internal static List <string> getListComponents(EM_System sys, EM_IncomeList il, bool isShort) { List <string> comp = new List <string>(); foreach (EM_ILComponent com in il.components) { if (sys.incomelists.ContainsKey( { comp.AddRange(getListComponents(sys, sys.incomelists[], isShort)); } else { comp.Add((com.addit ? "+" : "-") + " " + (isShort ?"\n", "") : com.description.Replace("- ", ": ").Replace(" -", " :").Replace("\n", ""))); } } return(comp); }
internal static List <EM_ILComponent> expandListComponents(EM_System sys, EM_IncomeList il, bool add) { List <EM_ILComponent> comp = new List <EM_ILComponent>(); foreach (EM_ILComponent com in il.components) { if (sys.incomelists.ContainsKey( { comp.AddRange(expandListComponents(sys, sys.incomelists[], !(com.addit ^ add))); } else { EM_ILComponent c = new EM_ILComponent() { description = com.description, name =, addit = !(com.addit ^ add) }; comp.Add(c); } } return(comp); }
private void readCountrySystemInfo(string euromod_path) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); Plugin.chkData = new DataTable(); Plugin.countries = new List <EM_Country>(); string countries_path = Path.Combine(euromod_path, "XMLParam", "Countries"); if (!Directory.Exists(countries_path)) { return; } // First get all the country folders and the respective country XMLs string[] countryFolderPaths = Directory.GetDirectories(countries_path); List <string> countryXMLPaths = new List <string>(); foreach (string cfp in countryFolderPaths) { string tmp_path = Path.Combine(cfp, Path.GetFileName(cfp)) + ".xml"; if (File.Exists(tmp_path)) { countryXMLPaths.Add(tmp_path); countryShortNames.Add(Path.GetFileName(cfp).ToUpper()); } } List <string> years = new List <string>(); // Then read the different years in each XML foreach (string xmlPath in countryXMLPaths) { EM_Country country = new EM_Country(); Dictionary <string, bool> dict = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(xmlPath, new XmlReaderSettings() { ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment })) { xmlReader.ReadToDescendant("Country"); using (XmlReader countryReader = xmlReader.ReadSubtree()) { countryReader.ReadToDescendant("Name"); = countryReader.ReadElementContentAsString(); countryReader.ReadToNextSibling("ShortName"); country.shortname = countryReader.ReadElementContentAsString().ToUpper(); while (countryReader.ReadToNextSibling("System")) { using (XmlReader systemReader = countryReader.ReadSubtree()) { EM_System system = new EM_System(); systemReader.ReadToDescendant("Name"); = systemReader.ReadElementContentAsString().ToUpper(); systemReader.ReadToNextSibling("Year"); system.year = systemReader.ReadElementContentAsString(); if (system.year != "" && !dict.ContainsKey(system.year)) { dict.Add(system.year, true); if (!years.Contains(system.year)) { years.Add(system.year); } while (systemReader.ReadToNextSibling("Policy")) { using (XmlReader policyReader = systemReader.ReadSubtree()) { policyReader.ReadToDescendant("Name"); string policyName = policyReader.ReadElementContentAsString(); policyReader.ReadToNextSibling("Switch"); if (policyReader.ReadElementContentAsString().ToUpper() == "ON") { while (policyReader.ReadToNextSibling("Function")) { using (XmlReader functionReader = policyReader.ReadSubtree()) { functionReader.ReadToDescendant("Name"); if (functionReader.ReadElementContentAsString().ToUpper() == "DEFIL") { EM_IncomeList il = new EM_IncomeList() { policy = policyName }; functionReader.ReadToNextSibling("Comment"); il.description = functionReader.ReadElementContentAsString(); functionReader.ReadToNextSibling("Switch"); if (functionReader.ReadElementContentAsString().ToUpper() == "ON") { while (functionReader.ReadToNextSibling("Parameter")) { if ( == "ils_pen") { // = "ils_pen"; } using (XmlReader parameterReader = functionReader.ReadSubtree()) { parameterReader.ReadToDescendant("Name"); string parName = functionReader.ReadElementContentAsString(); if (parName.ToUpper() == "NAME") { parameterReader.ReadToNextSibling("Value"); = functionReader.ReadElementContentAsString(); } else { parameterReader.ReadToNextSibling("Comment"); string comment = parameterReader.ReadElementContentAsString(); parameterReader.ReadToNextSibling("Value"); string addIt = parameterReader.ReadElementContentAsString(); if (addIt == "+" || addIt == "-") { EM_ILComponent comp = new EM_ILComponent() { name = parName, addit = addIt == "+", description = comment }; il.components.Add(comp); } } } } if ( == string.Empty) { throw new Exception("incomelist without name!"); } if (!system.incomelists.ContainsKey( { system.incomelists.Add(, il); } } } } } } } }, system); } } } comboExists.Add(country.shortname, dict); } } Plugin.countries.Add(country); } years.Sort(); string msg = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms taken for xml parsing"; sw.Restart(); foreach (string x in years) { Plugin.chkData.Columns.Add(x, typeof(bool)); columnsCheckBoxState.Add(false); } foreach (string x in countryShortNames) { object[] r = new object[years.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < years.Count; i++) { r[i] = false; } Plugin.chkData.Rows.Add(r); rowsCheckBoxState.Add(false); } gridSelector.DataSource = Plugin.chkData; gridView1.CustomDrawColumnHeader += gridView1_CustomDrawColumnHeader; gridView1.ColumnPanelRowHeight = columnHeaderHeight; gridView1.RowHeight = 30; foreach (DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn c in gridView1.Columns) { c.Width = rowHeaderWidth; } gridView1.CustomDrawRowIndicator += gridView1_CustomDrawRowIndicator; gridView1.IndicatorWidth = rowHeaderWidth; sw.Stop(); msg += Environment.NewLine + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms taken for grid"; if (timing) { MessageBox.Show(msg); } }