static void Main(string[] args)
            // Private School
            PrivateSchool privateSchool = new PrivateSchool();

            // Create lists to corelate instances

            //List<StudentPerCourse> listStudentPerCourse = new List<StudentPerCourse>();

            //List<TrainerPerCourse> listTrainerPerCourse = new List<TrainerPerCourse>();

            //List<AssignmentPerCourse> listAssignmentPerCourse = new List<AssignmentPerCourse>();

            //List<AssignmentPerStudent> listAssignmentsPerStudent = new List<AssignmentPerStudent>();

            // Other Values used
            int counter1 = 0;
            //int counterChoose1 = 0;
            //int counterChoose2 = 0;
            bool   activated = counter1 == 0;
            string choice    = "";

                // User choose what he wants to create
                Console.WriteLine("Please choose one of the below:");
                Console.WriteLine("1) Create Course");
                Console.WriteLine("2) Create Trainer");
                Console.WriteLine("3) Create Student");
                Console.WriteLine("4) Create Assignment");
                Console.WriteLine("5) Exit");

                choice = Console.ReadLine();
                switch (choice.ToUpper())
                case "1":
                    // Create Course
                    Course course = PrivateSchool.GetCourse();

                    // A method where user will decide if he wants to countinue creating new entities.
                    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to continue? Y/N");
                    choice    = Console.ReadLine();
                    activated = Repeater.RepeatTheProgram(choice);

                    // Getting Out of the Case

                case "2":
                    //Create Trainers
                    Trainer trainer = PrivateSchool.GetTrainer();

                    // A method where user will decide if he wants to countinue creating new entities.
                    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to continue? Y/N");
                    choice    = Console.ReadLine();
                    activated = Repeater.RepeatTheProgram(choice);

                    // Getting Out of the Case

                case "3":
                    // Create Student
                    Student student = PrivateSchool.GetStudent();

                    // A method where user will decide if he wants to countinue creating new entities.
                    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to continue? Y/N");
                    choice    = Console.ReadLine();
                    activated = Repeater.RepeatTheProgram(choice);

                    // Getting Out of the Case

                case "4":
                    // Create Assignments
                    Assignment assignment = PrivateSchool.GetAssignment();

                    // A method where user will decide if he wants to countinue creating new entities.
                    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to continue? Y/N");
                    choice    = Console.ReadLine();
                    activated = Repeater.RepeatTheProgram(choice);

                    // Getting Out of the Case

                case "5":
                    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to continue? Y/N");
                    choice    = Console.ReadLine();
                    activated = Repeater.RepeatTheProgram(choice);

                    Console.WriteLine("There is no such Option.");
            }while (activated);

            // Enroll Instances to other Instances
                Console.WriteLine("1) Add Students to Courses");
                Console.WriteLine("2) Add Trainers to Courses");
                Console.WriteLine("3) Add Assignments to Courses");
                Console.WriteLine("4) Add Assignments to Students");
                Console.WriteLine("5) Exit");

                choice = Console.ReadLine();
                switch (choice.ToUpper())
                case "1":
                    // Add Students to Courses
                    //PrivateSchool.AddStudentsToCourses(privateSchool.PRS_Courses, privateSchool.PRS_Students, counter1, counterChoose1, counterChoose2, listStudentPerCourse);

                    // Add student to Courses with Querry Method


                case "2":
                    // Add Trainers to Courses
                    //PrivateSchool.AddTrainersToCourses(privateSchool.PRS_Courses, privateSchool.PRS_Trainers, counter1, counterChoose1, counterChoose2, listTrainerPerCourse);

                    // Add student to Courses with Querry Method

                case "3":
                    // Add Assignments to Courses
                    //PrivateSchool.AddAssignmentsToCourse(privateSchool.PRS_Courses, privateSchool.PRS_Assignments, counter1, counterChoose1, counterChoose2, listAssignmentPerCourse);

