public void AddPhotoToSetAsync(string photoId, string setId) { string timestamp = DateTimeUtils.GetTimestamp(); string nonce = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", null); Dictionary<string, string> paramDict = new Dictionary<string, string>(); paramDict["method"] = "flickr.photosets.addPhoto"; paramDict["format"] = "json"; paramDict["nojsoncallback"] = "1"; paramDict["oauth_consumer_key"] = consumerKey; paramDict["oauth_nonce"] = nonce; paramDict["oauth_signature_method"] = "HMAC-SHA1"; paramDict["oauth_timestamp"] = timestamp; paramDict["oauth_token"] = AccessToken; paramDict["oauth_version"] = "1.0"; paramDict["photoset_id"] = setId; paramDict["photo_id"] = photoId; string signature = OAuthCalculateSignature("POST", "", paramDict, AccessTokenSecret); paramDict["oauth_signature"] = signature; DispatchPostRequest("POST", "", paramDict, (response) => { bool success = true; string errorMessage = ""; try { JObject json = JObject.Parse(response); string status = json["stat"].ToString(); if (status != "ok") { success = false; errorMessage = json["message"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); success = false; } if (!success) { AddPhotoToSetExceptionEventArgs exceptionArgs = new AddPhotoToSetExceptionEventArgs(); exceptionArgs.PhotoId = photoId; exceptionArgs.SetId = setId; exceptionArgs.ErrorMessage = errorMessage; AddPhotoToSetException.DispatchEvent(this, exceptionArgs); } else { AddPhotoToSetEventArgs args = new AddPhotoToSetEventArgs(); args.PhotoId = photoId; args.SetId = setId; PhotoAddedToSet.DispatchEvent(this, args); } }, (ex) => { AddPhotoToSetExceptionEventArgs exceptionArgs = new AddPhotoToSetExceptionEventArgs(); exceptionArgs.PhotoId = photoId; exceptionArgs.SetId = setId; exceptionArgs.ErrorMessage = "Unknown network error"; AddPhotoToSetException.DispatchEvent(this, exceptionArgs); }); }
private void OnAddPhotoException(object sender, AddPhotoToSetExceptionEventArgs e) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { if (e.PhotoId != currentProcessinPhotoId) return; currentProcessinPhotoId = null; PhotoListView.Opacity = 1; PhotoListView.IsEnabled = true; ThrottleProgressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ThrottleLabel.Foreground = errorMessageBrush; ThrottleLabel.Text = e.ErrorMessage; // Revert renderer var evt = new PhotoPickerRendererEventArgs(); evt.PhotoId = e.PhotoId; evt.Selected = false; PhotoPickerRenderer.PhotoSourceSelectionStateChanged(this, evt); }); }
private void OnPhotoAddToSetException(object sender, AddPhotoToSetExceptionEventArgs e) { if (e.PhotoId != photoId) { return; } ShowCompleteStatus("Photo is uploaded, but cannot be added to the set"); }