Represents a virtual data source that gets data from a remote server using the OData API.
Access to this class from threads other than the UI thread should be syncrhonized using the ExecutionContext.
Inheritance: VirtualDataSource
        public MainWindow()

            var source = new ODataVirtualDataSource()
                BaseUri = "",
                EntitySet = "Orders",
                PageSizeRequested = 200
            //source.DeferAutoRefresh = true;
            source.SchemaChanged += Source_SchemaChanged;

            source.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("ShipName", ListSortDirection.Descending));

                FilterFactory.Build((f) =>
                    return f.Property("ShipName").ToUpper().IsLessThan("G")

            grid1.ItemsSource = source;

            //Task.Delay(10000).ContinueWith((t) =>
            //    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
            //    {
            //        source.DeferAutoRefresh = false;
            //    }));
        public MainWindow()

            var source = new ODataVirtualDataSource()
                BaseUri = "",
                EntitySet = "Orders",
                PageSizeRequested = 200
            //source.DeferAutoRefresh = true;
            source.SchemaChanged += Source_SchemaChanged;

            source.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("ShipName", ListSortDirection.Descending));

            grid1.SelectionMode = GridSelectionMode.SingleRow;

            grid1.ItemsSource = source;

            //grid1.SelectedItemsChanged += Grid1_SelectedItemsChanged;

            //Task.Delay(10000).ContinueWith((t) =>
            //    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
            //    {
            //        source.DeferAutoRefresh = false;
            //    }));