                    // Add student to Courses with Querry Method

                case "4":
                    // Add Assignments to Students
                    //PrivateSchool.AddAssignmentsToStudent(privateSchool.PRS_Students, privateSchool.PRS_Assignments, counter1, counterChoose1, counterChoose2, listAssignmentsPerStudent, lsitMarkPerAssignmentPerStudents);

                    // Add student to Courses with Querry Method

                case "5":

                    Console.WriteLine("There is no Such option. Please try again");

                // A method where user will decide if he wants to countinue creating new entities.
                Console.WriteLine("Would you like to continue? Y/N");
                choice    = Console.ReadLine();
                activated = Repeater.RepeatTheProgram(choice);
            }while (activated);

            // Print The instances enrolled to other Instances
                // See how how many created instances are in each list.

                Console.WriteLine("What would you like to check?");
                Console.WriteLine("1) List of all Students");
                Console.WriteLine("2) List of all Trainers");
                Console.WriteLine("3) List of all Assignments");
                Console.WriteLine("4) List of all Courses");
                Console.WriteLine("5) List of Students enrolled in Courses");
                Console.WriteLine("6) List of Trainers enrolled in Courses");
                Console.WriteLine("7) List of Assignments per Course");
                Console.WriteLine("8) List of the assignments per student");
                Console.WriteLine("9) List of the assignments per student per course");
                Console.WriteLine("10) List of Students that belong to more than one Courses");
                Console.WriteLine("11) Exit");

                choice = Console.ReadLine();
                switch (choice.ToUpper())
                case "1":
                    // Print List of all Students C#
                    //counter1 = 0;
                    //foreach (Student student in privateSchool.PRS_Students)
                    //    counter1++;
                    //    Console.WriteLine($"Students number {counter1} details are: {student}");

                    // Print List of All Students Querry Method


                    SqlCommand    cmdSelect  = new SqlCommand("SELECT S_FirstName, S_LastName FROM Student", sqlConnection);
                    SqlDataReader DataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
                    Console.WriteLine("The below Students are enrolled to our Private School");

                    while (DataReader.Read())
                        Console.WriteLine("Student: " + DataReader.GetString(0) + " " + DataReader.GetString(1));

                    // Reader Must Close
                    // Connection Must Close


                case "2":
                    //// Print List of all Trainers C# Method
                    //counter1 = 0;
                    //foreach (Trainer trainer in privateSchool.PRS_Trainers)
                    //    counter1++;
                    //    Console.WriteLine($"Trainers number {counter1} details are: {trainer}");

                    // Print List of all Trainer Querry Method


                    cmdSelect  = new SqlCommand("SELECT T_FirstName, T_LastName FROM Trainer", sqlConnection);
                    DataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
                    Console.WriteLine("The below Trainer are teaching in our Private School");

                    while (DataReader.Read())
                        Console.WriteLine("Trainer: " + DataReader.GetString(0) + " " + DataReader.GetString(1));

                    // Reader Must Close
                    // Connection Must Close


                case "3":
                    //// Print List of all Assignments
                    //counter1 = 0;
                    //foreach (Assignment assignment in privateSchool.PRS_Assignments)
                    //    counter1++;
                    //    Console.WriteLine($"Assignment number {counter1} details are: {assignment}");

                    // Print List of all Assignments Querry Method


                    cmdSelect  = new SqlCommand("SELECT A_Title, A_Description, A_SubDate FROM Assignment", sqlConnection);
                    DataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
                    Console.WriteLine("The below Assignments are Proposed:");

                    while (DataReader.Read())
                        Console.WriteLine($"Assignment Title: {DataReader.GetString(0)}. Your objective is: {DataReader.GetString(1)} and must be delivered {DataReader.GetDateTime(2).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")}");

                    // Reader Must Close
                    // Connection Must Close


                case "4":
                    //// Print List of all Courses
                    //counter1 = 0;
                    //foreach (Course course in privateSchool.PRS_Courses)
                    //    counter1++;
                    //    Console.WriteLine($"Course number {counter1} details are: {course}");

