/// <summary>
        /// Autodetect the ExeFile and CdPath of 'gi' only if no ExeFile given yet.
        /// Store the detected ExeFile/CdPath into gi.
        /// PRECONDITION: caller has changed / cd'ed to folder gi.GameFolder already.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gi"></param>
        protected void AutoDetectExeFileIfNeeded(GardenItem gi)
            // check if autodetection is needed - only if exe not given
            if (gi.ExeFile.Length > 0)

            // search for .exe files in gamefolder, recursively
            DirectoryInfo gameFolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(".");
            FileInfo[] aFi = gameFolderInfo.GetFiles("*.exe", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            if (aFi.Length == 0)

            // get the exe's name and store in gi
            FileInfo exeFile = aFi[0];
            gi.ExeFile = exeFile.Name;

            // get the CD path and store in gi
            DirectoryInfo cdPathInfo = exeFile.Directory;
            List<string> dirs = new List<string>();
            while (cdPathInfo.FullName != gameFolderInfo.FullName) {
                dirs.Insert(0, cdPathInfo.Name);
                cdPathInfo = cdPathInfo.Parent;
            if (dirs.Count > 0)
                gi.CdPath = Path.Combine(dirs.ToArray());
        /// <summary>
        /// (re)load information from default binary (protocol buffers) config file(s) of a specific version number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="version">version number is required since there may be multiple gamelib versions on disk to choose from</param>
        /// <exception cref="">various IO exceptions may occur when library file could not be found/loaded</exception>
        public void LoadBin(int version)
            GardenItem g  = GardenItem.ConstructGameLibItem(version);
            string     fn = g.GameFolder + "\\" + GardenConfig.Instance.GameLibraryFilenameBin;

            this.version = version;
        public static GardenItem ConstructGameLibItem(int version)
            GardenItem g = new GardenItem();

            g.Version       = version;
            g.GameID        = "gwg_gamelib_fmt4"; // TODO to config constants?
            g.ExeFile       = "gamelib.bin";
            g.PackedFileURL = GardenConfig.Instance.ConfigFilesServerURL + "gamelib.zip";
        public List <GardenItem> GetItemsAround(int x, int y, int range)
            int x1 = x - range;
            int x2 = x + range;
            int y1 = y - range;
            int y2 = y + range;

            if (x1 < 0)
                x1 = 0;
            if (x2 < 0)
                x2 = 0;
            if (y1 < 0)
                y1 = 0;
            if (y2 < 0)
                y2 = 0;
            if (x1 >= sizeX)
                x1 = sizeX - 1;
            if (x2 >= sizeX)
                x2 = sizeX - 1;
            if (y1 >= sizeY)
                y1 = sizeY - 1;
            if (y2 >= sizeY)
                y2 = sizeY - 1;
            List <GardenItem> l = new List <GardenItem>();

            for (int ix = x1; ix < x2; ix++)
                for (int iy = y1; iy < y2; iy++)
                    GardenItem g = matrix[ix, iy];
                    if (g != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Autodetect the ExeFile and CdPath of 'gi' only if no ExeFile given yet.
        /// Store the detected ExeFile/CdPath into gi.
        /// PRECONDITION: caller has changed / cd'ed to folder gi.GameFolder already.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gi"></param>
        protected void AutoDetectExeFileIfNeeded(GardenItem gi)
            // check if autodetection is needed - only if exe not given
            if (gi.ExeFile.Length > 0)

            // search for .exe files in gamefolder, recursively
            DirectoryInfo gameFolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(".");

            if (!gameFolderInfo.Exists)

            // try various executable types
            string[]   aExeTypes = { "*.exe", "*.bat", "*.swf", "*.jar", "index.html", "*.html", "*.zip", "README*" };
            FileInfo[] aFi       = new FileInfo[] { };
            for (int i = 0; i < aExeTypes.Length; i++)
                aFi = gameFolderInfo.GetFiles("*.exe", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                if (aFi.Length > 0)
                    break; // exit loop if an item found

            // stop trying if no items found
            if (aFi.Length == 0)

            // get the exe's name and store in gi
            FileInfo exeFile = aFi[0];

            gi.ExeFile = exeFile.Name;

