private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Multiselect = false; ofd.Filter = "Unity Game exe| *.exe"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // create a SupportedGame SupportedGame newGame = new SupportedGame(); newGame.ExeName = Path.GetFileName(ofd.FileName); newGame.Library = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(ofd.FileName)); newGame.GameDirectory = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(ofd.FileName)); newGame.GameName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ofd.FileName); newGame.ConfigName = null; // if newly added game is in the supported game list foreach (SupportedGame game in supportedGameList) { if (game.ExeName == newGame.ExeName) { newGame.ConfigName = game.ConfigName; break; } } // if we couldn't find it, we use if (newGame.ConfigName == null) { newGame.ConfigName = ""; } lstBox.Items.Add(newGame, true); supportedGameList.Add(newGame); SaveGameList(); } }
private void btnPatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < lstBox.Items.Count; i++) { foreach (string filename in files) { if (!File.Exists(filename)) { MessageBox.Show("Install files are missing! Please download ViewR Mod Installer again."); return; } } if (lstBox.GetItemChecked(i)) { // do game patching here SupportedGame sg = lstBox.Items[i] as SupportedGame; if (sg != null) { string directory = $"{sg.Library}\\{sg.GameDirectory}"; //MessageBox.Show($"patching in {directory}"); int result = -1; try { if (!File.Exists($"{directory}\\IPA.exe") && !File.Exists($"{directory}\\Mono.Cecil.dll") && !Directory.Exists($"{directory}\\IPA")) { //only if the entire ipa is missing, do we try using our own ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(@"assets\", directory); } Process IPA = Process.Start($"{directory}\\IPA.exe", $"\"{directory}\\{sg.ExeName}\""); IPA.WaitForExit(); result = IPA.ExitCode; if (result != 0) { MessageBox.Show($"IPA failed to patch {sg.GameName}"); continue; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show($"Something went wrong while installing IPA{Environment.NewLine}{ex.ToString()}"); continue; } if (!Directory.Exists($"{directory}\\Plugins")) { // we failed to install ipa even tho ipa says it installed MessageBox.Show($"IPA failed to patch {sg.GameName}"); continue; } //copy plugin try { // make missing folders if they're missing! string appName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sg.ExeName); if (!Directory.Exists($"{directory}\\{appName}_Data\\Plugins\\")) { Directory.CreateDirectory($"{directory}\\{appName}_Data\\Plugins\\"); } if (!Directory.Exists($"{directory}\\{appName}_Data\\StreamingAssets\\")) { Directory.CreateDirectory($"{directory}\\{appName}_Data\\StreamingAssets\\"); } // copy files File.Copy(@"assets\gfxplugin-viewr.dll", $"{directory}\\{appName}_Data\\Plugins\\gfxplugin-viewr.dll", true); File.Copy(@"assets\viewr.asset", $"{directory}\\{appName}_Data\\StreamingAssets\\viewr.asset", true); File.Copy(@"assets\ViewRMod.dll", $"{directory}\\Plugins\\ViewRMod.dll", true); } catch { MessageBox.Show($"Could not copy files, please ensure that the game is not running or download installer again."); } if ((!File.Exists($"{directory}\\viewrcamera.cfg") && // there's no cameracfg !File.Exists($"{directory}\\viewrplugin.cfg")) || // and there's no plugincfg checkBox1.Checked) { string cfg = ""; if (sg.ConfigName != null && sg.ConfigName != "") { cfg = sg.ConfigName; } if (File.Exists($"assets\\configs\\{cfg}")) { if (File.Exists($"{directory}\\viewrcamera.cfg")) { File.Delete($"{directory}\\viewrcamera.cfg"); } if (File.Exists($"{directory}\\viewrplugin.cfg")) { File.Delete($"{directory}\\viewrplugin.cfg"); } ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory($"assets\\configs\\{cfg}", directory); } } } } } MessageBox.Show("Finished running installer."); }