                    //// Print List of all Courses Querry Method


                    cmdSelect  = new SqlCommand("SELECT C_Title, C_Stream, C_Type, C_StartDate, C_EndDate FROM Course", sqlConnection);
                    DataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
                    Console.WriteLine("The below Assignments are Proposed:");

                    while (DataReader.Read())
                        Console.WriteLine($"Course Title: {DataReader.GetString(0)}. The Course Stream is: {DataReader.GetString(1)}. It's {DataReader.GetString(2)}. The Starting date is {DataReader.GetDateTime(3).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")} and Ending Date {DataReader.GetDateTime(4).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")}");

                    // Reader Must Close
                    // Connection Must Close


                case "5":
                    // Print List of Students enrolled in Courses
                    //counter1 = 0;
                    //foreach (StudentPerCourse studentsWithin in listStudentPerCourse)
                    //    counter1++;
                    //    Console.WriteLine($"Student: {counter1}");
                    //    Console.WriteLine($"details are:{studentsWithin}");

                    //    // Could also write and use the class prperties, or even a tostring overide if i wanted to make those private. The same idea could be used below up to 8.
                    //    //Console.WriteLine($"Student {studentsWithin.SWC_Students} is enrolled to {studentsWithin.SWC_Course}");

                    // Print List of Students enrolled in Courses Querry Method


                    cmdSelect  = new SqlCommand("SELECT S_FirstName, S_LastName, C_Title, C_Stream FROM StudentPerCourse INNER JOIN Student on Student.ID = StudentPerCourse.StudentID INNER JOIN Course on StudentPerCourse.CourseID = Course.ID ", sqlConnection);
                    DataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
                    Console.WriteLine("Students that are enrolled to respective Courses are:");

                    while (DataReader.Read())
                        Console.WriteLine($"Student Full Name: {DataReader.GetString(0)} {DataReader.GetString(1)} is enrolled to {DataReader.GetString(2)} {DataReader.GetString(3)}");

                    // Reader Must Close
                    // Connection Must Close

                case "6":
                    //// Print List of Trainers enrolled in Courses
                    //counter1 = 0;
                    //foreach (TrainerPerCourse trainersWithin in listTrainerPerCourse)
                    //    counter1++;
                    //    Console.WriteLine($"Trainer: {counter1}");
                    //    Console.WriteLine($"details are:{trainersWithin}");

                    // Print List of Trainers enrolled in Courses Querry Method


                    cmdSelect  = new SqlCommand("SELECT T_FirstName, T_LastName, C_Title, C_Stream FROM TrainerPerCourse INNER JOIN Trainer on Trainer.ID = TrainerPerCourse.TrainerID INNER JOIN Course on TrainerPerCourse.CourseID = Course.ID ", sqlConnection);
                    DataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
                    Console.WriteLine("Trainers teaching respective Courses are:");

                    while (DataReader.Read())
                        Console.WriteLine($"Student Full Name: {DataReader.GetString(0)} {DataReader.GetString(1)} is enrolled to {DataReader.GetString(2)} {DataReader.GetString(3)}");

                    // Reader Must Close
                    // Connection Must Close


                case "7":
                    //// Print List of Assignments per Course
                    //counter1 = 0;
                    //foreach (AssignmentPerCourse assignmentsPer in listAssignmentPerCourse)
                    //    counter1++;
                    //    Console.WriteLine($"Assignment: {counter1}");
                    //    Console.WriteLine($"details are:{assignmentsPer}");

                    // Print List of Assignments per Course Querry Method

                    cmdSelect  = new SqlCommand("SELECT C_Title, A_Description, A_SubDate, C_Title, C_Stream FROM AssignmentPerCourse INNER JOIN Assignment on Assignment.ID = AssignmentPerCourse.AssignmentID INNER JOIN Course on AssignmentPerCourse.CourseID = Course.ID ", sqlConnection);
                    DataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
                    Console.WriteLine("Assignments given to each Course are:");

                    while (DataReader.Read())
                        Console.WriteLine($"Assignments Title: {DataReader.GetString(0)}. Student must {DataReader.GetString(1)} and have to submit it until: {DataReader.GetDateTime(2).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")} in order to Complete the Assignment for {DataReader.GetString(3)} Course at {DataReader.GetString(3)}");