            // get the CD path and store in gi
            DirectoryInfo cdPathInfo = exeFile.Directory;
            List <string> dirs       = new List <string>();

            while (cdPathInfo.FullName != gameFolderInfo.FullName)
                dirs.Insert(0, cdPathInfo.Name);
                cdPathInfo = cdPathInfo.Parent;
            if (dirs.Count > 0)
                gi.CdPath = Path.Combine(dirs.ToArray());
 public SiteLauncherTask(GardenItem g, string url)
     this.Game = g;
     if (url.Length > 0)
         if (!url.ToLower().StartsWith("http://"))
             url = "http://" + url;
         filePath = url;
 public SiteLauncherTask(GardenItem g, string url)
     this.Game = g;
     if (url.Length > 0)
         if (!url.ToLower().StartsWith("http://"))
             url = "http://" + url;
         filePath = url;
 public GameThumbnail(GardenItem game)
     : base((Texture2D) null, "GameThumbnail")
     ColorB = new ColorChangeBehavior();
     Motion.Scale = GardenGamesPanel.THUMBNAIL_SCALE_UNSELECTED;
     Game = game;
     // effect is still off if no bitmap loaded yet
     EffectEnabled = false;
     // first-time texture init
     if (DefaultTexture == null)
         DefaultTexture = GardenGame.Instance.Content.Load<Texture2D>("ball-supernova2");
     // use default texture as long as thumbnail not loaded yet
     Texture = DefaultTexture;
        /// <summary>
        /// get file path to locally stored thumbnail file for game
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <returns>by default a .png thumbnail for a game (whether file exists or not)
        /// but if a .jpg thumbnail exists, it is chosen.</returns>
        public string GetThumbnailFilepath(GardenItem g)
            string p1 = Path.Combine(ThumbnailsFolder, g.GameIDwithVersion);
            string p2 = p1;

            p1 += ".jpg";
            p2 += ".png";
            if (File.Exists(p2))
            else if (File.Exists(p1))
        /// <summary>
        /// Autodetect the ExeFile and CdPath of 'gi' only if no ExeFile given yet.
        /// Store the detected ExeFile/CdPath into gi.
        /// PRECONDITION: caller has changed / cd'ed to folder gi.GameFolder already.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gi"></param>
        protected void AutoDetectExeFileIfNeeded(GardenItem gi)
            // check if autodetection is needed - only if exe not given
            if (gi.ExeFile.Length > 0)

            // search for .exe files in gamefolder, recursively
            DirectoryInfo gameFolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(".");

            if (!gameFolderInfo.Exists)
            FileInfo[] aFi = gameFolderInfo.GetFiles("*.exe", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            if (aFi.Length == 0)

            // get the exe's name and store in gi
            FileInfo exeFile = aFi[0];

            gi.ExeFile = exeFile.Name;

            // get the CD path and store in gi
            DirectoryInfo cdPathInfo = exeFile.Directory;
            List <string> dirs       = new List <string>();

            while (cdPathInfo.FullName != gameFolderInfo.FullName)
                dirs.Insert(0, cdPathInfo.Name);
                cdPathInfo = cdPathInfo.Parent;
            if (dirs.Count > 0)
                gi.CdPath = Path.Combine(dirs.ToArray());
 /// <summary>
 /// specify which game the info box should show status/info of
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g"></param>
 public void SetGameInfo(GardenItem g)
     game = g;
 public InstallTask(GardenItem game)
     this.game = game;
 /// <summary>
 /// start a site-launcher task using the standard GardenItem.DeveloperWebsiteURL
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">the GardenItem whose website to start</param>
 public SiteLauncherTask(GardenItem g) : this(g.DeveloperWebsiteURL)
 /// <summary>
 /// called by a child GUI component to install a game
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">game to install</param>
 public void ActionDownloadAndInstallGame(GardenItem g)
     // check if download+install task needs to start or not. Can start if not already started before (and game's not installed)
     // OR if the previous install attempt failed.
     if ( (g.ThreadedDlAndInstallTask == null && !g.IsInstalled) ||
          (g.ThreadedDlAndInstallTask != null && g.ThreadedDlAndInstallTask.IsFinished() && !g.ThreadedDlAndInstallTask.IsSuccess())
         g.DlAndInstallTask = new GameDownloadAndInstallTask(g);
         g.ThreadedDlAndInstallTask = new ThreadedTask(g.DlAndInstallTask);
        /// <summary>
        /// last init steps that are taken after loading a gamelib into gamesCollection
        /// </summary>
        void FinalizeGamelibForUse()
            GardenItem g = gamesCollection.FindGameNamed("igg_controls");

            g.DeveloperWebsiteURL = "file://" + GardenConfig.Instance.DataPath.Replace("\\", "/");
        /// <summary>
        /// parse a JsonArray (array of items) or JsonObject (single game/item)
        /// </summary>
        protected GardenItem ParseJson(IJsonType j, Vector2 posOffset)
            if (j is JsonArray)
                JsonArray ja = j as JsonArray;
                Vector2 childPosOffset = posOffset;
                Vector2 posPrevious = Vector2.Zero;
                //Vector2 childPosPrevious = Vector2.Zero;
                Vector2 sectionWidthHeight = new Vector2(999f, 999f);
                GardenItem gi = null;

                foreach (IJsonType jChild in ja)
                    // parse each subitem and add to gamelist
                    gi = ParseJson(jChild, childPosOffset);
                    if (gi == null)

