public async Task ApplyPartner(CommandContext ctx) { String name = "app-partner-" + Tickets.GetTicketName(ctx.Member) + "-" + ctx.Member.Discriminator; await(await ctx.Guild.CreateChannelAsync(name, ChannelType.Text, ctx.Guild.GetChannel(693523249237196821))).SendMessageAsync( $"{ctx.Member.Mention}, thank you for your application. Please specify your application further."); }
public async Task ApplyDev(CommandContext ctx) { String name = "app-dev-" + Tickets.GetTicketName(ctx.Member) + "-" + ctx.Member.Discriminator; var Application = await ctx.Guild.CreateChannelAsync(name, ChannelType.Text, ctx.Guild.GetChannel(693523249237196821)); await Application.AddOverwriteAsync(ctx.Member, Permissions.AccessChannels, Permissions.None); await Application.SendMessageAsync($"{ctx.Guild.GetRole(705861252601217164).Mention}, {ctx.Member.Mention} is applying to be a developer. " + $"Please process their application."); }
public async Task ApplyBuilder(CommandContext ctx) { String name = "app-builder-" + Tickets.GetTicketName(ctx.Member) + "-" + ctx.Member.Discriminator; var Application = await ctx.Guild.CreateChannelAsync(name, ChannelType.Text, ctx.Guild.GetChannel(693523249237196821)); await Application.AddOverwriteAsync(ctx.Member, Permissions.AccessChannels, Permissions.None); await Application.AddOverwriteAsync(Program.insanitynetworkguild.GetRole(705861252601217164), Permissions.AccessChannels, Permissions.None); await Application.SendMessageAsync($"{ctx.Member.Mention}, thank you for applying for the Builder position on the Insanity Network. " + $"Please send one or multiple screenshots of your best builds in here."); await Application.SendMessageAsync($"{ctx.Guild.GetRole(705861252601217164).Mention}, please process this incoming application."); }
public async Task ApplyHelper(CommandContext ctx) { String name = "app-helper-" + Tickets.GetTicketName(ctx.Member) + "-" + ctx.Member.Discriminator; var Application = await ctx.Guild.CreateChannelAsync(name, ChannelType.Text, ctx.Guild.GetChannel(693523249237196821)); await Application.AddOverwriteAsync(ctx.Member, Permissions.AccessChannels, Permissions.None); await Application.SendMessageAsync($"{ctx.Member.Mention}, thank you for applying for the Helper postion on Insanity. " + $"Please answer the following questions honestly."); await Application.SendMessageAsync($"1. How old are you?\n" + $"2. Were you in a staff position before?\n" + $"3. (Optional) If yes, where?\n" + $"4. Why do you want to be helper?"); await Application.SendMessageAsync(ctx.Guild.GetRole(693559538720440340).Mention); }
public async Task ApplySmp(CommandContext ctx) { String name = "app-smp-" + Tickets.GetTicketName(ctx.Member) + "-" + ctx.Member.Discriminator; var Application = await ctx.Guild.CreateChannelAsync(name, ChannelType.Text, ctx.Guild.GetChannel(693523249237196821)); await Application.AddOverwriteAsync(ctx.Member, Permissions.AccessChannels, Permissions.None); await Application.SendMessageAsync($"{ctx.Member.Mention}, thank you for applying for the Insanity SMP. " + $"Please answer the following questions honestly."); await Application.SendMessageAsync($"1. Did you ever play on a SMP before?\n" + $"2. Did you read the rules?\n" + $"3. What would you do if someone was to violate a rule?\n" + $"4. How old are you?\n" + $"5. Do you use either Bedrock Edition or a pirated copy (TLauncher, MCLeaks...)?\n" + $"6. Are you able to record evidence of rule breaking?\n" + $"7. What is your IGN?"); await Application.SendMessageAsync($"{ctx.Guild.GetRole(693558842889470032).Mention}, {ctx.Member.Mention} is applying for the SMP. " + $"Please process their application."); }