        private double timeCounter; //  use this for fadetime of effects

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public FoodEffect(Ant myAnt, Vector2 foodPosition)
            this.ant = myAnt;
            this.foodPosition = foodPosition;
        //  give birth to an ant
        public Ant(Ant dad, Ant mom, Random rng, Entity[,] grid)
            bool foundSpawn = false;
            int  xMin       = Math.Min((int)dad.position.X, (int)mom.position.X);
            int  xMax       = Math.Max((int)dad.position.X, (int)mom.position.X);

            int yMin = Math.Min((int)dad.position.Y, (int)mom.position.Y);
            int yMax = Math.Max((int)dad.position.Y, (int)mom.position.Y);

            for (int i = (int)xMin - 1; i < grid.GetLength(0) && i <= xMax + 1 && i >= 0; i++)
                for (int j = (int)yMin - 1; j < grid.GetLength(1) && j <= yMax + 1 && j >= 0; j++)
                    if (grid[i, j] == null)
                        position.X = i;
                        position.Y = j;

                        foundSpawn = true;
                if (foundSpawn)

            //  only add it to the grid if you found a proper spot
            if (foundSpawn)
                attributes = new Dictionary <string, double>();

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> kvp in mom.attributes)
                    //  chance of totally random mutation
                    if (rng.NextDouble() <= EXTREME_MUTATION_CHANCE)
                        double range = Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].Y - Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].X;
                        attributes[kvp.Key] = range * rng.NextDouble() + Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].X;

                        //old code
                        //attributes[kvp.Key] = (dad.attributes[kvp.Key] + mom.attributes[kvp.Key]) * (rng.NextDouble() - RANGE_OFFSET) * (dad.attributes["mutationFactor"] + mom.attributes["mutationFactor"]) / 2.0;
                        attributes[kvp.Key] = (dad.attributes[kvp.Key] + mom.attributes[kvp.Key]) / 2.0
                                              + (rng.NextDouble() - RANGE_OFFSET) * ((dad.attributes["mutationFactor"] + mom.attributes["mutationFactor"]) / 2.0) * (Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].Y - Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].X);

                        if (attributes[kvp.Key] > Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].Y)
                            attributes[kvp.Key] = Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].Y;
                        else if (attributes[kvp.Key] < Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].X)
                            attributes[kvp.Key] = Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].X;

                    Statistics.currentSum[kvp.Key] += attributes[kvp.Key];

                Statistics.birthEffects.Add(new BirthEffect(mom, dad, this));
                if (Statistics.totalNumberOfAnts > Statistics.largestPopulation)
                    Statistics.largestPopulation = Statistics.totalNumberOfAnts;



                if (dad.numChildren > Statistics.largestNumberOfChildren)
                    Statistics.largestNumberOfChildren = dad.numChildren;
                if (mom.numChildren > Statistics.largestNumberOfChildren)
                    Statistics.largestNumberOfChildren = mom.numChildren;

                int generationMax = dad.generation;
                if (mom.generation > generationMax)
                    generationMax = mom.generation;

                this.generation = generationMax + 1;

                if (this.generation > Statistics.longestGenerationLived)
                    Statistics.longestGenerationLived = this.generation;

                grid[(int)position.X, (int)position.Y] = this;

                isObstacle    = true;
                diffusionGrid = new double[grid.GetLength(0), grid.GetLength(1)];
                lastSeen      = new int[grid.GetLength(0), grid.GetLength(1)];
        public void Update(Entity[,] grid, GameTime gameTime, Random rng)
            //  update health every second
            if (gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds - timeOfLastUpdate > 1)
                timeOfLastUpdate = gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                health -= STANDING_COST;

            int curTime = (int) gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds;
            Vector2 newPosition = position;
            foreach (char c in Entity.Directions)
                newPosition = directionTranslate(c);

                //  give birth to ant sometimes
                if (newPosition.Y >= 0 && newPosition.Y < grid.GetLength(1) &&
                        newPosition.X >= 0 && newPosition.X < grid.GetLength(0) &&
                        grid[(int)newPosition.X, (int)newPosition.Y] is Ant)
                    Ant other = (Ant) grid[(int)newPosition.X, (int)newPosition.Y];

                    if (curTime - timeOfLastChild >= attributes["childbirthCooldown"]
                        && curTime - other.timeOfLastChild >= other.attributes["childbirthCooldown"]
                        && curTime - other.timeOfLastChild >= MINIMUM_CHILDBIRTH_TIME
                        && curTime - timeOfLastChild >= MINIMUM_CHILDBIRTH_TIME)
                        if (rng.NextDouble() <= attributes["childbirthPercentage"] / 100)
                            Ant child = new Ant(this, other, rng, grid);
                            child.sprite = other.sprite;

                            timeOfLastChild = curTime;
                            other.timeOfLastChild = curTime;

                            //  health of parents go into raising the child
                            child.health = other.attributes["childbirthCost"] + attributes["childbirthCost"];

                            other.health -= 1.5*other.attributes["childbirthCost"];
                            health -= 1.5*attributes["childbirthCost"];

            // punish ants for having high eyesight, strength, etc
            health -= attributes["eyesightRange"] * .0001;