                    // Reader Must Close
                    // Connection Must Close


                case "8":
                    //// Print List of the assignments per student
                    //counter1 = 0;
                    //foreach (AssignmentPerStudent assignmentsPer in listAssignmentsPerStudent)
                    //    counter1++;
                    //    Console.WriteLine($"Assignment: {counter1}");
                    //    Console.WriteLine($"details are:{assignmentsPer}");

                    // Print List of the assignments per student Querry Method


                    cmdSelect  = new SqlCommand("SELECT S_FirstName, S_LastName, A_Title, A_Description FROM AssignmentPerStudent INNER JOIN Assignment on Assignment.ID = AssignmentPerStudent.AssignmentID INNER JOIN Student on Student.ID = AssignmentPerStudent.StudentID", sqlConnection);
                    DataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
                    Console.WriteLine("List of Assignments per Students:");

                    while (DataReader.Read())
                        Console.WriteLine($"Student: {DataReader.GetString(0)} {DataReader.GetString(1)} has the Assignment of: {DataReader.GetString(2)}");

                    // Reader Must Close
                    // Connection Must Close


                case "9":
                    // List of the assignments per student per course Querry method


                    cmdSelect  = new SqlCommand("SELECT S_FirstName, S_LastName, C_Title, C_Stream, A_Title FROM AssignmentPerCourse INNER JOIN Assignment on Assignment.ID = AssignmentPerCourse.AssignmentID INNER JOIN Course on AssignmentPerCourse.CourseID = Course.ID INNER JOIN StudentPerCourse on StudentPerCourse.CourseID = Course.ID INNER JOIN Student on Student.ID = StudentPerCourse.StudentID", sqlConnection);
                    DataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
                    Console.WriteLine("Assignments given to each Course are:");

                    while (DataReader.Read())
                        Console.WriteLine($"Student: {DataReader.GetString(0)} {DataReader.GetString(1)} for the Course: {DataReader.GetString(2)} - {DataReader.GetString(3)} must deliver the Assginment {DataReader.GetString(4)}");

                    // Reader Must Close
                    // Connection Must Close


                case "10":

                    //// Print List of Students that belong to more than one Courses
                    //foreach (Student student in privateSchool.PRS_Students)
                    //    if (student.S_Courses.Count > 1)
                    //    {
                    //        Console.WriteLine($"The following students are enrolled to more than one courses: {student}");
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        Console.WriteLine("There are no students that belong to more than one Course");
                    //        break;
                    //    }

                    // Print List of Students that belong to more than one Courses Querry Methdo


                    cmdSelect  = new SqlCommand("SELECT S_FirstName, S_LastName, Count(StudentID) FROM StudentPerCourse INNER JOIN Student on Student.ID = StudentPerCourse.StudentID INNER JOIN Course on Course.ID = StudentPerCourse.CourseID GROUP BY S_FirstName, S_LastName HAVING COUNT(StudentPerCourse.StudentID) > 1", sqlConnection);
                    DataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();

                    while (DataReader.Read())
                        if (DataReader.GetInt32(2) > 1)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Student: {DataReader.GetString(0)} {DataReader.GetString(1)} is enrolled to {DataReader.GetInt32(2)} Courses");
                            Console.WriteLine("There are no Students in more than one Courses");

                    // Reader Must Close
                    // Connection Must Close


                case "11":

                // A method where user will decide if he wants to countinue watching the created lists.
                Console.WriteLine("Would you like to continue? Y/N");
                choice    = Console.ReadLine();
                activated = Repeater.RepeatTheProgram(choice);
            }while (activated);