                    // optional first SectionID item of a JsonArray may contain position offset info for all items
                    if (gi.IsSectionId)
                        childPosOffset += gi.Position;
                        // WARNING mis-use the posdelta field for section width/height!!
                        sectionWidthHeight = gi.PositionDelta;
                        //childPosPrevious = Vector2.Zero;
                        posPrevious = Vector2.Zero - Vector2.UnitX; // for first item of a section, apply a shift to align item to (0,0)

                    // calculate correct item position
                    if (!gi.IsPositionGiven)
                        gi.Position = posPrevious;
                            if (gi.IsPositionDeltaGiven)
                                gi.Position += gi.PositionDelta;
                                gi.Position += Vector2.UnitX; // advance in standard way to the right

                            // checking the automatic calculated game position with section width
                            if (gi.PositionX >= sectionWidthHeight.X)
                                gi.PositionY += 1;
                                gi.PositionX = 0;
                        } while (gamesCollection.FindGameAt(gi.Position + childPosOffset) != null);

                    // update prev item position
                    posPrevious = gi.Position;

                    // apply the section position offset
                    gi.PositionX += (int) childPosOffset.X;
                    gi.PositionY += (int) childPosOffset.Y;

                    // add to collection at specified position
                return null; // indicate array was last item.
            else if (j is JsonObject)
                // process single leaf item
                GardenItem ig = new GardenItem((JsonObject)j);
                return ig;
                throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown JSON type " + j + " found.");
 public void ActionLaunchWebsitePlayGame(GardenItem g, GameThumbnail thumb)
     ITask t = new ThreadedTask(new SiteLauncherTask(g, g.ExeFile));
     loadingDisplay.SetLoadingGame(g, thumb);
     TreeRoot.SetNextState(new StatePlayingGame(2f,false));
 public string GetPackedFilepath(GardenItem g)
     return Path.Combine(PackedFilesFolder, GetPackedFileName(g));
 public string GetPackedFilepath(GardenItem g)
     return(Path.Combine(PackedFilesFolder, GetPackedFileName(g)));
 /// <summary>
 /// create new Download and Install task
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="game">info of game to download and install</param>
 public GameDownloadAndInstallTask(GardenItem game)
     this.game = game;
     status = ITaskStatus.CREATED;
 /// <summary>
 /// the name of the packed file (eg .zip or .rar) once it is downloaded. May differ
 /// from the name of the archive as stored on the web which is included in PackedFileURL.
 /// </summary>
 public string GetPackedFileName(GardenItem g)
     return(g.GameIDwithVersion + "." + g.PackedFileExtension);
        /// <summary>
        /// called by a child GUI component to launch a game
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">game to launch</param>
        public void ActionLaunchGame(GardenItem g, GameThumbnail thumb)
            if (g.IsInstalled)
                if (g.IsPlayable)
                    // if installed, then launch it if possible
                    if ((launcher == null || launcher.IsFinished() == true) &&
                         (launchGameThread == null || launchGameThread.IsFinished()))
                        loadingDisplay.SetLoadingGame(g, thumb);
                        // set state of game to 'game playing state'
                        TreeRoot.SetNextState(new StatePlayingGame());

