnRhino = droppingFileOnRhino;
       CommandOptions = initialCommandOptions;
       CommandOptions.DocumentId = doc.DocumentId;
       promptInsertionPoint = CommandOptions.PromptForInsertionPoint;
       InsertionPoint = CommandOptions.InsertionPoint;
       promptScale = CommandOptions.PromptForScale;
       uniformlyScale = CommandOptions.UniformlyScale;
       Scale = CommandOptions.Scale;
       promptRotation = CommandOptions.PromptForRotationAngle;
       rotation = RhinoMath.ToDegrees(CommandOptions.RotationAngle);
       // Initialize list of hidden instance definitions
       // The combo box is disabled when DroppingFileOnRhino is true so hidden InstanceDefinition objects will
       // never get added so don't bother building the list
       if (!DroppingFileOnRhino)
     foreach (var idef in Document.InstanceDefinitions)
       if (IsHiddenIDef(idef))
     HiddenIDefs.Add(new InsertInstanceOptions(idef, doc.DocumentId));
       // Initialize bock name combo box
       // IncludeIDefInList checks this flag so set it before initializing the combo box
       if (DroppingFileOnRhino)
     // TODO:
     //InsertCommandArgs item = new InsertCommandArgs(InsertCommandArgs);
     //item.DroppingFileOnRhino = true;
     //comboBoxName.SelectedIndex = 0;
     //buttonFile.Enabled = false;
       else if (null != Document)
     // Process the active documents InstanceDefinitions table and create a list of items to add
     var blocks = new List<InsertInstanceOptions>();
     foreach (var idef in Document.InstanceDefinitions)
       if (IncludeIDefInList(idef))
     blocks.Add(new InsertInstanceOptions(idef, Document.DocumentId));
     // Sort the list
     int foundBlockName = -1;
     // Copy the list to the view model observable collection for binding by WPF or XCode
     foreach (var block in blocks)
       if (block.BlockId == BlockId)
     blockListSelectedIndex = blockList.Count - 1;
       if (foundBlockName < 0 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BlockName) && null != Document)
     if (block.BlockName.Equals(BlockName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
       foundBlockName = blockList.Count - 1;
     // TRR 21538: If no previous name exists, use the first active one on the list.
     if (blockListSelectedIndex < 0 && blockList.Count > 0)
       blockListSelectedIndex = Math.Max(0, foundBlockName);
     #if ON_OS_WINDOWS
       // Register command callbacks for button click (command) events
       BrowseForFileButtonClickDelegate = new RhinoWindows.Input.DelegateCommand(WinBrowseForFileButtonClick, null);
 InsertInstanceOptions ShowOptionsForm(string fileName, string description, string urlDescription, string url, bool hideThisForm)
     // Inserting as a block so display the block options form
       var args = new InsertInstanceCommandOptions(CommandOptions);
       args.BlockDescription = description;
       args.UrlDescription = urlDescription;
       args.Url = url;
       var model = new BlockPropertiesViewModel(Document, fileName, args);
       model.sourceArchiveVisible = false;
       bool? dialogResult = null;
     #if ON_OS_WINDOWS
       model.Window = new Win.BlockPropertiesWindow();
       model.Window.DataContext = model;
       model.Window.Owner = Window;
       // TODO:
       //if (hideThisForm)
       //  model.Window.ContentRendered += Window_ContentRendered;
       //  model.Window.Closing += Window_Closed;
       //  Window.Closing += Window_Closing;
       //if (hideThisForm)
       //  model.Window.ContentRendered -= Window_ContentRendered;
       //  model.Window.Closed -= Window_Closed;
       dialogResult = model.Window.DialogResult;
     #if ON_OS_MAC
       // Create a NSWindow from a Nib file
       var window = RhinoMac.Window.FromNib("InsertFileOptionsWindow", model);
       // Associate the window with the View Model so that the
       // model's Okay and Cancel methods can close the window
       model.Window = window;
       // Display the window
       // Success will be true if the window was closed by the
       // OK button otherwise it should be false.
       dialogResult = window.DialogResult;
       if (dialogResult != true)
     return null;
       InsertInstanceOptions result = null;
       // This use to be connected to a Win Form but it is now connected to a
       // model view controller which gets modified by either a WPF Window or
       // a XCode Window
       if (model.CommandArgs.InsertSourceArchive && Guid.Empty == model.CommandArgs.BlockId)
     // A brand new block is being created so add the new block to the list
     _blockList.Add(new InsertInstanceOptions(model.CommandArgs));
     blockListSelectedIndex = (_blockList.Count - 1);
     result = SelectedBlock;
     // Find existing item and make it match what was returned
     int i = IndexFromBlockId(model.CommandArgs.BlockId);
     if (i >= 0)
       if (model.CommandArgs.InsertSourceArchive)
     var item = _blockList[i];
     if (null != item)
       // Copy data from the new item to the existing combo box item, this will clear
       // the preview image
       // Set the combo box selection to the item being overridden
       blockListSelectedIndex = i;
       result = SelectedBlock;
       return result;
 public InsertInstanceCommandOptions(InsertInstanceCommandOptions source)