            // Next Part of the programm. Print the assignments to be delivered at certain dates.
            //    try
            //    {
            //        counter1 = 0;
            //        // Enter the Sub Date time you wanna check
            //        DateTime subDueAssignment = PrivateSchool.SubDateTime();
            //        DateTime subDueAssignmentFrwd = subDueAssignment;
            //        DateTime subDueAssignmentBack = subDueAssignment;

            //        // Put the checks for the days here - minus and plus days to check the full week
            //        if (subDueAssignment.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday)
            //        {
            //            subDueAssignmentFrwd = subDueAssignment.AddDays(4);
            //            subDueAssignmentBack = subDueAssignment.AddDays(0);
            //        }
            //        else if (subDueAssignment.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Tuesday)
            //        {
            //            subDueAssignmentFrwd = subDueAssignment.AddDays(3);
            //            subDueAssignmentBack = subDueAssignment.AddDays(-1);
            //        }
            //        else if (subDueAssignment.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Wednesday)
            //        {
            //            subDueAssignmentFrwd = subDueAssignment.AddDays(2);
            //            subDueAssignmentBack = subDueAssignment.AddDays(-2);
            //        }
            //        else if (subDueAssignment.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Thursday)
            //        {
            //            subDueAssignmentFrwd = subDueAssignment.AddDays(1);
            //            subDueAssignmentBack = subDueAssignment.AddDays(-3);
            //        }
            //        else if (subDueAssignment.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday)
            //        {
            //            subDueAssignmentFrwd = subDueAssignment.AddDays(0);
            //            subDueAssignmentBack = subDueAssignment.AddDays(-4);
            //        }
            //        else if (subDueAssignment.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
            //        {
            //            subDueAssignmentFrwd = subDueAssignment.AddDays(-1);
            //            subDueAssignmentBack = subDueAssignment.AddDays(-5);
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            subDueAssignmentFrwd = subDueAssignment.AddDays(-2);
            //            subDueAssignmentBack = subDueAssignment.AddDays(-6);
            //        }

            //        Assignment.CheckWhenAssignmentMustBeDelivered(privateSchool.PRS_Students, privateSchool.PRS_Assignments, subDueAssignmentFrwd, subDueAssignmentBack);
            //    }
            //    catch (CustomException ex)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
            //    }

            //    // A method where user will decide if he wants to countinue giving dates to check if there are Assignments to be delivered
            //    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to continue? Y/N");
            //    choice = Console.ReadLine();
            //    activated = Repeater.RepeatTheProgram(choice);

            //} while (activated);

            // Here the Code for the Sub Date Will go: 1) make any Date a week Period. 2) Take Date from Data Base through Object.
            //3) Make it also a week Period 4) Make the check and create the text to print it.
            //5) Ensure that all the Dates are stored somewhere sow e can check them, if there are date tha the Ass must be submited
            // Print a Querry that will say That X,Y student must submit the X,Y assignment at that Date.

                catch (Exception ex)

                // A method where user will decide if he wants to countinue watching the created lists.
                Console.WriteLine("Would you like to continue? Y/N");
                choice    = Console.ReadLine();
                activated = Repeater.RepeatTheProgram(choice);
            } while (activated);

            // Last part of the programm. Make the trainer give the Marks to the Students assignments (Peri tip).
            //Trainer.PutMarksToEachAssignment(privateSchool.PRS_Assignments, counter1, activated, choice, lsitMarkPerAssignmentPerStudents);

            // Put Marks to the Assignments per Student from the Trainer

                // A method where user will decide if he wants to countinue giving dates to check if there are Assignments to be delivered
                Console.WriteLine("Would you like to continue? Y/N");
                choice    = Console.ReadLine();
                activated = Repeater.RepeatTheProgram(choice);
            } while (activated);
 public TrainerPerCourse(Trainer trainers, Course course)
     TWC_Trainers = trainers;
     TWC_Course   = course;