            //  death
            if (health <= 0 || moves >= attributes["oldestPossibleAge"])
                //  kill this ant if it has low health
        //  give birth to an ant
        public Ant(Ant dad, Ant mom, Random rng, Entity[,] grid)
            bool foundSpawn = false;
            int xMin = Math.Min((int)dad.position.X, (int)mom.position.X);
            int xMax = Math.Max((int)dad.position.X, (int)mom.position.X);

            int yMin = Math.Min((int)dad.position.Y, (int)mom.position.Y);
            int yMax = Math.Max((int)dad.position.Y, (int)mom.position.Y);
            for (int i = (int)xMin - 1; i < grid.GetLength(0) && i <= xMax + 1 && i >= 0; i++)
                for (int j = (int)yMin - 1; j < grid.GetLength(1) && j <= yMax+1 && j >= 0; j++)
                    if (grid[i, j] == null)
                        position.X = i;
                        position.Y = j;

                        foundSpawn = true;
                if (foundSpawn) break;

            //  only add it to the grid if you found a proper spot
            if (foundSpawn)
                attributes = new Dictionary<string, double>();

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> kvp in mom.attributes)
                    //  chance of totally random mutation
                    if (rng.NextDouble() <= EXTREME_MUTATION_CHANCE)
                        double range = Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].Y - Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].X;
                        attributes[kvp.Key] = range * rng.NextDouble() + Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].X;

                        //old code
                        //attributes[kvp.Key] = (dad.attributes[kvp.Key] + mom.attributes[kvp.Key]) * (rng.NextDouble() - RANGE_OFFSET) * (dad.attributes["mutationFactor"] + mom.attributes["mutationFactor"]) / 2.0;
                        attributes[kvp.Key] = (dad.attributes[kvp.Key] + mom.attributes[kvp.Key]) / 2.0
                            + (rng.NextDouble() - RANGE_OFFSET) * ((dad.attributes["mutationFactor"] + mom.attributes["mutationFactor"]) / 2.0) * (Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].Y - Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].X);

                        if (attributes[kvp.Key] > Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].Y)
                            attributes[kvp.Key] = Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].Y;
                        else if (attributes[kvp.Key] < Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].X)
                            attributes[kvp.Key] = Statistics.attributeRange[kvp.Key].X;

                    Statistics.currentSum[kvp.Key] += attributes[kvp.Key];

                Statistics.birthEffects.Add(new BirthEffect(mom, dad, this));
                if (Statistics.totalNumberOfAnts > Statistics.largestPopulation)
                    Statistics.largestPopulation = Statistics.totalNumberOfAnts;



                if (dad.numChildren > Statistics.largestNumberOfChildren)
                    Statistics.largestNumberOfChildren = dad.numChildren;
                if (mom.numChildren > Statistics.largestNumberOfChildren)
                    Statistics.largestNumberOfChildren = mom.numChildren;

                int generationMax = dad.generation;
                if (mom.generation > generationMax) generationMax = mom.generation;

                this.generation = generationMax + 1;

                if (this.generation > Statistics.longestGenerationLived)
                    Statistics.longestGenerationLived = this.generation;

                grid[(int)position.X, (int)position.Y] = this;

                isObstacle = true;
                diffusionGrid = new double[grid.GetLength(0), grid.GetLength(1)];
                lastSeen = new int[grid.GetLength(0), grid.GetLength(1)];
 public bool isParentOf(Ant a)
     foreach (Ant ant in children)
         if (a == ant) return true;
     return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            antSprite = Content.Load<Texture2D>("antRealistic");
            antSpriteAlt = Content.Load<Texture2D>("antTransparent2");
            foodSprite = Content.Load<Texture2D>("food");
            backgroundSprite = Content.Load<Texture2D>("greenNoise");
            cursorSprite = Content.Load<Texture2D>("cursorSheet2");

            font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("font");
            statMenuFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("statMenuFont");

            // initialize
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> kvp in attributes)
                Statistics.firstAverages[kvp.Key] = 0;
                Statistics.currentSum[kvp.Key] = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < STARTING_ANTS; i++)
                Vector2 pos = new Vector2((int) rng.Next(GRID_WIDTH), (int) rng.Next(GRID_HEIGHT));

                //  half of the starting ants are mutants, half are not
                Ant ant = new Ant(attributes, rng, grid, i%2==0);
                grid[(int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y] = ant;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> kvp in attributes)
                    Statistics.firstAverages[kvp.Key] += ant.Attributes()[kvp.Key] / STARTING_ANTS;

                grid[(int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y].SetPosition(pos);
                grid[(int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y].SetSprite(antSprite);
            string trunc = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < TRUNCATED_STRING_LIMIT; i++)
                trunc += "a";
            AVERAGES_BAR_OFFSET_WIDTH = (int)statMenuFont.MeasureString(trunc).X;
        private double timeCounter = 0;  //  use this for fadetime of effects

        public BirthEffect(Ant myMom, Ant myDad, Ant myBaby)
            mom  = myMom;
            dad  = myDad;
            baby = myBaby;
        private double timeCounter = 0; //  use this for fadetime of effects

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public BirthEffect(Ant myMom, Ant myDad, Ant myBaby)
            mom = myMom;
            dad = myDad;
            baby = myBaby;
        private double timeCounter;  //  use this for fadetime of effects

        public FoodEffect(Ant myAnt, Vector2 foodPosition)
            this.ant          = myAnt;
            this.foodPosition = foodPosition;