                        launcher = new GameLauncherTask(g);
                        launchGameThread = new ThreadedTask(launcher);
                        launchGameThread.TaskSuccessEvent += new TaskEventHandler(taskThread_TaskFinishedEvent);
                        launchGameThread.TaskFailEvent += new TaskEventHandler(taskThread_TaskFinishedEvent);
                if (g.IsMusic)
                    music.Play(g.ExeFilepath , 0.5f , 0f); // TODO vary audio volume per track.
 public GameDownloader(GardenItem game)
     : base()
     this.game= game;
     this.segmentsUsedInDownload = 3;
 /// <summary>
 /// construct a new thumbnail downloader for game; downloading from default server
 /// location.
 /// </summary>
 public ThumbnailDownloader(GardenItem g)
     this.gi = g;
 public static GardenItem ConstructGameLibItem(int version)
     GardenItem g = new GardenItem();
     g.Version = version;
     g.GameID = "igg_gamelib_fmt3"; // TODO to config constants?
     g.ExeFile = "gamelib.bin";
     g.PackedFileURL = GardenConfig.Instance.ConfigFilesServerURL + "gamelib.zip";
     return g;
 /// <summary>
 /// the name of the packed file (eg .zip or .rar) once it is downloaded. May differ
 /// from the name of the archive as stored on the web which is included in PackedFileURL.
 /// </summary>
 public string GetPackedFileName(GardenItem g)
     return g.GameIDwithVersion + "." + g.PackedFileExtension;
 /// <summary>
 /// set state to loading game and display given game name
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g">game whose name/info to display while loading</param>
 public void SetLoadingGame(GardenItem g, GameThumbnail thumb)
     SetNextState(new StateLoadingDisplay_Loading(this));
     game = g;
     gameIcon.Texture = thumb.Texture;
     //gameIcon.Motion.Scale = thumb.Motion.Scale * 1.4f * g.ScaleIcon;
     gameIcon.Motion.Scale = Screen.Width / gameIcon.DrawInfo.Width;
 /// <summary>
 /// get file path to locally stored thumbnail file for game
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g"></param>
 /// <returns>by default a .png thumbnail for a game (whether file exists or not)
 /// but if a .jpg thumbnail exists, it is chosen.</returns>
 public string GetThumbnailFilepath(GardenItem g)
     string p1 = Path.Combine(ThumbnailsFolder , g.GameIDwithVersion);
     string p2 = p1;
     p1 += ".jpg";
     p2 += ".png";
     if (File.Exists(p2))
         return p2;
     else if (File.Exists(p1))
         return p1;
         return p2;
 /// <summary>
 /// add a new GardenItem to the collection at position (gi.PositionX,gi.PositionY)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gi"></param>
 public void Add(GardenItem gi)
     matrix[gi.PositionX,gi.PositionY] = gi;
        /// <summary>
        /// parse a JsonArray (array of items) or JsonObject (single game/item)
        /// </summary>
        protected GardenItem ParseJson(IJsonType j, Vector2 posOffset)
            if (j is JsonArray)
                JsonArray ja             = j as JsonArray;
                Vector2   childPosOffset = posOffset;
                Vector2   posPrevious    = Vector2.Zero;
                //Vector2 childPosPrevious = Vector2.Zero;
                Vector2    sectionWidthHeight = new Vector2(999f, 999f);
                GardenItem gi = null;

                foreach (IJsonType jChild in ja)
                    // parse each subitem and add to gamelist
                    gi = ParseJson(jChild, childPosOffset);
                    if (gi == null)

                    // optional first SectionID item of a JsonArray may contain position offset info for all items
                    if (gi.IsSectionId)
                        childPosOffset += gi.Position;
                        // WARNING mis-use the posdelta field for section width/height!!
                        sectionWidthHeight = gi.PositionDelta;
                        //childPosPrevious = Vector2.Zero;
                        posPrevious = Vector2.Zero - Vector2.UnitX; // for first item of a section, apply a shift to align item to (0,0)

                    // calculate correct item position
                    if (!gi.IsPositionGiven)
                        gi.Position = posPrevious;
                            if (gi.IsPositionDeltaGiven)
                                gi.Position += gi.PositionDelta;
                                gi.Position += Vector2.UnitX; // advance in standard way to the right
                            // checking the automatic calculated game position with section width
                            if (gi.PositionX >= sectionWidthHeight.X)
                                gi.PositionY += 1;
                                gi.PositionX  = 0;
                        } while (gamesCollection.FindGameAt(gi.Position + childPosOffset) != null);

                    // update prev item position
                    posPrevious = gi.Position;

                    // apply the section position offset
                    gi.PositionX += (int)childPosOffset.X;
                    gi.PositionY += (int)childPosOffset.Y;

                    // add to collection at specified position
                return(null); // indicate array was last item.
            else if (j is JsonObject)
                // process single leaf item
                GardenItem ig = new GardenItem((JsonObject)j);
                // return null to indicate skip, if not valid 'trainwreck' that this client can handle.
                if (!ig.IsValidWreck)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown JSON type " + j + " found.");
 public override void OnChangedSelectedGame(GardenItem newSel, GardenItem oldSel)
 /// <summary>
 /// set cursor to select a given game. It will move there in next Update()s.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g"></param>
 public void SetToGame(GardenItem g)
     Motion.TargetPos = g.Position;
     Motion.TargetPosSpeed = 4f; // TODO constant?
     GridPosition = g.Position;
 /// <summary>
 /// add a new GardenItem to the collection at position (gi.PositionX,gi.PositionY)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gi"></param>
 public void Add(GardenItem gi)
     matrix[gi.PositionX, gi.PositionY] = gi;
 /// <summary>
 /// user action triggered a changed selection event
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newSel">previously selected game</param>
 /// <param name="oldSel">newly selected game</param>
 public abstract void OnChangedSelectedGame(GardenItem newSel, GardenItem oldSel);
 public SiteLauncherTask(GardenItem g)
     : this(g,g.DeveloperWebsiteURL)
 public GameLauncherTask(GardenItem g)
     this.Game = g;
 public GameLauncherTask(GardenItem g)
     this.Game = g;